MontgomeryHigh School Concert Tour
Italy and Austria
March 19-27, 2013
Preliminary Information and 2012 Payment Schedule
Dear Parents and Students,
Contained in this packet is some preliminary information about the 2013 trip to Italy and Austria. Many of the itinerary details are tentative and specific information, such as hotel and flight information, will not be know until April or May. Regardless, it is important to begin making payments now so that our travel company can finalize our travel arrangements. Please understand that ALL money paid towards this trip prior to the deadline of June 1st indicated on the payment plan is 100% refundable. This means that you can make a refund request up to June 1st without being assessed a cancellation fee. An additional payment schedule will be coming home to you in May that shows when payments need to be made in the 2012-2013 school year.
Trip Itinerary
Venice, Italy (3 nights): Fly overnight from JFK or PHL airport to Venice. Stay at a hotel in Padova (neighboring city). Present a concert as part of a Regional Music Festival in Venice, and have a joint performance with a local orchestra. Sight seeing tours in Venice and Padova with free time given to students to buy souvenirs, explore parts of the city, and get lunch. Breakfast and dinner is provided each day.
Vienna, Austria (2 nights): Leave Venice and bus through the Alps (5.5 hours) to Vienna, Austria. While in Vienna we visit the HofburgPalace, and have a sight seeing tour that includes St. Stephen’s Cathedral. We present a concert in Vienna with a local orchestra. Breakfast and dinner is provided each day with one being a traditional Heurinerabend, a Viennese buffet with Austro-Hungarian folk music. The tour continues with a departure from Vienna to Salzburg. Along the way we make stops at the Melk Abbey, where we perform an informal concert, and the Mathausen Concentration Camp Memorial.
Salzburg, Austria (2 nights): While in Salzburg we focus on the life of and music of its most famous resident, W.A. Mozart. We have a guided tour, including the Cathedral where Mozart was director of music. While at the cathedral we perform a concert (yes, we are actually performing at the church where Mozart was director of music!!!!). Our time in Salzburg includes a visit to the MozartMuseum, located in the house of Mozart’s birth. Students will have the opportunity to see the actual instruments that Mozart owned and played, including the harpsichord that he composed many of his early compositions from. We will collaborate with the Salzburg Chamber Soloists to present a Gala Concert in one of Salzburg’s best performance venues.
Additional tour specifics that will be added to the itinerary include:
- Specific hotel accommodations and contact information for each hotel on the trip
- Flight information including departure and arrival times, and which airline we are flying on. This is important for those wishing to use frequent flyer miles. Frequent flyer miles can be used but only for the flight we are on. Students cannot travel separate from the group.
- Performance details
- Additional sight seeing opportunities
- Baggage allowances, passport information and instrument rental (cellists and bassists only)
- Daily specifics showing exactly what we are doing and when we are doing it
(To see the power point presentation presented to parents in January please go to the music department webpage and click on MHS Orchestra)
Payment Schedule
The total cost for this trip is not yet determined because airline and hotel fees cannot be calculated beyond one year from our target time. However, the estimated price range of this trip is $2700-$3000. The payment schedule shown below is devised using the aforementioned price range.
February 2012-June 2012 (actual)
Payment Due Date / Payment Amount / Cancellation Fee*2/29/2012 / $250 / 0$
4/18/2012 / $300 / 0$
6/1/2012 / $300 / $250 after this date
These amounts do not reflect individual fundraising efforts. The June 1st payment can be adjusted to include individual fundraising efforts.
Cancellations fees can be recovered through included Travel Insurance for covered reasons only (see Travel Guard group plan description)
Cancellations made after June 1st will be assessed a cancellation fee. The exact fee for cancellation after June 1st will be included in the next payment schedule which you will receive in April or early May.
Please complete the form found on the next page and return it to Mr. Kahalehoe or Mr. Woodworth with your check made out to MHS.
Please return this form to Mr. Kahalehoe or Mr. Woodworth by February 29th.
Please include me in the Montgomery High School Concert Tour 2013. My $250 check payable to MHS is enclosed.
I am:
______a member of the Orchestra or Choir
______an accompanying Family Member.
My relationship to the performer is ______
My birth date is: ______(00/00/0000)
(This information is needed for enrollment in Travel Guard Insurance)
By returning this form and my $250 deposit check I certify that:
- I have read and understand the payment cancellation schedule (all refunds must be requested before June 1stto receive a full refund);
- I agree to be bound by the schedule and make timely payments
- I will notify Mr. Kahalehoe on a form to be provided if I must cancel
Printed name of traveler ______
Parent or adult traveler signature ______Date: ______