Source Parameters
Source Parameters Instructions for Form M-2
Form M-2 should be completed for each facility when a toxics review is required. A toxics review may be required due to a permit application, MACT applicability determination, or call by the Director.
Stack Height - AGL–This is the height of each emission point above ground level. Provide the units of measurement(feet or meters).
Stack Temperature This is the minimum temperature of the discharge from the stack.
Screening Models - Use 298.15 °K for discharges at ambient temperature (77°F as specified in MCAPCO Regulation 2.1104).
AERMOD - Use 0° K for discharges at ambient temperature. AERMOD will apply the hourly ambient temperature to the stack parameter if absolute zero is entered.
Stack Velocity This is the exit velocity of the discharge from the stack. An exit velocity of 0.01 m/s is entered if the stack is horizontal, or if it has a raincap.
Stack Flow RateThis is the volumetric exit discharge from the stack. A flowrate is required for facilities using a screening model to evaluate toxics.
Stack Diameter This is the cross sectional area of stack reduced to a diameter. For a non-circular stack, the diameter can be determined using the following equation: √[4*(cross sectional area)/π]
Source Base Elevation– List the elevation, above mean sea level, of the stack (in feet).
Stack UTM Coordinates –Provide either the UTM coordinates (in meters) or latitude and longitude (in degrees)for each stack. Indicate what type of terrain data was used in the model (NAD23, NAD83, or NED).
Rain Cap This is a Yes or No question.
Vertical StackThis is the direction of the stack (vertical stacks point toward the sky). Yes or No question
Area Source HeightThis is the height of each emission point above ground level. Provide the units of measurement(feet or meters).
Area Source Width This is the minimum distance of which the area source consists.
Area Source Length This is the maximum distance of which the area source consists.
Source Base Elevation – List the elevation, above mean sea level, of the area source (in feet).
Stack UTM Coordinates –Provide either the UTM coordinates (in meters) or latitude and longitude (in degrees) for each area source. Indicate what type of terrain data was used in the model (NAD23, NAD83, or NED).
Volume Source HeightThis is the height of each emission point above ground level. Provide the units of measurement(feet or meters).
Volume Source Width This is the minimum distance of the building of which the volume source consists (sigma Y).
Volume Source Length This is the maximum distance of the building of which the volume source consists (sigma Z).
Source Base Elevation – List the elevation, above mean sea level, of the volume source (in feet).
Stack UTM Coordinates –Provide either the UTM coordinates (in meters) or latitude and longitude (in degrees) for each volume Source. Indicate what type of terrain data was used in the model (NAD23, NAD83, or NED).
Point Source / Stack DataEmission Point ID
Stack Description
Stack Height (ft or m) - AGL
Stack Temperature (°F or °K)
Stack Exit Velocity (ft/s or m/s)
Stack Flowrate (acfm or m3/s)
Stack Diameter (ft or m)
Stack Base Elevation (ft) - MSL
Stack UTM Coordinates (m): E
Circle Datum:
NAD27, NAD83, or WGS84Zone
Latitude ° N
Longitude ° W
Rain Cap? (Y/N)
Vertical Stack? (Y/N)
Area Source / Area Source Data
Emission Point ID
Source Description
Area Source Height (ft or m) - AGL
Area Source Length (ft or m)
Area Source Width (ft or m)
Stack Base Elevation (ft) - MSL
Area Source UTM Coordinates (m): E
Circle Datum:
NAD27, NAD83, or WGS84Zone
Latitude ° N
Longitude ° W
Volume Source / Volume Source Data
Emission Point ID
Source Description
Volume Source Height (ft or m) - AGL
Volume Source Length (ft or m)
Volume Source Bldg. Height (ft or m)
Stack Base Elevation (ft) - MSL
Volume Source UTM Coordinates (m): E
Circle Datum:
NAD27, NAD83, or WGS84Zone
Latitude ° N
Longitude ° W
ft - feet / AGL – Above Ground Level / m/s – meters per second / K° = 273+((°F-32) x 5/9)
m - meters / UTM – Universal Transverse Mercator / MSL – Mean Sea Level / acfm – actual cubic feet per minute
Line Source / Line Source Data
Emission Point ID
Source Description
Release Height (ft or m) - AGL
X Length (ft or m)
Y Length (ft or m)
Initial Vertical Dimension
Stack Base Elevation (ft) - MSL
Line Source UTM Coordinates (m): E
Circle Datum:
NAD27, NAD83, or WGS84Zone
Latitude ° N
Longitude ° W
ft - feet / AGL – Above Ground Level / m/s – meters per second / K° = 273+((°F-32) x 5/9)
m - meters / UTM – Universal Transverse Mercator / MSL – Mean Sea Level / acfm – actual cubic feet per minute
Mecklenburg County Air Quality – Permit ApplicationM-2 Form, Rev. 06/11