Present: Cllr G Hall (Chair)
Cllr S Barker
Cllr A Board
Cllr R Cassidy
Cllr P Lambotte
Cllr A Steel
Also in attendance: Ms H Munro (Chief Executive Officer)
Ms J Brown (Sports Park Manager)
Mr N Hills (Sports Bar Supervisor)
Mr A Cockell
KHS 14/99 / To receive and accept Apologies for Absence with reasons for approvalThere were none.
KHS 14/100 / To receive declarations of interest
There were none.
KHS 14/101 / To receive declarations of lobbying
Cllr Barker declared she had been lobbied on the Sports Bar and allotments.
KHS 14/102 / Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd September 2014 were circulated and it was RESOLVED that they be signed as a true record.
KHS 14/103 / Chairman’s Announcements
The Sports Bar Supervisor was introduced to the Committee.
The agenda items would be taken in a different order to accommodate the Sports Park Manager who would be arriving later.
Officer’s Report
KHS 14/104 / KHS 14/85 Snagging List
The major items outstanding on the updated snagging list were discussed. There continued to be concern about the lack of a bund in the plant room. It was RESOLVED that Cllrs Board and Steel would review the comments from the Landlord and their consultants to be considered at the next meeting. / AB/TS
KHS 14/105 / Continued concern was raised about Disability Discrimination Act compliance in relation to the entrance to the pavilion. Cllr Board agreed to investigate current legislation and report back. / AB
KHS 14/106 / KHS 14/87 Job Evaluation
The Finance and HR Committee reviewed certain roles and the following posts have been created in addition to Facilities Assistant:
· Maintenance officer
· Duty Supervisor
KHS 14/107 / KHS 14/91 Hire rates
The new rates had been put in place and were displayed on the website.
KHS 14/108 / KHS 14/92 Car Parking Charge
A further month's car parking to 05/10/2014 has been negotiated and paid.
KHS 14/109 / KHS 14/95 Landscaping snagging meeting
Officers attended the meeting. There were numerous trees which had died and needed replacing. The replacements would be undertaken by the Landlord as agreed. There were no significant issues to report.
KHS 14/110 / Public session
There were none.
Sports Bar
KHS 14/111 / To note recruitment of Sports Bar staff
The recruitment of a Chef and 2 Front of House staff were Noted.
KHS 14/112 / To receive accounts to date and agree actions
The full accounts to the end of September were not available. Turnover figures were presented and discussed. Detailed accounts would be presented at the next meeting. A further review of operations would take place at the December meeting.
The Sports Park Manager entered the meeting at 19:59
KHS 14/113 / To discuss an official opening date for the café and agree actions
A report on the original date was given and it was agreed that the event be postponed until further notice.
KHS 14/114 / To receive and discuss Operations Report and agree actions
The report was circulated and discussed in detail.
KHS 14/115 / It was RESOLVED that approval be given to the strategy to offer discounted hire for up to 1 month to new community groups or for new community projects as required. This must be reviewed and further discount subject to Committee approval.
KHS 14/116 / A report on a project to work with one of the local school was given. It was RESOLVED that approval be given to an application for grant funding for sporting equipment to be recommended to the Finance and HR Committee. Future hire would be subject to normal commercial rules in future years.
/ SP Mgr
KHS 14/117 / A proposal to install external table tennis tables was circulated and discussed. It was RESOLVED that grant funding for 100% of the cost would be required. Issues with the lease were flagged. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Hall speaks to the Landlord to discuss a solution to these issues. The Duty Supervisor was thanked for preparing the proposal. / GH
KHS 14/118 / To receive update on animal nuisance issues, discuss solutions and agree actions
An update was given. It was RESOLVED that alternative cost effective methods would be undertaken initially and monitored. The installation of rabbit proof fencing would be considered if other methods proved unsuccessful. / SP Mgr
KHS 14/119 / To receive update on Running Club and agree actions
An update was reported. The club was run as a community activity.
To receive proposal to hire facilities to run an archery club and hold tournaments and agree actions
KHS 14/120 / A proposal to run an archery club was reported and discussed. It was RESOLVED that, in principle, the club was approved. Funding would be required to purchase all the necessary equipment subject to approval from the Finance and HR Committee. Cllr Hall would include this item in his discussions with the Landlord. / GH
KHS 14/121 / A proposal to host 2 archery tournaments was reported and discussed. It was RESOLVED that, in principle, the proposal was approved. Issues with the location for the event would need to be resolved before any further progress could be made and Cllr Hall would include this in his discussions with the Landlord. / GH
KHS 14/122 / To discuss social media and communications with the public and agree actions
The use of a Twitter and Facebook accounts specifically for the Sports Park and Sports Bar were discussed. It was RESOLVED that a recommendation be made to Full Council for approval along with a set of guidelines for their use. / Full Council
Budgets 2015/16
KHS 14/123 / To receive draft budget for discussion and recommendation to Finance & HR Committee
The draft budget was circulated and discussed. After some amendments it was RESOLVED that the budgeted be recommended to the Finance and HR Committee to be consolidated and presented to Full Council for further consideration. / CEO
Cllr Hall left the meeting at 22:00
KHS 14/124 / As the Chairman had left the meeting, Cllr Cassidy took the chair for the remainder of the meeting.
KHS 14/125 / To consider additional financial review and reporting required for Council
It was agreed that a full review against the original strategic report should be undertaken once the whole facilities had been operational for at least one complete year.
Administration & Finance
KHS 14/126 / To receive financial statement for review and comment
The financial statement was discussed and Noted.
KHS 14/127 / To receive details of set up costs for review and comment
The details of the final actual cost of the set up for the facilities was circulated and Noted.
Other Matters – to receive update for discussion
KHS 14/128 / Allotments
Details of the proposed site meeting were given.
KHS 14/129 / Future Development
Nothing to report.
KHS 14/130 / Landscaping
Nothing further to report.
KHS 14/131 / Correspondence and Matters for Information – all correspondence received, together with responses and other information pertaining to the work of the committee
Nothing to report.
KHS 14/132 / Future Meeting – 5th November 2014
Questions from Councillors and future agenda items
KHS 14/133 / Events at Discovery School were flagged. People should be warned that the car park would close to ensure cars were not locked in. / SP Mgr
The meeting ended at 22:13
KHSC 01/10/2014 / Page 81 / Initialled