Town of Oxford
Board of Selectmen
Minutes of 8/06/2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Chairman Floyd Thayer. Other members present were Scott Owens - Vice-chair and Dennis Sanborn. Also present were Town Clerk Ellen Morrison (TC), approximately 10 members of the public. Two reporters were present.
Jay Goforth, Roger Jackson and Town Manager Michael Chammings (TM), were absent.
Chairman Floyd Thayer led all in the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Adjustments to the Agenda-none
4. Action on Minutes-
A. 7/16/2009
Scott Owens made a motion which seconded by Dennis Sanborn to accept as
presented the minutes of 7/16/2009.
Motion passed 3-0.
5. Questions/Comments from the Public – Joyce Reiner thanked the selectmen for the road work being done on Kohut Rd.Lois Pike again informed the selectmen that the trees on the end of Aspen Ave. have not been cut yet and visibility was impossible. Chairman Thayer agreed and asked TC to make sure the TM was informed.
6. Questions/Comments from the Selectmen- Chairman Thayer asked about the missing stop signs that should be in the islands on Pleasant St and also Skeetfield Rd. intersections with Rt. 121. TC and Selectman Owens informed him that the roads are state roads and as such the state is responsible. TC said that she would contact DOT and inform the TM. .
7. Old Business- none
8. New Business-
A. Donations- Scott Owens made a motion which seconded by Dennis Sanborn to accept the donations of $350 from Oxford Hills Funeral Services and $200 from The Lost Gull to be placed in the fire equipment reserve account.
Motion passed 3-0
B. Transfers-Scott Owens made a motion which seconded by Dennis Sanborn to approve the transfers as follows:
TRANSFER FROM: / 85980 / 435.53 / ContingencyTO / 501003 / 435.53 / Paramedic Payroll
TRANSFER FROM: / 85980 / 1725.29 / Contingency
TO / 801001 / 1725.29 / General Assistance
TRANSFER FROM: / 85100 / 26680.13 / Fund Balance
TO / 85302 / 26680.13 / Highway Equipment
TRANSFER FROM: / 85301 / 15000.00 / Highway - CIP Projects/Roads
TO / 304017 / 15000.00 / Salt/Roads
TRANSFER FROM: / 85118 / 2044.40 / Bldg Reserse
TO / 85920 / 2044.40 / Treatment Facility
Motion passed 3-0
C. Games of Chance Permit-
Scott Owens made a motion which seconded by Dennis Sanborn to approve the permit for Norway’s Fire Relief for the county fair. Motion passed 3-0
D. Grant Acceptance-
Scott Owens made a motion which seconded by Dennis Sanborn to accept the $2,000 Safety Grant to purchase roadside equipment. Motion passed 3-0
9. Sign Warrants #4, #5 and #6 -
Scott Owens made a motion which seconded by Dennis Sanborn to sign warrants #4, #5 and #6. Motion passed 3-0
10. Executive Session- none
11. Adjournment-
Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Dennis Sanborn to adjourn. Motion passed 3-0
Meeting adjourned at 6:42pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ellen M. Morrison CCM
Town Clerk of Oxford