Jacques Diouf Award


Email: / MrM. Lubetkin
Director, OCC
Secretary FAO Awards

NOMINATION for the Period2014-2015:

Please note: the text of the detailed nomination should be self-contained and should provide concrete elements and factual information.

  1. Name of the nominating department:
  1. Name of the nominating officer:
  1. Name of the FAO Representative (if relevant):
  1. Individual or institution’s:

Executive Summary

Detailed Nomination

I.Background on the nominated individual or national or regional institution (purpose, staffing, funding, issues, strengths and weaknesses etc.)

II.Rationale why the institution is proposed for the Jacques Diouf Award

Please explain how the individual or national, regional or global institution has made a significant contribution to the improvement of global food security and, in particular HOW:

(i)the measures advocated for by this individual/institution have been adopted and applied, on a large scale, by governments, civil society organizations and/or private enterprises, through programmes aimed at fighting hunger and malnutrition

(ii)the individual/institution mobilized resources and led the implementation of large scale programmes* for fighting hunger and malnutrition that have reached demonstrated and sustainable impact

*Large scale programmes for fighting hunger and malnutrition are here defined as programmes that involve inter-country cooperation at regional or global level. They can also consist of national or sub-national programmes that have developed particularly successful approaches and inspired other institutions and governments in their own attempts to fight hunger and malnutrition.

(iii)Explain how the Programmes concerned coverone or moreof the four dimensions of food security(food availability, access to food, food use and nutrition, stability). For instance the types of programmes that the Award could consider may consist, though not be limited, to the following areas of actions: poverty reduction with focus on the most vulnerable and malnourished; access to food through social protection; social and economic inclusion of the poor and malnourished through community empowerment; enhancement of food production through technology transfer and/or access to markets;food availability and access through market stabilization, etc.

(iv)Explain how the programmes implemented by the individual/institution have contributed in an integrated manner to enhancing Livelihood, social inclusion and dignity of the poorest and most malnourished groups of a given population.

(v)Any other information relevant for assessing the eligibility of the nominated institution

III.Why you consider the individual/institution unique

IV.Evidence of non-FAO sources which have commented on the outstanding performance of the project

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FAO Technical Officer responsible for Date:

Department:final submission to OCC Secretariat HQ:

Jacques Diouf Award General Instructions


1. On 2 July 2011, the FAO Conference, at its Thirty-seventh Session, decided[1] that a “Jacques Diouf Award” be established, for presentation at the beginning of each regular session of the Conference, to individuals or institutions, either national or regional, having made a significant contribution to the improvement of global food security.

Nominations are therefore now invited, as outlined below, for the Jacques Diouf Award for the biennium 2014-2015.

2. The general terms and conditions of the Award are:

Nature of the Award

  • a scroll describing the recipient's achievements,
  • a medal inscribed with the name of the recipient, and
  • a cash prize in the amount of USD 25 000


Any individual, national, regional or global institution having in the course of the biennium preceding the Conference, made a significant contribution for the improvement of global food security.

Basic Criteria

In the spirit of Conference Resolution 1/2011 the winning individual or institution should be one that has

a)developed suitable analyses of the causes of food insecurity and successfully advocated for consistent measures that have been adopted and applied, on a large scale, by governments, civil society organizations and/or private enterprises, through programmes aimed at fighting hunger and malnutrition, and/or;

b)mobilized resources and led the implementation of large scale programmes for fighting hunger and malnutrition that have reached demonstrated and sustainable impact.

Large scale programmes for fighting hunger and malnutrition are here defined as programmes that involve inter-country cooperation at regional or global level. They can also consist of national or sub-national programmes that have developed particularly successful approaches and inspired other institutions and governments in their own attempts to fight hunger and malnutrition. Programmes concerned may cover one or several of the four dimensions of food security (food availability, access to food, food use and nutrition, stability). For instance the types of programmes that the Award could consider may consist, though not be limited, to the following areas of actions: poverty reduction with focus on the most vulnerable and malnourished; access to food through social protection; social and economic inclusion of the poor and malnourished through community empowerment; enhancement of food production through technology transfer and/or access to markets;food availability and access through market stabilization, etc.

Particular emphasis will be given to the human values involved in the achievements of the programme, i.e. the way these programmes have contributed in an integrated manner to enhancing the livelihood, social inclusion and dignity of the poorest and most malnourished groups of a given population.

  1. Procedures and General Guidelines

The procedures and general guidelines to be followed are set out below:

Submission of Nominations

Proposals for nomination presented by national, regional or global institutions should be submitted to FAO Representatives (in countries with an accredited FAO Representative) or to FAO Regional and Subregional Representatives (in countries with no accredited FAO Representative), as appropriate, for submission to the Awards Secretariat by20 February 2015. The FAO National, Regional and Subregional Representatives or UNDP Resident Representatives, as appropriate, may also submit proposals for nomination directly to the FAO Secretariat of the Award at the following email address: or The FAO Awards Secretariat, Office of Corporate Communications, room number A-324, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy.Email: .

  1. FAO Department responsible for technical backstopping

The Economic and Social Development Department (ES) will provide the FAO-Awards Secretariat with the necessary technical support, particularly with regard to the eligibility of each nomination.

  1. Jacques Diouf Award Ad Hoc Screening Committee

An ad hoc interdepartmental Screening Committee chaired by the Deputy Director-Generaland comprisingall Assistant Directors-General atheadquarters and at Regional level, the Legal Counsel, the Director of the Agricultural Development Economics Division, and the Director of the Office for Corporate Communications,as Secretary, will review the list of nominations submitted by the Awards Secretariat, and establish a short-list of three nominations. The Chairperson of the Screening Committee will submit the short-list of three institutions to the Chairperson of the Selection Committee.

  1. Jacques Diouf Award Selection Committee

The Committee, chaired by the Director-General, and comprising the Independent Chairperson of the Council, the Chairperson of the Programme Committee and Chairperson of the Finance Committee, will make a final decision on the basis of the short-list submitted by the Screening Committee.

  1. Conferment of Awards

The Award is conferred for activities and programmeshaving reached remarkable achievements during the biennium preceding the current one. The Award will be presented by the Director-General to the individual or representative of the recipient institution during a special ceremony before 31 December 2015.

The individual or representative of the selected institution will be invited to FAO headquarters in Rome for the ceremony, the cost of travel and per diem being borne by the Organization


[1] Resolution 1/2011