2 место
My BelovedUniversity
МарияЖданова (ППВ-3-05)
I study at the Faculty of Modern Foreign Languages and Literature of Perm State University. The fact that I have chosen this faculty makes me feel happy and I am absolutely sure that I have made the right choice.
When I began to think about my future life after finishing school I knew that I would like to enter the most prestigious University in Perm. It goes without saying that in order to be able to obtain a good and well-paid job a person needs proper higher education. That is the reason why you have to go to school, then – enter an institute. And always follow a famous proverb: live and learn. The system of education has changed dramatically in Russia (it has become more difficult to study than 10 years ago), and the number of different educational institutions has grown. Reading newspapers in order to get information about the educational facilities we come across a huge choice of educational institutions, which offer their courses, but nearly all of them charge great sums of money for tuition. I cannot agree with the fact that in order to give good education to us our parents should pay considerable sums of money. I think it is abnormal and is a crying shame.
I came across a leaflet of the University of Perm and found out that this University has a long and glorious history. I was very much impressed by the fact that the glory of the University during all its 90 years of existence was associated with Linguistics. Such outstanding researches as L.A. Bulahovsky, S.P. Obnorsky, A.V. Mirtov, K.K. Buga and many others made the University famous. I think that these causes are enough for me to make my choice – respect, prestige and good education.
Though I was quick enough to make the choice of the University I was rather tardy in choosing the faculty. I like Russian literature but at the same time I find English literature, language and culture equally attractive. I am sure that any person must know one of the leading languages of the world. I realized that reading English literature in the original was a great challenge, but at the same time it was very rewarding: I clearly saw that there were some gaps between the original and the translation. It was the last reason that broke the camel’s back - I made English my priority in life!
The faculty of Modern Languages and Literature gives a thorough theoretical and practical training to the students who decided to enter it. The very fact the Faculty has constant contacts and exchange programmes with OxfordUniversity sounds very impressive. More to that – it is not a fiction! During April we were fortunate to enjoy the company of two Oxford lectures – Mrs. Karon Hewitt and Mr. Philip Clayton. Here, at the University, I have fulfilled my life-long dream: to listen to the native speakers of English and understand them. This is the greatest motivation of all the numerous peculiarities of this language. I have already found out that the process of instruction at the faculty is interesting, useful and absorbing.
The Dean of the faculty is a kind, intelligent and sophisticated person, who makes us to learn as much as we can while we are students.
The members of the staff are skilled professionals who make our lectures and tutorials both educational and interesting. They are ready to communicate with us after classes in order to clear up all possible misunderstandings and answer the questions that we may have. English is, beyond any doubt, our main subject. It is taught in many variations, so that we can get knowledge of grammar, spelling, word stock and culture. We have the lessons of translation, which are conducted by the assistant professor Iuriy Pinyagin, who tries to do his best in order to disclose all the ‘secrets’ of the profession of translator and gives an enormous amount of the background knowledge of English.
Grammar and Vocabulary are taught by a young, but very experienced teacher, Natalya Dobrinina. Her lessons make us believe that there will come a day when we shall be able to express our thoughts and feelings without being afraid of making mistakes.
Assistant professor A. Bratukhin opens the words of Latin and Greek languages to us. The knowledge of these languages is very important for us, because of the fact that we can understand and trace the origin of different words in English and French.
Except English, Latin and Greek languages we also have French. We learn it the first year and thanks to the teacher we have gradually achieved high results. It is not necessary to be in a hurry because more haste, less speed. The teacher of this discipline, M.A. Khrustaleva is a very sociable and clever woman.
Speaking about my University expressions I cannot leave out my group mates. This is a very nice company of personalities with their individual features. The most valuable quality of all of them is great friendliness. Many of them are talented singers, dancers and performers, they have many hobbies and interests. They have already achieved enough aims. For many of them studying at this faculty is a great challenge and they try to overcome the difficulties. They may be tired, busy, unhappy, at the time, but they are always extremely friendly and I value this quality of my group mates very much. And I more than sure that I will not break my words!