
Appendix A. Observation guide

A.1. Pre-course notes


Observation and teaching session:

Total number of the participants:


Scope of the lesson:

Sequence of the course:

Targeted segmental phonemes:

Targeted phonological case:

A.2. While-course notes:

1. Can they pronounce target phonemes properly?

2. How do they react the techniques used in the lesson? Do they enjoy or not?

3. Do they get involved in the activities? Are they interested in the topics enough?

4. Are they willing to work individually, with partners or in groups?

5. Do they like the theoretical explanations? If not, how do they react?

6. Do they really understand the phonological cases or not?

A.3. After-course notes:

1. The parts that they like at most:

2. The parts that they like at least:

3. Any excerpt that supports observational findings?

Appendix B. Interview guide

A.1. Introduction

We thank you so much for your accepting to comment on the the course ‘Listening and Pronunciation I’. We need your feedback just for research purposes and all your views will be confidential and not used for evaluative purposes.

A.2. Questions

1. Do you think that pronunciation is important for a teacher candidate? If yes, why?

2. Do you find the pronunciation course fruitful enough?

3. Do you like the activities involved in the lesson? If not, which ones?

4. Which parts of the course do you like at most/ at least? Why?

5. Do you think that in-class pronunciation instruction is enough for you?

6. Do you try improving your pronunciation outside the class? If yes, how?

A.3. Closing remarks

It is very kind of you to share your experiences with us. If you want to add more on the issue, you may contact me in my room which is on the third floor of the faculty building. Thank you very much for your collaboration.

Appendix C. A sample unit

Unit 1 Healthy Eating


Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

1. What is healthy eating?

2. Do you give importance to healthy eating?

3. Does eating healthier mean that a person should go on a diet if necessary?

4. Does eating healthier prevent a person from acquiring diseases?


The underlined words below are from a lecture on healthy eating. Read each sentence. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.

1. In recent years serving sizes have ballooned, particularly in restaurants.

a. become smaller

b. become bigger

c. developed

2. Choosing foods that are both nourishing and enjoyable helps support an overall

healthy diet.

a. nutritious

b. fresh

c. sweet

3. Chew your food slowly, savoring every bite.

a. seeing

b. counting

c. enjoying

4.When we are stressed, our digestion can be compromised, causing problems like colitis and heartburn




5.Experts recommend doing moderate activity at least 5 days a week or vigorous activity at least 3 days a week.





Listening for main ideas

A) T1.1 Listen to the lecture and take notes.




B) Complete the outline below by using your notes

I. Carbohydrates – 2 types

1.1. ______

Definition: ______

1.2. ______

Definition: ______

II. Protein – 3 types

2.1. ______

Definition: ______

2.2. ______

Definition: ______

2.3. ______

Definition: ______

Listening for details

A) T1.2 Listen to the lecture again and write supporting details.



B) Correct the mistakes in the statements below by using your notes. Compare

your answers with your partner.

1. We all need a high amount of carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber and vitamins to sustain

a healthy body.

2. During digestion, protein in food is broken down into the 12 amino acids.

3. A healthy diet should contain approximately 20 to 13 grams of fiber a day.

4. Saturated fats lower the low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol.

5. Trans fat lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol.


1)The pronunciation of /Ɵ/ and /t/

A)The words below have been taken from the recording. Can you pronounce these words correctly?

both thin total

breath three try

growth with vitamin

health anything benefit

mouth throughout salt

B)T1.3 Listen and check your answers.

The sound /Ɵ/ is generally mispronounced by non-native speakers of English as /t/ or /s/.

T1.4 Listen and try to hear the difference among /Ɵ/, /t/and /s/ sounds.

Sound 1Sound 2Sound 3

/Ɵ/ /t//s/




C)T1.5 Listen and circle the words you hear.

1)a) threeb) tree

2)a) thrustb) trust

3)a) thickb) tick

4)a) tenthb) tense

5)a) fourthb) force

6)a) pathb) pass

D)Identify and practice the sounds

/ Ɵ / is a voiceless interdental fricative sound. To produce this sound, you should use your upper and lower teeth while the tip of your tongue sticks out a bit.

/ t / and /s/ are voiceless dental-alveolar stop sounds. To produce these sounds, you should use your tip or blade tongue and your upper front teeth.

E)T1.6 Listen again and repeat the words in C.Focus on the pronunciation of / Ɵ/, /t/, and /s/. Don’t confuse the sound /Ɵ/ with the sounds /t/ and /s/.

F)T1.7 Listen to the dialogue between Elizabeth and Kenneth. Practise it with your partner, concentrating on the pronunciation of /Ɵ/, /t/, and /s/.

Elizabeth: Kenneth! Are you going to the dentist this Thursday?

Kenneth: No, I am not. I am going to the dentist on the thirtieth of next month.

Elizabeth: The thirtieth of next month?

Kenneth: Yes, the thirtieth of next month. I have three false teeth in my mouth.

Elizabeth: Three false teeth in your mouth? I thought all your teeth were healthy in your mouth.

Kenneth:No, I have had three false teeth for more than thirteen months.

Elizabeth:Why have you ignored your three false teeth for more than thirteen months?

Kenneth:Because I did not have health insurance. However, after finding a part time job at the theater last Thursday, I renewed my health insurance.

Elizabeth:Kenneth! I am happy to hear that you renewed your health insurance. Having health insurance is important because you can benefit from everything in private hospitals then.

Kenneth:You are right. I should have a think about where to go because there are three private hospitals near here.

Elizabeth:Great. Take care of your health. See you next month.

Kenneth:See you then, Elizabeth!

G)Change your partner and try to pronounce the words with /Ɵ/, /t/, and /s/ sounds correctly.


  • Play in groups consisting of four members.
  • One student calls out the numbers below in any order.
  • The other students choose one of the boxes A, B, C or D below.
  • They cross out each number in their boxes as it is called (or put a small piece of paper on top of each number as it is called).
  • The first person to cross out all his numbers wins.

3 233334134633835313
30 9339348330373363453
313 3342383353430100063
343 43330043373443473403
323 330


3 / 23 / 93
33 / 300 / 330
303 / 313 / 433


23 / 83 / 93
63 / 73 / 343
323 / 330 / 473


313 / 333 / 363
343 / 373 / 443
300 / 383 / 1000


403 / 443 / 473
323 / 330 / 373
423 / 430 / 483

2)Phonological Case: Assimilation

Assimilation refers to a process by which a sound becomes similar to an adjacent sound. The following examples show the case clearly:

Without assimilation (in normal speech) With assimilation (in fast speecH)

good morning →goom morning

bad boy→bab boy

bed time→bet time

test book→tesp book

German people→Germam people

A)T1.8 Listen to the following words. Circle the sound that undergoes change and write the change.

a) red carg) white poster

b) red bullh) white cable

c) red meati) white gold

d) red packetj) green card

e) white board k) green bean

f) white meatl) green pepper

B)T1.9 Listen to the words again and practice them by paying attention to the phonological case of assimilation. Notice that assimilation happens in fast speech.

C)Rule of Assimilation

1./t/ changes into /k/ before /k/ and /g/.
2./t/ changes into /p/ before /p/, /b/, and /m/.
3./d/ changes into /g/ before /k/ and /g/.
4./d/ changes into /b/ before /p/, /b/, and /m/.
5./n/ changes into // before /k/ and /g/
6./n/ changes into /m/ before /p/, /b/, and /m/.

End-up Activity

1. Write on the board as many foods as you can remember such as chips, vegetables, fruits, canned and fresh ones, etc.

2. Ask your partner which foods are the healthiest and which are the least healthy. Discuss your ideas by giving your reasons.

3. Change your partner and debate this again.

Appendix D. A sample worksheet


A) Answer the following questions by using your phonetic knowledge

1. [ t ] is a ………………………………………….. .

a. voiceless dental-alveolar stop sound

b. voiced velar nasal sound

c. voiced dental-alveolar nasal sound

2. [ ŋ ] is a ………………………………………….. .

a. voiceless velar nasal sound

b. voiced velar nasal sound

c. voiceless labio-dental fricative

3. Circle the words that have a voiced dental-alveolar nasal sound in word final position.

pen turn night invade

fan learn nasty interaction

4. Circle the words that have a voiced velar nasal sound in word final position

can fine tone bring

ban listen long gong

5. Transcribe the following words.

running [ ] sing [ ] young [ ]

ping [ ] lung [ ] tang [ ]

B) Answer the following questions by using your phonological knowledge.

1. Affricativization refers to . . . .

a. the change of /t/ and /d/ sounds into /tš/ and /dž/ sounds at word boundaries before /y/

sound in American English.

b. the change of /t/ and /d/ sounds into /s/ and /z/ sounds at word boundaries before /y/

sound in American English.

c. the change of /t/ and /d/ sounds into /d/ and /dž / sounds at word boundaries before /y/

sound in American English.

2. Listen to the following sentences and circle the sounds that become affricativized.

a) I want you to open the window.

b) She will beat you.

c) He will need you.

3. Write the rules of affricativization for the words written above.

a. ……………………………..

b. ……………………………..

c. ……………………………..