LESSON PLANNING: Del 16 de febrero al 5 de marzo

(first three weeks of the 5th six weeks)

UNIT 6: Vacaciones

Tuesday 16th :

a) Warm up: Repeat three questions of the test. Direct object pronoums and preterite of AR verbs

b) Introduction to the Unit: Vacaciones. Grammar and vocabulary.

c) Video historia ¨first view¨

d) Checking understanding pg. 377

Homework: No homework


a) Warm up: Sentences about medios de transporte and traveling.

b) Listening activities 1 & 2 pg. 375 (Using transparences)

c) Video historia REVIEW -vocabulary

c) Writing practice: 8A1

d) Homework: 8A2


a) Warm up: vocabulary about vacations and traveling (review)

b) Writing activity 4 pg. 378

c) listening activity 5 pg. 378 .-

d) Homework 8A3-4


a) Warm up: Turn in the homework (substitute teacher)

b) Watching the video: Eres tú ¿María? Chapter 4

c) Checking understanding about video: Pg. 317 parts A and B

Monday 22nd :

a) Warm up: Vocabulary crossword about holidays and tranportations.

b) ¿A dónde fuiste? Activities 11 and 12 pg. 382 (Work with a partner and turn in)

c) Homework: No homework


a) Warm up: Las vacaciones del maestro. Description.

b) Grammar introduction: The preterite or -er and – ir verbs

c) Video Grammar: The preterite of -er adn ír verbs

d) Practice with it: Activity 13 pg.



a) Warm up: Metro and tren vocabulary

b) Juego sobre el Metro de Madrid. Cultural and vocabulary activity.

c) Reading about Metro en Mexico: pg. 383


a) Warm up: three sentences with preterite of aprender, salir and ver.

b) The preterite of IR: Introduction

c) The preterite of IR: Videogrammar

d) Writing activity: Activity 16 pg. 385



a) Warm up: Answer three questions about where did you go for holidays

b) Vocabulary test about unit 8A and review of 7B (shopping)

Monday 1st :

a) Warm up: Vocabulary match words. Review of test.

b) Work in groups: Activity 17 pg. 386 (game)

c) Introductrion to the speaking activity for thursday. Giving basic rules


a) Warm up:

b) Grammar introduction: The direct object... and the personal -a-

c) Video Grammar: The personal A

d) Practice with it: Don pepito y don josé activity 19 pg. 387

.... with audio of the song.



a) Warm up: Exploración del lenguaje: Pg. 389

b) Activity 21 pg. 388, in groups, WITH PRICES!

c) Extension of the game. The students make the same thing with a State of USA (giving papers with them)


a) Warm up: review the questions of the speaking activity

b) Speaking activity first 5 groups.

c) Writing: Workbook 8A7


a) Warm up:

b) Eres tú ¿María? Chapter 5

c) checking comprehension