Conestoga PTO April 2016 Meeting Minutes
I. March minutes approved
II. Treasurer's Report: Approved and Attached
III. Student/Family Activities:
A. Yearbook: Almost done. Need to add PROUD Assembly picture. Five extra books were ordered. This is a large undertaking and they have a great committee.
B. Recess Running Club: The bag is missing. Their paperwork and the bracelets are kept in the bag. They will check with Mr. Binkley. The kids run the month of April from 11:45 to 1:10 two times per week. Mr. Schettler is requesting that the recess running club be held at Marticville Middle School for the 5th and 6th grade students that are being housed there during the renovations. Martic Elementary has recess running club. Unsure about Pequea.
C. Garden Club: Planting took place today. Kids were given passports to use when visiting different areas of the garden which represented different countries. The younger students were given stamps and the older students had to answer a question. The items that the different grades planted will be part of a recipe to be prepared in the classrooms. A date will need to be scheduled for harvesting, prepping, and the final event. They are planning an event in the garden during the picnic. They are also going to need a new committee chair in two years.
D. Talent Show: Scheduled for 4/29/16. Forms went home. They are waiting for forms to be returned. Stacey Cook chairs the event. They also will have the ice cream social in the cafeteria following the talent show.
E. Teacher Appreciation Week: Committee has met and are on track for the events held from May 2-6th. Many great treats will be provided! There are plans for a healthy treat basket for the teachers to kick off PSSA's.
F. End of Year Picnic: Scheduled for May 20th. The committee is looking for volunteers for the many great events that are planned throughout the evening. There is a bounce house . A sign up Genius will be created and posted on the blog. Also, the high school was askedif there are any students needing volunteer hours that can help. Raffle tickets will be sold and families will need to check in so they can get their coupons for their meal. There are food trucks scheduled that will sell ice cream cones, chicken nuggets, french fries, and drinks. The Boy Scouts will cook hot dogs and hamburgers. Each student will receive a free hot dog, chips, and a drink. Kunzler's donated the hot dogs for the students.
G. Scholarship: Chair-Tonya Grassel-Applications have been submitted for a $500 scholarship offered to former Conestoga Students. Applicants must complete an application, write an essay and submit two reference letters. The submissions are presented to the committee anonymously.
H. Penny Extravaganza- $765.31 was raised for the Pay it Forward Fund. Class winners were: AM kindergarten, Zurn, Brooks, Altdoerffer, Graham, Eckroat, and Schettler.
I. Wolfgang Candy Fundraiser: We are waiting on refund checks for the thermometer that was unavailable. The checks should be sent this week.
IV. New Business: The Drop Everything and Read program will be held at the end of May. The books arrive within two weeks of the order date. Carol Ragland will do the ordering this year. The teachers select a few books for their classroom. The students can then choose a book from one of the titles. The PTO purchases the books. An announcement is made for everyone to stop what they are doing and drop and read wherever they are at that time.
V. Olympic Day- May 11th. Parent volunteers are needed to help in the am and pm sessions. The ice pops for participants have been purchased are stored in the PTO closet until they need to be frozen.
VI. Nurse Marty will be retiring at the end of June. The school will be something for her, but will check to see what her interests are so the PTO can contribute.
VII. Teacher's Report: Mrs. Falk- Thank you for everything! They are looking forward to teacher appreciation and their field trips. They love the garden!
VIII. Principal's Report:
*There is a new science curriculum being introduced for next year. They have not yet been given much information other than there will be training in August. The district is asking PTO to fund needed supplies. Mrs. Baker thinks she can take it out of the already established fund. The needed supplies are common household items like cotton balls, baking soda, etc.
*Assembly: Bright Star Theater- Cost is $995. They will perform two different shows for primary and intermediate classes.
*Increased Nitrates in the water are caused by a lot of rain causing water runoff from farmer’s fields. The students will continue to drink bottled water until the official lab report indicates normal levels. Daily testing at the school is showing normal levels.
*Mrs. Baker is working with the Lancaster County Library to give each first grade student a library card. She is trying to coordinate a Book Mobile to make a few stops over the summer months between Martic and Hambright Elementary schools.
*The school plans to use the Pequea Cafeteria for an ice cream social for the Conestoga Students who complete the summer reading program.
*Volunteer Clearance links will be made available on the blog when all the details are worked out and the final report is available. There should be no cost for the clearances.
IX. All committee chairs need to submit their summaries and instructions to Debbie by the end of the school year for the Committee Manual.
X. The PTO closet needs to be cleaned out by May 15th.
XI. PTO officers are needed for next school year. The Executive Committee needs a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and fundraising chair in place NOW for next school year. The committee needs to meet with the other schools to plan for the next school year. We will need to coordinate with them for building use prior to end of the school year. If there is no committee in place, there will be no extra activities for your children to enjoy. The PTO funds and plans many events including assemblies, field trips, talent show, Santa Shop, end of year picnic, and fundraising, just to name a few . Without a committee, all of the events will no longer be possible. Please consider volunteering so your children can benefit from the many fun activities they look forward to!
XII. Next PTO meeting: May 7th, in the library.
PTO meeting minutes respectfully submitted by DeAnna Greenawalt, Secretary, Conestoga PTO