Lesson Plan

Name: Becky Ball

Date: 7/1/2008

Class and Grade: / Ag Communications 11/12
Enterprise/Unit/Area: / One to One Communication
Job (Lesson Title): / Personal Presentation
Situation/Rationale: / This lesson is designed to help students understand and build person-to-person communication skills in the form of face-to-face conversation.
Colorado Ag Education Standards and Competencies / AGB11/12.01 - The student will possess a knowledge of business ethics.
  • AGB11/12.01.02 - Distinguish between the skills and traits contributing to agribusiness employee success and failure.
  • AGB11/12.01.08 - Demonstrate effective public relation skills

Colorado Model Content Standard(s): / RW2.2 - convey technical information in a written form appropriate to the audience.
Student Learning Objectives: / The Student Will:
  1. Identify three forms of One to One Communication
  2. Identify four ways to improve One to One Communication
  3. Identify non- verbal aspects of One to One Communication

Time: / 50 minutes
Resource(s): / “Speech- Exploring Communication” National Textbook- 1996
“How to Communicate” MJF Books-1995
“Great Group Games” Search Institute Press-2007
Instructions, Tools, Equipment, and Supplies: / Ag Communications- One to One Power Point
Poster Board
Old Magazines with lots of pictures
Markers or Access to a computer with word art and a printer
Interest Approach/Motivation: / “Life Story”- Break students into partners, give each partner 30 seconds to tell their life story to each other. Call “switch” when time is up for the first partner, rolls switch. When both partners have finished ask each player to repeat his or her partners story, his or her partner should then have the opportunity to tell how well they retold their story. This activity should take about 10 minutes
Discussion starters:
  • What difficulties did you have with this activity? Why?
  • What type of communication were you demonstrating with this activity?
  • When might you use this type of communication?
  • Why is this type of communication important?

Objective 1: / Identify three forms of One to One Communication
Use slides 1-5 of the corresponding Power Point
Students should take notes in their notebook
One to One Communication-Communicating with one other person
Three Types of One to One Communication-
  • Face to Face Conversations
  • Telephone Calls
  • Interviews
Conversation- talking about various matters of interest to both parties, these are usually not planned or rehearsed beforehand
Basically any type of communication that occurs between only two people is one to one communication. Can you think of any other forms of one to one communication?


Objective 2: / Identify three forms of One to One Communication
Use slides 6-9 of the corresponding Power Point
Students should take notes in their notebook

How to Improve Conversation

Send and Receive Message Accurately- always give careful thought to what you say, make sure it is in words your receiver will understand, rephrase if your listener doesn’t get your drift, and always listen effectively

Be Courteous- take turns, don’t interrupt to insert your own ideas, avoid verbally attacking someone when you disagree with what they are saying, and always try to remain open minded

Be able to Speak on a Number of topics- try to develop a variety of interests, don’t jump from one topic to another without transition, be sure to allow the other person in the conversation to speak about their interests as well

Learn to Enjoy Conversation- always try to speak with enthusiasm and dynamics and attempt to make the conversation enjoyable for everyone. Conversation is one of life’s most pleasant means of teaching and learning

Objective 3: / Identify non- verbal aspects of One to One Communication
Use slides 6-9 of the corresponding Power Point
Students should take notes in their notebook
Non Verbal Aspects

Kinesics- Use of Body Motion; eye contact, facial expressions, length of time you maintain eye contact

Understanding non-verbal aspects is essential because over 50% of a messages impact comes from body language

7%- Verbal (Words)

38%- Vocal (Volume, Pitch, Tone, etc.)

55%- Body Language (Kinesics & Proxemics)

Eye Contact- authority demands eye contact; not making eye contact can give a negative impression- lying, lack of respect, lack of focus etc.

Avoid Extremes- avoid making too much or too little eye contact

Facial Expressions- shows interest, anger, disappointment, fear, sadness, etc.

Awareness- be aware of your facial expressions during conversation, they convey your mood

Arm- Hand Movement – describe, locate, symbolize and explain

Avoid extremes- lack of movement suggests disinterest, too much movement can be distracting- be natural

Proxemics- Using space, avoid invading personal space

Friends and Family- allow closeness, most allow touch, hugs etc.

General Spatial Comfort Zone

Intimate- (0-18”)

Personal- (1.5’-4’)

Social- (4’-12’)

Public- (12’-20’)

Acquaintances- Being too close may cause discomfort- you may put up barriers

Time- amounts of time spent tell us much

More time means more important

Allowing many interruptions signals feelings of unimportance

Appearance- neatness and being well groomed- smell good, clothing is clean and neat, hair is brushed and styled

You can’t get a first impression back- we can control cleanliness and neatness- we may have to overcome impressions about height, weight, or other stereotypes

Paralanguage- use of rate, tone, etc.: voice- can convey messages about mood or attitude

Vocalized Pauses- overuse can send negative messages- lying or stupidity

A good first impression is very important in all aspects of One to One Communication, especially interviews. Think of the first day of school, or the first time you met me, what was your first impression and why? Why should we be aware of our non- verbal communication?
Has the look on your face or how you said something ever caused a misunderstanding?
Review/Summary: / Have a pair of students volunteer to have a mock conversation, being sure to put to use the topics they have learned in class; act out a conversation using examples of good and bad communication skills, body language, space and paralanguage.
Possible scenarios;
A parent and a child discussing a curfew
A teacher and a student discussing a grade
Application--Extended Classroom Activity: / One to One Communication Collage
On a poster board have students make a collage using pictures cut from magazines. The collage should contain at least two pictures for each of the following topics.
  • Face to Face
  • Telephone Call
  • Interview
  • Body Language
  • Facial Expressions
  • Proxemics
  • Positive Appearance
  • Negative Appearance
Pictures should be labeled and students should give their collage a title. Explain to students that no blank space should show on your poster board. It should be inventive and attractive. Have students present their collage to the class
Application--FFA Activity: /
  • One to One Communication skills can help you with officer interviews, Public Speaking, and any other type of CDE
  • One to One Communication skills will improve your report with other FFA members, school administration and community members

Application--SAE Activity: /
  • One to One Communication can help you as you work with area businesses in securing placements or maintaining your own business
  • One to one communication will build interview skills and allow you to make a good first impression

Evaluation/Student Assessment: / Use the following questions as a verbal review.
  1. What is any conversation between two people?
  2. Give three examples of One to One Communication
  3. Talking about topics of various interest to both parties is called what?
  4. You should rephrase what you are saying to make sure you are doing what?
  5. The study of body movements is called what?
  6. Use of space is called?
  7. What are three non-verbal aspects you should consider when analyzing a conversation?
  8. What is the use of rate, tone etc., the way you say words?
  9. What are two aspects of your appearance you can control?
  10. Body language makes up what percentage of every message we send?

Evaluation Answer Key: /
  1. One to One Communication
  2. Face to Face, Telephone, Interview
  3. Conversation
  4. Sending and Receiving accurate messages
  5. Kinesics
  6. Proxemics
  7. Kinesics, Proxemics, Paralanguage, Time
  8. Paralanguage
  9. Cleanliness, neatness, odor, etc.
  10. 38%