100th Anniversary Speech
Dr. Kathryn Alexander, President
Santa Barbara Community College District Board of Trustees
August 20, 2009
It is an honor to bring greetings from all the trustees on the occasion of inaugurating our one hundredth year as a college. For me this is also an occasion for remembering the trustees who were part of the reorganization of the College District in the 1960’s as well as the other trustees who served subsequently but who are no longer here. They, plus the numerous community members who have stepped forward to help the college during its first century as well as the past faculty and staff, are forever part of the roots of all that we see before us today.
As I look back I see a parade of faces before my inner eye. I see Elizabeth Henderson who, as chairman of the High School Board, was creative and tireless in the 1960’s in transferring the college to the new Board. I see Sam Wake who ensured that the Adult Education program was transferred as well and was not left behind in the High School District.
I see Eli Luria who, in the 1970’s, greeted each new challenge facing the college with enthusiasm and a can do attitude. Originally approached as a community member to lead the bond campaign for purchase of the site of the West Campus, Eli said “Of course I will help.” Later, as a trustee, faced with an inadequate library because the High School board had been told the college would never have more than 2000 students, Eli said “Well then, let’s build a new library.”
Some of the pillars who supported and helped to build this college are gone, others have retired and joined the retired faculty members and administrators who still return each year and continue to represent the college to the community. Collectively they work with other community members in such ways as serving on advisory committees to college departments and programs as well as on the Board of the Foundation for Santa Barbara City College. The college would not be what it is today without community supporters such as Helen Pedotti who was chairman of the Foundation’s first capital campaign and subsequently helped to create our Jail Program. Today we thank all of you and we salute you.
But this is more than a time for remembering, for those of us who are here today it is a celebration of the beginning of the second century for the college. Because, collectively, we are the college and the future of the college belongs to us. The college is not the buildings or this incredible piece of land poised at the edge of the Pacific, rather it is the present students, the alumni, as well as all of us. Therefore let us celebrate a creative opportunity which we all share. I speak for all of the trustees when I say that the sight of all of you here today renews both energy and purpose. Thank you for coming.