Chicago Wheelchair Basketball
Wheelchair Basketball Bonanza VII
January 20, 2018 – NWBA Junior Prep & Youth Clinic
January 21, 2018 – NWBA Junior 10’
The Chicago Wheelchair Basketball Programinvites you and your junior wheelchair basketball team(s) to compete in Wheelchair Basketball Bonanza VII. On Saturday, January 20th, we are looking for three Prep Division teams to play in a round robin tournament. As a part of the day we will be facilitating a youth recruitment event so we can give new youth the gift of our game. On Sunday, January 21st, we are recruiting three teams for a Junior 10’ tournament. Right now our plan is to play at our Basketball Bonanza home on the northeast side of the city at Warren Park (6601 N. Western Ave, Chicago). We continue to appreciate the teams who are willing to come and play in our tournament, and though we attempted to acquire a larger facility with more courts, we were unable to make that happen this year. So as with previous years, we can only accommodate three other teams to compete with our Skyhawks each day. Our 7th Annual Basketball Bonanza will provide registered athletes and coaches with lunch, a tournament t-shirt, and individual and team awards. Each day teamswill be guaranteed at least three games. The registration fee for our Bonanza is $150 and checks should be written out to the Chicago Park District.
As this is a one-day tournament for each division, we assume not many teams will be staying overnight, but there may be some that desire to stay over one night. If so, we recommendteams find lodging in Skokie, IL, which is 5-6 miles from Warren Park. If you have problems with securing rooms for the tournament, please let me know and I will assist you with securing your team’s accommodations.
Attached you will find a tournament roster form that needs to be returned to me () electronically by Friday, January 5, 2018. The other piece of the registration process is the Chicago Park District (CPD) Registration Form, which weneed completed for all players and staff. You can either email them to me or bring them to the tournament registration desk prior to competition. No player/coach/support staff will be allowed on-court if he/she has not completed the CPD Registration Form.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.We look forward to hosting you and your team here in Chicago!
Best regards,
Daniel FerreiraLarry LabiakMark Schultz
Adaptive Sport Program & Event FacilitatorDisability Policy Officer Sports Coordinator
C (312) 296-5973(312) 742-5097(312) 238-5011