6th Grade - Net Games - Volleyball/Passball
(Tactical or Strategy Approach)
/ Neshaminy School District
Langhorne PA /
Essential Questions
(Life Questions) / Understandings
(What do you want kids to learn)
How does working together improve chances for fun and success ?
How can being in the right place at the right time improve chances for success?
What are common strategies for attacking or defending space? / Team Games provide opportunities for healthful lifetime activity, social interaction and development of problem solving and communication skills.
Common characteristics of team games can be used to group like games; Territorial Games, Target, Fielding and Net /wall, (volleyball, badminton, tennis, squash)
Net/Wall Games have commonalties of attacking and defending space and use of nets and implements.
Attacking the open spaces, moving forward to attack and back to defend, pass-set-hit progression, and restarting play are the key strategies of two, four and six person volleyball.
Performance Indicators
(What do you expect student to do)
Apply the concepts of attacking the open spaces, moving forward to attack and back to defend, pass-set-hit progression, and restarting play in a small sided 2 vs. 2 half court and 4 vs. 4 full court games using the modification of catching the ball for the first two touches on a side and hitting on the third touch.
- Assessment Evidence
(How will students demonstrate what they have learned in an engaging and real life way)
You and your partner have entered the school Friday night Passball/volleyball event. You would like to be successful and have fun. You know that playing well makes it more fun. You have two practices sessions before Friday. You will need to evaluate your play and make a plan on how to improve.
- You will use the Tactical Progression sheet as a guide.
Learning Activities
Passball Outline 6th Grade
(Charlie’s progression)
Introduction Day 1
  • Anticipatory Set - Story about being asked to play in an adult game and being able to show that you know what is going on.
  • Strategy focused approach - play right away and a lot, learn what to do, and use the skills you have already.
  • Warm-up spots - choose a partner, sit in a line with one other set. assign spots (use same color poly spots) for warm-up and non-stop roll taking. Practice spots to “Blue” move.
  • Overhead toss - demonstrate toss & catch using “set form”. Have students practice 20 high tosses to their partner using overhead toss form.
  • Show demonstration Video of exemplary 2 vs. two game.
  • Three touch per side play. (half court, 2 vs. 2 ) demonstrate game have class count touches, third touch must be thrown over net. Restart play with a throw over the net.
  • add option of hitting (spiking the ball) on third hit
Day 2
  • Demonstrate underhand serve, add to warm -ups. Add serve to games.
  • Demonstrate hitting drill & add to warm-ups. (Hitting Drill; four players from warm-up line , one player is on far side of net and returns spiked balls under the net, one player is a setter, other two are hitters, everyone rotates after five hits.)
  • Introduce progression sheets. Have students put name on sheet and look over progression. At end of class have students do a self evaluation of their understanding by writing the date in the rubric section for first four areas.
  • Play 2 vs. 2 games, Rotate teams every 5 -8 minutes.
  • Bring class together to observe two teams who are good at moving forward to attack and back to defend.
  • Use Tactical Progression Task Sheet, check off level of mastery
Day 3
  • warm-ups - students get started as they come in, do toss, & serve. Stop class as they start spiking.
  • show 2 minute video on hitting, have class stand up and practice swing and approach together without ball, then have class practice spiking drill.
  • Pass out progression assessment, tell students they will evaluate play at end of class.
  • Play 2 vs. 2 games, Rotate teams every 5 -8 minutes
Day 5 or 6
  • Play 10 minutes of 2 vs. 2 after warm-ups
  • Demonstrate 4 vs. 4 Diamond Formation showing pass progression. Front person is setter and should receive 2nd touch. Sides are hitters and middle side defenders. If first touch is received by front person they pass to a new setter (side person) and the setter crosses set to opposite hitter. Back person is a server and deep defender but can’t go to net as a hitter. Also show serving rotation after point.
Day 7 & 8
  • Show forearm passing video 2-3 minutes, have class practice & add to warm-ups. Tell class we won’t use in games
  • Play 2 vs. 2 & 4 vs. 4 games
Additional classes
  • use passball team assessment
  • use skill assessment Hitting, serving & passing

Neshaminy School District

Names ______

Two Person Passball Tactical Progression

You and your partner have entered the school Friday night Passball/volleyball event. You would like to be successful and have fun. You know that playing well makes it more fun. You have three practices sessions before Friday. You will need to evaluate your play and make a plan on how to improve. You will use the Tactical Progression sheet as a guide.

Concept / Level of attainment
3 touch per side
(over on third touch) / Masterful / Frequent / Limited
Attack the open spaces
(throw the ball where they’re not) / Masterful / Frequent / Limited
Move forward to attack
  • get the setter up to the net
  • and hitter up to the net
/ Masterful
Masterful / Frequent
Frequent / Limited
Move back to defend
(cover the whole court) / Masterful / Frequent / Limited
Use the “hit” as third touch
(overhead hit of third touch) / Masterful / Frequent / Limited
Re-start play with a serve
(Underhand serve to get ball in play) / Masterful / Frequent / Limited
Appropriate serving and scoring
team winning point serves
side out - other team gets to serves but not point
serving team scores point / Masterful / Frequent / Limited


The concept(s) we need to work on most is?

The part we are having difficulty with is?

We can improve by?

Teacher Rating

On Task / highly on task / on task / not on task
Quality of plan / High / medium / low