Minutes Clubs & Societies Committee Fri 7th April 2006
University of Melbourne Student Union
Meeting of the Clubs and Societies Committee
2pm, Friday 7th April 2006
Special Meeting
Location: Office Bearer Space
2:03 (opened)
1. Procedural matters
1.1 Patrick Wyatt was appointed Chair as C&S Office Bearer
1.2 Alex White was elected as the minute taker
1.3 In attendance
Patrick Wyatt
Dil Jayasinha
Alex White
Carl Mueller
Dave Mulholand
Goldie Pergl
Gareth Jelenich
Clancy Dobbyn
Geng Yu (representing Student Life)
1.4 Apologies
Bridie Allanadale
Kelly Hughes
Suggestion: that OB’s make folders available in the office for committee members
1.5 That the agenda be adopted with item 4 considered first
4. Affiliation of new clubs.
4.1 Affiliation of “student life” questions from the committee to Geng Yu (student Life rep)
Suggestion: create a new category of associate clubs.
That the C&S Committee approves the application of “Student Life” with the alteration that the clubs name be “Student Life (Disciple Makers)”
Mover: Clancy Dobbyn Seconder: Gareth J
Suggestion: That it be made standard procedure that students representing applicant clubs be asked to leave when decision are being made.
Suggestion: That committee members declare any interests they may have in clubs whose applications are under consideration.
4.2 Film Society:
That the application for the affiliation of the Film Society be approved.
Mover: Gareth Seconder: Carl
4.3 Biomedical Engineering:
Suggestions: Clarify distinction between Faculty and General Interest Clubs
That the application for the affiliation of the Biomedical Engineering Society be approved.
Mover: Dil Seconder: David Mulholand
4.4 Latin American Students’ Association:
That the application for the affiliation of the Latin American Students’ Association be approved.
Mover: Gareth Seconder: Pat
4.5 Education Students’ Society:
That the application for the affiliation of the Education Students’ Society be approved
Mover: Carl Seconder: David
4.6 Chilli Appreciation Society:
That the application for the affiliation of the Chilli Appreciation Society be approved
Mover: David Seconder: Gareth
CARRIED (1 abstention- Clancy)
Suggestion: That 4 separate aims could be unnecessarily restrictive.
4.7 Malaysians of Melbourne:
That the application for the affiliation of the Malaysians of Melbourne be approved, waiving R.4.2(c) of the regulations, on the basis that they clarifytheir aims in their constitution.
Mover: Gareth Seconder: Carl
Suggestion: That the C&S administrator be invited to attend C&S Committee meetings.
4.8 Photography Club:
That the application for the affiliation of the Photography club be approved.
Mover: Carl Seconder: Gareth
4.9 Student Activities Society
The Committee noted that this society is more appropriately affiliated with MU Sport and instructed that the C&S OBs offer assistance to the applicant in attempts to affiliate with MU Sport
4.10 Students Against War and Racism:
The Committee noted that they broadly supports the aims and objectives of the SAWAR, however given that the club is a department funded and organized collective the Committee decided that it was inappropriate for SAWAR to be affiliated with the C&S department.
4.11 Resistance:
The Committee ruled that the submitted aims of Resistance were not relevant to students, not related to campus life and were primarily concerned with off-campus events. The Committee noted that in order for the group to re-apply for affiliation the application should be resubmitted with clarified aims, as well as written submission as to why they are different from other socialist clubs and a separate submission on how they will positively influence campus life.
4.12 Lunch Club
That the application for the affiliation of the Lunch Club be approved with two amendments. The first is that their 1st aim to be changed too “To raise awareness of various high quality restaurants around Melbourne Uni”. The second is that the 3rd aim be changed to “to eat affordable good food with good company”
Mover: Gareth Seconder: Carl
4.13 Entrepreneurial Investments Club
The committee was concerned with the nature of the activities that the club would be undertaking. It was decided that the application be deferred until the applicants could appear before the committee to explain further what activities the club would undertake. It was also noted that the committee may need to seek legal advice in regards to the implication of affiliating the club.
4.14 Buddhist Students’ Society
That the application for the affiliation of the Buddhist Students’ Society be approved
Mover: David Seconder: Gareth
Clancy left the meeting 3:45
2. Correspondence from Sue Collins RE: SSS Pub Crawl
The Committee decided that given the full committee was not present and no official representation of the SSS was present, no final decision could be made on this matter. However it was decided that a provisional decision was necessary in the short term, given the circumstances.
The committee provisionally puts the Science Students Society on probation for 12 months from the 7/4/06 until the 7/4/07 and suspends their funding for events involving alcohol for two months from the 7/4/06 until the 7/6/06.
Mover: Gareth Seconder: Dil
CARRIED (2 abstentions – David & Carl)
3. Office Bearer Report
Dil gave a report that can best be surmised as brief.
5.1 MU Taiwan Students’ Association/Hong Kong Students’ Association
That the committee approves the off-campus grant application of MU Taiwan Students’ Association and the Hong Kong Students’ Association however recognizes it as a joint event.
Mover: Pat Seconder: Goldie
5.2 MU Japanese Club
That the committee approves the off-campus grant application of the MU Japanese Club
Mover: GarethSeconder: David
5.3 CHAS
That the committee approve both the off-campus grant applications of CHAS
Mover: Gareth Seconder: Goldie
CARRIED (1 abstention- Goldie)
5.4 ISSS
That the Committee approves the off-campus grant application of the ISSS for both Venue Hire/ Education Grants
Mover: Gareth Seconder: Goldie
Committee noted that for future meetings they wanted both Grant & Payment applications to be processed through the committee.
That the committee approves the C&S grant applications 07/04/06 en bloc
Mover: Gareth Seconder: Pat
8. Budget
Budget to be left until next meeting
9. Other Business
This committee reiterates that all clubs need to inform the C&S office of their AGM in order to be reaffliliated.
10. Meeting Schedule
Next meeting:
Week beginning 24-04-06
11. Close
Meeting closed at @ 5.11pm