Nominee Form

Nominee Name: / PMI Member ID:
Last Name / First Name / M.I.
Street / City/State / Zip Code
E-mail Address: / Telephone Number:

Description of Work performed on PMI-DVC sponsored projects or activities.

Please include a biography (no more than 250 words).

Please include a vision statement (no more than 250 words).

PMI-DVC Conflicts of Interest Policy

The PMI-DVC Board of Directors is a body of elected directors with the fiduciary responsible for an organization with significant financial and property assets

The elements of the Board fiduciary duty are:

·  Good faith - which means directors are expected to act in an honest fashion;

·  Duty of Loyalty - which means that all directors can voice their diverse opinions during discussions but once an action is approved, directors must speak with one voice. All matters of planning and operations must be treated as privileged and confidential until formal public disclosure, and individual directors cannot speak for the Chapter unless authorized by the full Board. A director’s duty of loyalty also requires the director to put the interest of the corporation before personal or business interests.

·  Reasonable care – which means directors are expected to act in a reasonable manner without self-dealing.

Additionally you should understand that in addition to stated policies regarding specific conflicts from time to time matters come before the Board which may impact your duty of loyalty to the Board resulting from your association with other business and professional activities. In such instances you may be requested to excuse yourself from the discussion on the matter and to abstain from a vote. Those instances cannot always be identified in advance, but will require your cooperation in disclosing such issues as they may arise.

It is important that you are clearly informed of the Chapter’s position regarding real or perceived conflicts of interest since we do not want you to make an uninformed decision or be surprised if you were required to refrain from current activity that is not cohesive with the Board’s policy.


·  Be a member in good standing with PMI and PMI-DVC

·  Have actively participated in chapter activities within the last year, such as volunteer projects, committees, or board memberships

·  A description of the work you contributed to PMI-DVC projects and activities

·  No more than a 250 word biography

·  No more than a 250 word vision statement Willing to serve a two-year term to help ensure consistency and sustainability of the chapter’s initiatives starting in January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2018

·  Willing to volunteer approximately 15 hours a month to attend chapter meetings and events

·  Live within a reasonable driving distance to attend chapter meetings and events

·  A digital facial photo

·  A signed statement acknowledging you have read and agree to the chapter’s conflict of interest policy

·  Be available for an Interview with the Nominating Committee

·  Understand there is no campaigning allowed when running for an elected position. Only one-on-one personal conversations are permitted when discussing your nomination.

·  Submit completed Nomination Acceptance Form and required documents via email (see below).


By signing below, I acknowledge that I understand the requirements and commitment for serving as a PMI-DVC Board Member in a volunteer capacity. I further assert that I have read and agree to PMI-DVC’s Conflict of Interest policy.

Print Full Name

Please e-mail completed nominee form and photo to .

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