Title of the Paper in Full

Full Name of Corresponding Author 1,Full Name of Author2

1Affiliation & Address of Author 1, 2Affiliation & Address of Author 2

E-mail of corresponding author 1


All articles must have an abstract not to exceed 250 words. Avoid abbreviations, diagrams, and reference to the text.

Key Words:All articles should have a list of key terms for indexing purposes. Five to ten key words or terms that are not in the title are to be specified.

Body:Text of the article must be written in 1.5 line space in the font ‘Times New Roman’ with 12 point font size. Group all tables, and figuresat the end of the article, following the references. Equations should be numbered sequentially.

Use no more than two levels of headings. Number headings sequentially using numerals in the form : level 1 headings 1., 2., 3., etc.; level 2 headings 1.1., 2.1., etc. For articles containing symbols, include a nomenclature list in alphabetical order.

The Greek symbols (also in alphabetical order and with a separate heading) following the alphabetical listing in English. The Nomenclature section should be placed just after keywords.

All articles must use SI units throughout. The superscripts and subscripts should follow the Greek symbols at the end of the nomenclature list.

Figures:Prepare figures so that they do not exceed the size of

Text/symbols within the figure must be at least a size 9 point. Acceptable formats for figures are TIFF, JPEG, or EPS files saved from the original application at 300-600 dpi.

The preferred format is TIFF. Figure captions should be typed, on a separate sheet. The author can submit color figures that will print in black and white, but will be in color online. Color reproduction of figures is possible at the author's expense, rates will be provided upon request.
Tables:Tables should not be embedded in the text, but should be included at the end of the article. A short descriptive title should appear above each table with a clear legend and any footnotes suitably identified below. All units must be included.

Reference Format:Cite references in the text using the last name of the author(s) and the year of publication, either as "( Olson 1974 or Olson (1974)." For more than two authors, use " Olson et al. (1974)." If any references contain identical authors and year of publication, cite them in the form " Olson et al. (1974a)" and " Olson et al. (1974b)." References should be in alphabetical order and formatted according to the following samples.

Journal: / Cortell R.(2006) Flow and heat transfer of an electrically conducting fluid of second grade over a stretching sheet subject to suction and to a transverse magnetic field, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 49: 1851–1856.
Stewartson, K. , Simpson, C. J. and Bodonyi, R. J. (1982) The unsteady boundary layer on arotating disk in a counter-rotating fluid. Part 2, J. Fluid Mech., 121: 507–515
Book: / H. Schlichting, Boundary Layer Theory, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979.
Edited Book: / Yang, W. and Kim J.H. Eds., (1992)Rotating Machinery,New York: Begell House.