Heat Shock Protocol - Tissue Culture
1. Set incubator to 42 C the evening before the experiment to be equilibrated by the next morning.
2. Subculture cells 1.92 X 104 per 3 cm dish or one well of a six well dish, approximately 1 day prior to the experiment. You can also include coverslips in the dishes.
3. Prewarm the media to 42 C, and change the media in the dishes. Remember to do a control dish at 37 C.
4. Heat shock the cells for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or more at 42 C.
5. If there is a recovery period, change the media to media that is at 37 C and put dishes in incubator that is set at 37 C. Do a time course recovery period. Fix coverslips per normal fixing procedures, or harvest cells per normal protocols.
6. If there is no recovery period, harvest coverslips or cells as per normal protocol.