The Johnstown, PA "Tribune" issue of Tuesday, 20 May 1919
Special to The Tribune.
SALIX, May 20.--Louis W. Shank, aged 83, a retired farmer, died at his home near here this morning. Death was due to general debility. He is survived by his wife and five children. The funeral will take place from the UnitedEvangelicalChurch, with burial in the SalixCemetery.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune" issue of 5 March 1926
Mrs. Eliza Hiner.
Mrs. Eliza Hiner, of Sidman, widow of Edward Hiner, whose health had been impaired for a long time, died at 6:35 o'clock this morning at the MemorialHospital, where she had been a patient since February 21. Her maiden name was Eliza Paul. She was born December 5, 1869, in AdamsTownship. She and Edward Hiner were married in this city, where Mr. Hiner worked for a number of years in the power house of the Cambria Iron Company. Mr. Hiner died here 17 years ago and for the last 14 years Mrs. Hiner had made her home at Sidman. The deceased is survived by three sons and two daughters, 18 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The sons and daughters are: Mrs. John R. Thomas and Carl Hiner, of 604 Bedford street; Roy Hiner, of 602 Bedford street; Ralph Hiner, of Homestead, and Miss May Hiner, at home. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune" issue of 6 March 1926
Funeral of Mrs. Hiner.
Funeral services for the late Mrs. Eliza (Paul) Hiner, who expired yesterday at the MemorialHospital, will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Hiner home in Lovett, this county.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune" issue of 28 February 1920
SALIX, Feb. 28. -- Mrs. Mary Jane Paul, aged 71 years, one of the oldest and best known residents of this community, died at her residence at 11 o'clock last night. Her death was due to pneumonia, following an illness of one week.
The deceased is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Maggie Layton, of Windber; one brother, John W. Smay, of Salix, and two sisters -- Mrs. Lena Shank, of this place, and Mrs. Melinda Fisher, of Dunlo. Her husband, Sylvester Paul, died here about eight years ago.
Funeral services will be held from the UnitedEvangelicalChurch at 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon and will be conducted by the Rev. Domer Hamer, the pastor. Interment w/ill be made in the SalixCemetery. The body has been prepared for burial by Undertaker J.W. Fouch.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune" issue of 24 December 1908
Edward Hiner.
Edward Hiner, aged about fifty-four years, died at his home, No. 602 Bedford street, at 5 o'clock last evening, after an illness of some time with a complication of diseases. The deceased was born in BedfordCounty and came to this place about thirty-five years ago. He was employed by the Cambria Steel Company. Mr. Hiner is survived by his wife and the following children: Ralph, Royal, Harry, Carroll and May, at home, and Mrs. Laura Thomas, wife of John Thomas, of Bedford street. The deceased was a member of the UnitedEvangelicalChurch. The funeral of the deceased will take place at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Interment will probably be made in SandyvaleCemetery.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune" issue of 26 December 1908
Services Held This Afternoon at WillowStreetU.E.Church.
The funeral of the late Edward Hiner took place at 1 o'clock this afternoon from the Willow-streetUnitedEvangelicalChurch, the Rev. G.C. McDowell, the pastor, conducting the obsequies. Interment was made in SandyvaleCemetery. Messrs. D.J. Grubb, G.W. Ellenberger, Moses Alwine, D.U. Swank, Isaiah Sipe, and J.W. Lininger acted as pallbearers.
Edward Hiner was born in BedfordCounty on August 4, 1855, and came to Johnstown about 1875. A year later he and Miss Eliza Paul were united in marriage here. He is survived by the following children: Harry, Ralph, May, and Karl, at home; Laura, wife of John R. Thomas, of No. 604 Bedford street, and Roy, of No. 320 Oak street. Edward Hiner was a brother of Mrs. George Davis, of Butler avenue; Mrs. John Stouder, of the Ebensburg road, and Frank, of Coopersdale.
The deceased had for the past eleven years been employed in the engine room of the Cambria electrical plant. Mr. Hiner was a member of the UnitedEvangelicalChurch for some years, and also of Vestal Camp, No. 33, Woodmen of the World, and Camp No. 670, Patriotic Order Sons of America, of Nant-y-Glo.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune" issue of 7 August 1944
Local Flier Dead
Missing Airman Lost His Life In Bomber Crash
Cpl. Charles J. Hanley, 20, previously reported missing in action since May in the Southwest Pacific, was killed when the dive-bomber in which he was flying crashed into the sea, the Marine Corps headquarters advised his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hanley of 752 Railroad St.
The fatal accident apparently occurred in the vicinity of the New HebridesIslands. He was gunner and radio operator on the bomber crew.
Cpl. Hanley joined the Marines on April 22, 1942, and trained at Parris Island, S.C. He attended gunnery school at Sanford, Fla., and radio school at Jacksonville, Fla. He was known to have participated in the fighting at Guadalcanal and Bougainville.
Before entering service, he worked at the Friendly City Box Company and was active in the Johnstown Columbian Squires. He served as honorary mayor of the city for one day in 1941 when the Squires staffed the public offices.
Born here on May 30, 1924, he was a son of Roy and Hilda (Munzer) Hanley. He graduated in 1941 from CatholicHigh School. Besides his parents, he leaves two brothers and two sisters -- Pvt. George, with the Marine Corps at San Diego, Cal., and Donald, Dorothy and Mary Lou, at home. A requiem mass for the repose of the marine's soul will be celebrated at 8 o'clock next Monday morning at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, of which he was a member.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune" issue of 6 April 1946
'Shorty' Hanley Dies; Was Unique Salesman of Tribune
James F. (Shorty) Hanley, one of Johnstown's best-known characters, died last night. He had resided at the home of his son, E. Leroy Hanley, 722 Barclay St., Kernville, since last December, and had not been well for some time. He had, however, been able to be about the house until he became bedfast during the past week. He was in his 70th year.
A mill worker in years past, Mr. Hanley had, for many years, been a salesman extraordinary of The Tribune on downtown streets. He had developed a unique phraseology that introduced the latest issue of the paper.
A short, stocky figure, engaging in banter with passersby, "Shorty" Hanley was probably Johnstown's foremost unofficial weather prognosticator, giving free forecasts with his newspaper sales, and never failing to offer advice on future weather, often with unique interpretations. His ready responses made him a conversational delight to hundreds who encountered him in the course of his newspaper sales.
Mr. Hanley was born in BlairCounty on Oct. 22, 1876, a son of David and Rose Ann (Lynn) Hanley, both deceased. His wife, the former Annie Robison, preceded him in death. Surviving are two sons -- E. Leroy, mentioned, and Walter James Hanley, Mineral Point -- and one grandchild, Patricia Louise, daughter of Walter Hanley. The deceased was a brother of Roy Hanley, 752 Railroad St.; Irvin, Buffalo, N.Y.; Clyde, Pittsburgh; Mrs. Maude Bennett and Mrs. Jane Strausser, both of Pittsburgh, and Mrs. Grace Slocum, Washington, D.C.
Friends will be received at the Kennedy Funeral Home after 7 p.m. today. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune-Democrat" issue of 7 November 1952
HANLEY -- Henry Irvin, 62, Buffalo, N.Y., at 12:20 p.m.Nov. 6, 1952, at MillardFillmoreHospital, Buffalo. Was a son of David and Rose (Lynn) Hanley. Survived by two brothers and two sisters: Roy, 102 Singer Street; Clyde and Mrs. Jane Strossler, both of Pittsburgh; and Mrs. Grace Slocum, Cincinnati, Ohio. Preceded in death by parents and four brothers. Services, 2 p.m. Monday, John R. Blimmel Funeral Home, Rev. Theodore Buch. Friends received at the funeral home after 7 p.m. Saturday.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune" issue of 24 August 1936
Had Resided in Richland Twp., Near ArbutusPark, Many Years
Louis Richard Kring, aged 75, a retired farmer, died this morning at his home in RichlandTownship, near ArbutusPark, where he had resided many years.
Mr. Kring was a son of Moses and Susan (Dunmide) Kring, both deceased, and was born November 7, 1861. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth (Rhoads) Kring, and these children: Morris of Johnstown, Alvin of Troy, Pa.; Paulmer of Sidman, Lawrence of Markleysburg, Mrs. D.L. Allenbaugh and Mrs. J.D. Brumbaugh, both of Johnstown, and Mrs. C.B. Nearhoff of Cleveland, O.
He was a brother of John Kring of Oklahoma; I.N. Kring of Johnstown; Moses Kring of Salix, and Mrs. G.W. Rhoads of Johnstown. Three brothers and a sister preceded him in death. Mr. Kring also leaves 23 grandchildren. The body has been prepared for burial by Howard Barefoot, Salix mortician.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune" issue of 9 April 1947
KRING -- Mrs. Elizabeth Jane, 81, at 11:45 p.m. Apr. 8 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eva Brumbaugh, Johnstown R.D. 7, where she resided. Her husband, Lewis, died in August, 1936. She was born on Mar. 17, 1866, in Salix, a daughter of Rhinard and Eva (Paul) Rhoades. Survived by five children -- Alvin I., Troy, Pa.; Lawrence, Atch, Pa.; Mrs. Suie Allenbaugh, Grove Ave.; Mrs. Brumbaugh, mentioned, and Mrs. Della Nearhoof, Cleveland, O.; 24 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren, and one brother, Orlando Rhoades, Salix. Preceded in death by two sons, Maurice and Palmer. Friends received after 7 p.m. Wednesday at Henderson Mortuary where services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Friday by Rev. H.H. Hummel. Interment in DunmireCemetery.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune-Democrat" issue of 11 May 1962
RHOADES -- Mrs. Sue E., 88, Salix, died at 7:05 a.m.May 11, 1962, in MemorialHospital: Born in AdamsTownshipMarch 7, 1874, daughter of Tobias and Salome (Miller) Stutzman. Preceded in death by husband, Orlando, in 1958, and 2 sons, Blair and Ray. Survived by daughter, Mildred, wife of Russell Moore, Salix, and son, Dr. Merle D. Rhoades, Johnstown; also 8 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. Friends received from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday in Auer Funeral Home, Salix. The remains will be removed at 12:30 p.m. Monday to Maple GroveChurch of the Brethren to lie in state until time of service at 2 p.m., the Rev. Richard Gillin. Interment, DunmireCemetery.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune" issue of 24 October 1923
George W. Seese.
George W. Seese, aged about 75 years, died at 5:15 o'clock last evening at his home in Dunlo of an attack of acute indigestion. He is survived by his widow, Rebecca, and the following children: Frank, of Braddock; Rhinard, of Beaverdale; Amanda and Orlando, of Sidman; Eva, Nora, Mary, Grace, Harry and Simon, all at home. Two sisters, Mrs. Jacob Hocker, of Braddock, and Mrs. John Hiechew, of Central City, also survive.
The funeral will take place Friday afternoon, with interment in the SalixCemetery. Undertaker J.W. Fouch took charge of the body.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune" issue of 25 October 1923
Funeral of Mr. Seese.
DUNLO, Oct. 25. -- Funeral services for the late George W. Seese, aged 75 years, who died at his home on Tuesday night, will be held at the Seese residence tomorrow afternoon. Interment will be in the SalixCemetery.
The deceased is survived by his widow, Mrs. Rebecca Seese, and the following children: Frank Seese, of Braddock; Rhinard Seese, of Beaverdale; Amanda and Orlando Seese, both of Sidman; and Eva, Nora, Mary, Grace, Harry and Simon Seese, all at home. He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Jacob Hocker, of Braddock, and Mrs. John Hitechew, of Central City.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune-Democrat" issue of 22 April 1958
RHOADS -- Orlando J., 85, Salix, died at 5:23 p.m.Apr. 21, 1958, in MemorialHospital. Born June 2, 1872, in AdamsTownship, son of Rhinard and Eva (Paul) Rhoads. Preceded in death by two sons, Blair and Ray. Survived by widow, former Sue E. Stutzman, and these two children: Mildred, wife of Russell Moore, Salix, and Dr. M.D. Rhoads, Johnstown; 8 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Retired dairy farmer. Former janitor of SalixElementary School. Friends received from 7 to 10 p.m. Tuesday and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday in Auer Funeral Home, Salix. Member and deacon of Maple GroveChurch of the Brethren, where the remains will be taken at 12:30 p.m. Thursday. Funeral services there at 2 p.m. by Rev. Robert Jones and Rev. Chalmer Dilling. Interment, DunmireCemetery.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune-Democrat" issue of 8 June 1962
HANLEY -- W. Roy, 65, 114 Donna Drive, died at 2:05 p.m.June 7, 1962, at MemorialHospital. Born at Hollidaysburg March 7, 1897, son of David and Rose (Lynn) Hanley. Preceded in death by wife, former Hilda Munzer; parents, 6 brothers, sister and son, Charles J. Survived by these children: George S., married to Margaret Kessler, 114 Chapin Street; Donald D., married to Janet Lux, 1144 Edson Avenue; Dorothy M., wife of Thomas Mock, 150 Croyle Street, and Mary Lou, wife of Richard McAllister, 114 Donna Drive; also 12 grandchildren. Brother of Clyde and Mrs. Maude Bennett, both of Pittsburgh, and Mrs. Grace Slocum, Cincinnati. Veteran of WorldWarI. Member of German-Austrian Music & Beneficial Association and Charles J. Haney Post 1103, CWV. Former manager for 28 years of Munzer's Meat Market, Railroad Street; later operated Hanley Hardware Store, Railroad Street. Member of Visitation Catholic Church where solemn High Mass of Requiem will be celebrated at 9 a.m. Monday, the Very Rev. Thomas T. Cawley. Interment, St. Joseph's Cemetery. Friends received after 7 p.m. Friday at John R. Blimmel Funeral Home.
The Johnstown, PA "Tribune-Democrat" issue of 26 February 1959
HANLEY -- Mrs. Hilda, 60, 102 Singer Street, died at 12:45 p.m.Feb. 25, 1959, in MercyHospital. Born Nov. 4, 1896, in Johnstown, daughter of Fred and Elizabeth (Frear) Munzer. Preceded in death by parents; son, Charles J.; sister, Mrs. Agnes Chudy, and brother, Herbert. Survived by stepmother, Mrs. Anna Munzer, 752 Railroad Street; husband, W. Roy; these children: George F., married to Margaret Kessler, 114 Chapin Street; Donald D., married to Janet Lux, 1127 McKinley Avenue; Dorothy, wife of Thomas Mock, 138 Croyle Street, and Mary Lou, wife of Richard McAllister, 111 Adams Street; also seven grandchildren. Sister of Mrs. Rose Marie Bischof, 58 Osborne Street; Charles, Hawthorne Street; Leo W., 116 Singer Street; Mrs. Emma Oswald, Johnstown R.D. 1; Mrs. Dorothy Burban, Philadelphia, and Margaret, 752 Railroad Street. Member of auxiliary to Charles J. Hanley Post 1103, Catholic War Veterans; LCBA and Altar Society. Solemn requiem high mass at 9 a.m. Monday in St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Rev. Father Patrick McKivigan. Interment, church cemetery. Friends received after 7 p.m. Thursday in John R. Blimmel Funeral Home. Members of Charles J. Hanley Post and auxiliary will recite rosary at 8 p.m. Sunday in funeral home.