Debasis A. Chakraborty
- Thorough understanding and in-depth experience in implementation of Identity and Access Control Management Solution. I have worked on a host of leading Identity Management Solutions from Siemens, Computer Associates, Netegrity,SUN IDM 5.0,IBM Trivoliand Novell.
- Solution Architecting capability on all aspects of Identity and Access Management including, eDirectory, Access Control, Audit, Single Sign-On,Admin, Policy Manager, Firewalls and IDS.
- Experience in carrying out network security audit, penetration testing and securitypolicy design for disparate network systems.
- Professional expertise in all phases of Networking projects viz. requirement analysis, Network Design, Product selection and Evaluation, Network implementation, Management & Administration.
- I am a keen learner, I never give up and I consider myself a good team-man.
Degree / Course / Specialization / AwardMaster Of Engineering / Computer Science & Engineering (Information Technology) / Network & Security / First Class with Rank
Bachelor Of Engineering / Computer Science & Engineering / First Class with Distinction
HSC / Science / First Class with Distinction
SSC / Science / First Class with Distinction
Master Thesis:“Identity and Access Management “
WORK EXPERIENCE:# / Employer / Job Title/Platform / Period / Location
/ To1 / Onward Technologies / Sr Software Engineer(Project Lead) / 04-07-05 / Till Date / Mumbai
2 / Rolta India Ltd / Consultant / 03-12-04 / 02-07-05 / Mumbai
3 / Siemens Information Systems Ltd / Software Engineer / 03-07-03 / 2-12-04 / Pune
4 / Telesoft India Ltd / Software Engineer / 02-05-02 / 30-06-03 / Pune
(Y/N) /Training
(Y/N) / Work Exp.* /Skill
(Y/N) /Training
(Y/N) / Work Exp.*Servlets / Y / Y / 18 Months / DB2 / Y / Y / 6 Months
JSP / Y / Y / 18 Months / ACCES / Y / Y / 6 Months
EJB / Y / Y / 18 Months / XML / Y / Y / 6Months
JDBC / Y / Y / 18Months / LDAP / Y / Y / 12 Months
RMI / Y / Y / 10 Months / XML / Y / Y / 12 Months
Java Beans / Y / Y / 10 Months
Core JAVA / Y / Y / 10 Months / Other skills (Pl. Specify):
Sun Directory / Y / Y / 14 Months / C++ / Y / N / 6 months
IPlanet / Y / N / 14 Months / Oracle 9i / Y / N / 14 Months
C++ / Y / Y / 14 Months / JWS, J2EE / Y / Y / 3 Months
Oracle 9i / Y / Y / 08 Months
SQL Server / Y / N / 06 Months / UML/Rational Rose / Y / N / 12 months
JavaScript / Y / Y / 06 Months / Win NT/9x / Y / N / 12 months
HTML / Y / Y / 06 Months / UNIX / Y / N / 18 months
Perl / Y / Y / 06 / LINUX 9i / Y / N / 12 months
SAML / Y / N / 12 / Liberty / Y / N / 12 months
Overall Responsibilities
Enterprise Service Management solutions and services
Some Major Projects
Company / Onward Technologies Ltd,Novell UK LtdProject #1 / Surrey LDAP Directory Design using IDM3,eDirectory(NCSE3249)
Client’s Name / Surrey Country Council
Duration / July 2005-November2005
Project Description / The project was mainly for eDirectory for eDirectory design for surrey council and Partition-Replication, LDAP Authentication for SAP portal, password distribution, security policy, indexes required for IDM connector to improve SAP portal.
Roles & Responsibilities /
- System Study, Architect solution, Implementation.
Tools Used / Novell eDirectory,Novell IDM3
Company / Onward Technologies Ltd,Novell UK Ltd
Project #2 / eDirectory Driver design and integrate with iChain for Surrey County Council
Duration / July 2005-December2005
Client’s Name / Surrey Country Council
Project Description / This project is mainly Driver development of eDirectory to eDirectory .Mainly Tree configuration, password synchronization, password self services and driver specific requirement for create ,place ,match ,schema mapping policy. This project also includes error and warning notification through SMTP.,Creating rules for password policy ,configuring filter and policy rules for publisher and subscriber channel.The project also include input,output,event,command transformation through DirXML Driver tested on Client env.Implement iChain for identity and service provider .
Company / Rolta India Ltd
Project #3 / Security Implantation using CA eTrust Identity and Access Management Suite
Client’s Name / Tata Consultancy Services
Duration / Apr 2005- June 2005
Project Description / This project included developing eTrust Admin advanced workflow using JIAM SDK.
- This project was a security implementation for TCS to secure their Offshore Development Centers. This included Identity Management, Access Management, Threat Management and Security Administration. As identified by TCS, the eTrust security solution is done at TCS Noida, Chennai and PTI Delhi. SecurityOperationCenter is built at TCS, PTI Delhi. The project included installation of eTrust software on TCS production servers and 200 desktops in both Noida and Chennai office. Configurations are done on existing third party security solution deployed within TCS for log collection, integration and security administration. Implementing various modules like Admin 8.1, Access control, SSO and eDirectory. It was also Involved in Development of Advance Workflow & User provisioning using JIAM SDK, Servlets and JSP where we need to provide delegated administration to various HR and Accounts process.
Roles & Responsibilities /
- Project Managenent ,System Study, Architect solution,Design for Web Customization.
Tools Used /
- eTrust IAM ,Jdk,iPlanet .
Project #3 / Netigrity Site Minder, Identity Minder for e-Provisioning (Identity And Access Management)
Client’s Name / HFC Bank
Duration / 2 Weeks (Jan-2005)
Project Description / The aim of this project is e-provisioning, self administration, policy management of different user and object on organization.
Roles & Responsibilities /
- Project Management ,Web Customization, Design Architecture,
Tools Used / BEA Weblogic,Jdk1.4,Identity Minder,Sun Directory Server.
Project #4 / IBM Trivoli Directory Server, Tivoli Access Manager, Tivoli Identity Manager, Tivoli Directory Integrator with eTrust SSO,eTrust Access Control
Client / Ford Motor Company
Duration / 8 Weeks(Feb-2005-Apr2005)
Project Description / A centralized management console for monitoring, managing & reporting security data with following benefits:
Only authorized users are allowed to Switch User to root. Expired Accounts,Easily Cracked Passwords ,User IDs with no passwords, Auto Logon Status as per company policy. Display the name of the user that last used.Single Sign-on for different application, audit logs capturing and report generating, policy compliance.Using IBM Trivoli Identity manager ,implemented policy, business rule using XSLT ,delegated administration, workflow, password self-service,user provisioning, report and auditing through eTrust Audit. Implement eTrust SSO in client environment.
- Project Management, Web Customization ,Design Architecture,SSO
Tools used /
- Jdk1.4,JBoss,Oracle,Linux,
Project #5 / eTrust Policy Compliance Manager (Identity and Access Management)
Client’s Name / ICICI Bank
Duration / 4 weeks (Dec-2004-Jan2005)
Project Description / This is an implementation of eTrust Policy Compliance Manager on Windows and Sun Solaris.
e-Trust Policy Compliance is a powerful tool for managing system security. It automates the vulnerability discovery process and helps you secure your system by providing a broad range of tools that identify potential problem areas quickly, resolve them easily, and prevent their recurrence.
Roles & Responsibilities /
- Project Management, Customer Defined Scripting and Testing , Design Architecture Implementation,Presentation.
Tools Used / Windows,Linux,Perl/Windows batch Scripting.
Company Name / Siemens Information Systems Limited
Project #6 / SISLER,HiPath DirX (Identity And Access Management )
Client / L&T Mysore , L&T Chennai ,Bridge & Roof
Duration / (Dec-2003-Dec-2004)
Project Description / Itprovides smart card and PKI based authentication, data-integrity and confidentiality for SAP based network communication. SISLER has the following key features that are vital for a SAP system or any other system that requires secure network communication ,Strong Authentication ,Data integrity ,Data confidentiality.
Roles & Responsibilities /
- Project Management ,Product Architect,Research and Market Analysis,SAP Certification ,Presentation.
Tools Used / Jdk1.4,ASN1.0,XML,OpenLdap, ,Apache,IIS.
Project #7 / FAULT TOLERENT NETWORK for BHEL (Network Management)
Company Name / Siemens Information Systems Limited
Duration / 12 Weeks (July2003-Nov-2003)
Project Description / In network where reliability is of utmost significance, fault tolerance becomes an essential factor for data transfer.
Roles & Responsibilities /
- Architectural Design ,Software Development ,Testing ,Implementation
Tools Used / Jdk1.4, JCreator, JBulider, Rational Rose.
Company Name / Telesoft India Ltd
Project #8 /
Operating System Fingerprinting for Asset Management
Client Name /PSTI
Duration / May2002-July2002Project Description / The product aims at giving the flexibility to provide facility for extracting valuable asset information independent of operating system running, from the families of operating systems actually installed all over the world i.e. the UNIX and Windows family.
Learning remote OS versions can be an extremely valuable network reconnaissance tool, since many security holes are dependent on OS version.
Roles & Responsibilities /
- System Study, Architect solution,Implementation.
Tools used / Linux,Solaris,C, GTK,SSH.
Project #9 / Web Page Localization for Site Hosted On Linux and Web-provisioning
Duration / 12 Weeks (Nov-2002-Jan-2003)
Client Name / HK Bank
Project Description / Web page localization is the path breaking solution for language localization of the web pages.
It provides effective user friendly interface by translating the webpages stored on the Web Server to the target language on the fly for site hosted on Linux.And also customization of e-provisioning using Novell Directory Server.
Roles & Responsibilities /
- Project Management, Architectural Design , Web Customization ,Implementation,
- Presentation
Tools Used / C,C++,Linux,Apache Web Server
Project #10 / Intrusion Detection System on Linux, Honeypot and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
Client Name / Global Bank
Duration / 8 Weeks (Jan-2003-Mar-2003 )
Project Description / HPS provides the following features to protect your network from intrusion attempts:
This project also involved implementation of Intrusion detection system at the data center and checking its functionalities based on existing /new rules/policies so that client security is not only maintained but also enhanced against latest attacks by using Intrusion detection system
Roles & Responsibilities /
- Architectural Design, Implementation,Presentation
Tools Used / C,C++,Linux.
Has following Novell mapped product exposure wrt Other IDM products
# /Computer AssociatesProduct
/ Novell Nsure ProductsA / Computer Associates eTrust Admin
User Provisioning / Novell’s iManager 2.5 (DirXML)
B / Identity and Access Management (IAM) 8.0 Suite / Novell’s iChain 2.3
D / iRecorder Design & Development for eTrust Audit and Security Command Centre (SSC). / Novell’s eDirectory8.7
E / CA’s eTrust Single Sign On (SSO) & eTrust Web Access Control / Novell’s eGuide and SecretStore (Currently Getting acquainted)
F / Netegrity SiteMinder & Identity minder. /
Novell ConsoleOne
G / CA Policy Compliance Manager /SUN IDM5.0
H / IBM Tivoli Directory Server, Tivoli Access Manager, Tivoli Identity Manager, Tivoli Directory Integrator /Siemens SISLER,HiPath DirX
- Got Best Research Paper Awards in MobiComp-2004 (Enhancing eSecurity Through Key Management and Reducing Certificate Generation Complexity).
- Got Best Research Paper Awards in RTDSN-2004 (Conf) (Enhancing eSecurity Through Secure CA Architecture, Trust Relationship and CRL).
- Presented paper and Awarded in ICSCI2005 (A Novel Approach Of Key Management in PKI Research).
- Honored by School and SBI and Organization for 10th and 12th Result.
- Awarded “A++” in National Talent Search Exam (VIIth Standard) and Awarded “A+” (VIIIth).
- Awarded “A” Mathematics Talent Search (X And XI standard).
- Got many prizes in quiz, Technical Quiz and Debate.
Education / M.E CSE-IT Network And Security
University / PUNE University, India
Passport No. / F1149307
Contact No / 09833197850
Email / ,