10th Grade Vocabulary
Unit 1
Mis, miso=wrong, bad, hate lic, licit=permit duc, duce, duct=lead
Capt, capit=head, chief, leader sta, stit, sist, stet=stand
1. misadventure-n- mischance; misfortune; ill luck; unlucky accident
2. misogynist-n- one who hates women
3. licentious-adj- having no regard for accepted rules or standards
4. illicit-adj-not permitted or allowed; unlawful
5. capital-adj- first in importance; chief; principal
6. recapitulate-v- to give a summary of the principal facts, points, or arguments of; to summarize
7. restitute-v-to bring back to a former condition; restore
8. stature-n- the natural height of a human or animal in an upright position
9. conducive-adj- tending to bring about; being partly responsible for
10. deduce-v- to reach (a conclusion) by reasoning
Unit 2
Omni=all forc, fort=strong chron=time
Flect, flex=bend meter=measure
1. omnipotent-adj-having unlimited power
2. omniscient-adj-all knowing
3. fortitude-n-strength of mind
4. reinforce-v-to strengthen by adding extra support
5. chronic-adj-lasting for a long period of time
6. chronological-adj-arranged in order of time
7. genuflection-n-the act of bending the knees in worship
8. inflection-n-alteration in pitch or tone of the voice
9. mete-v-to distribute by measure (mete out justice)
10. odometer-n-an instrument that measures the distance traveled by a vehicle
Unit 3
Peri—=around super—, supr—=over, above, beyond
Para—beside, alongside, position grad, gred, gress=step, degree, walk
--dom=quality, realm, office
1. perimeter-n-the outer limits of an area
2. peripheral-adj-related to or located in an outer boundary
3. superfluous-adj-beyond what is required
4. supremacy-n-greatness in power or authority
5. paraphrase-v-to restate text in other words
6. parody-n-writing that imitates somebody’s style in a humorous way
7. digress-v-to turn aside, especially from the main subject in speaking or writing
8. gradient-n-a rate of inclination; a slope
9. martyrdom-n-state of being one who makes great sacrifices in order to further a belief
10. random-adj-having to specific pattern, purpose, or objective
Unit 4
--cian=having a certain skill or art number, numer=number aster, astro=star
pend, pen=hang tract=draw, pull
1. patrician-n-a member of a noble, ruling class
2. optician-n-one that makes lenses and eyeglasses
3. enumerate-v-to count off or name one by one; to list
4. innumerable-adj-too numerous to be counted
5. tractable-adj-easily managed or controlled
6. extract-v-to draw or pull out, often with great force or effort
7. impending-adj-to hang over; to threaten from near at hand
8. pension-n-a sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit
9. asterisk-n-a star-shaped figure used to indicate an omission or reference to a foot note
10. astronomical-adj-of enormous magnitude
Unit 5
--ist=one who, that which auto, aut=self --ile=relating to, suited for
pos, pon, pound=place, set mitt, miss=send
1. realist-n-one who is inclined to literal truth and practicality
2. narcissist-n-one who is in love with him/herself
3. autocracy-n-government by a single person having unlimited power
4. autonomous-adj-independent in mind or judgment; self directed
5. infantile-adj-displaying a lack of maturity; childish
6. volatile-adj-tending toward violence; explosive
7. expound-v-to explain in detail
8. compose-v-to make or create by putting together parts or elements
9. remiss-adj-exhibiting carelessness or slackness
10. remittance-n-the sending of money to someone at a distance
Unit 6
Amb—, ambi—=around, about, both voc, vok=voice, call cise=cut
--cide=kill cap, cept, cep=take, receive
1. ambidextrous-adj-able to use both hands with equal facility
2. ambivalence-adj-coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings
3. invoke-v-to call on a higher power for assistance, support or inspiration
4. vociferous-adj-making a noisy and powerful outcry
5. captious-adj-marked by a disposition to find a point out trivial faults
6. inception-n-the beginning of something; a commencement
7. incise-v-to cut into, as with a sharp instrument
8. excise-v-to remove by cutting
9. genocide-n-the systematic, planned extermination or an entire group
10. fratricide-n-the killing of one’s brother or sister
Unit 7
Test=bear witness --sub=under post—=after, behind, following
Tend, tens, tent=stretch, strain scrib, script=write
1. testament-n-something that serves as tangible proof or evidence
2. detest-v-to dislike intensely; abhor
3. pretentious-adj-creating an appearance of importance to impress others (girl pretending to talk on cell phone)
4. portent-n-a sign of something about to happen; an omen
5. subversion-n-the act of overthrowing a legally constituted government
6. subside-v-to sink to a lower or normal level
7. posthumous-adj-occurring or continuing after one’s death
8. posterity-n-future generations
9. transcribe-v-to make a full written or typewritten copy
10. circumscribe-v-to draw a line around; encircle
Unit 8
Mon, mono=one mal—-bad, evil grav, gravi, gravito=heavy, weighty
Hypo=under, less phil, phila, philo, phile=love
1. monologue-n-a long speech made by one person
2. monotheism-n-the doctrine or belief that there is only one god
3. maladroit-adj-marked by a lack of agility; inept
4. malady-n-a disease, disorder or ailment
5. grave-adj-dignified and somber in conduct or character
6. gravid-adj-in an advanced stage of pregnancy
7. hypodermic-adj-pertaining to the parts under the skin
8. hypoxia-n-a deficiency of oxygen reaching body tissues
9. philanthropy-n-effort to increase the well-being of human kind
10. hydrophilic-adj-having an attraction to water; readily absorbing or dissolving in water
Unit 9
Sys-, syl-, sym-, syn-=with, together the, theo=god
Vers, vert=turn -ism=system, manner, condition ana-=up, back, again
1. syndicate-n-an agency that sells articles for publication in many different newspapers at once (Dear Abby, Howard Stern)
2. systole-n-the rhythmic contraction of the heart
3. theology-n-the study of the nature of God and religious truth
4. theocracy-n-a government ruled by religious authority
5. anachronism-n-an error in chronology by which events are misplaced in regard to each other
6. anagram-n-a word formed by reordering the letters of another word
7. nihilism-n-doctrine that nothing can be known; skepticism of all reality
8. pacifism-n-opposition to war or violence as a means to resolve disputes
9. divert-v-to turn aside from a course or direction
10. reversion-n-return to a former condition or belief
Unit 10
Ped, pod=foot tact, ting, tic, tag=touch jus, jur=law
Tempo, tempor=time trib=pay, bestow
1. podiatry-n-branch of medicine dealing with the human foot
2. peddler-n-one who travels about selling merchandise
3. tangible-adj-possible to touch
4. contingent-adj-dependent on something so far undetermined
5. conjure-v-to call forth or bring to mind
6. jurisprudence-n-the philosophy or science of law
7. temporal-adj-lasting only for a time
8. extemporaneous-adj-performed with little or no preparation
9. retribution-n-something justly deserved
10. tributaries-n-streams that flow into a larger body of water
Unit 11
Arch=ruler ali, allo, alter=other epi-upon, beside, among
Mar, meri, mer=sea, pool simil, simul=like, resembling
1. hierarchy-n-a categorization of people according to status
2. archetype-n-an ideal example of a type of something
3. alias-n-an assumed name
4. alibi-n-an explanation offered to avoid blame; an excuse
5. epiphany-n-the sudden understanding of a meaning
6. epitaph-n-an inscription on a tombstone
7. mariner-n-one who navigates a ship
8. maritime-adj-of or relating to the sea
9. dissimilar-adj-unlike; different
10. simile-n-a figure of speech in which 2 things are compared using like or as
Unit 12
Cata-=down stru, struct=build se-=apart
Hydro, hydra=water acer, acid, acri=bitter, sour, sharp
1. cataclysm-n-a violent upheaval that brings about great change or destruction
2. catacombs-n-underground cemetery with chambers and tunnels
3. misconstrue-v-to misinterpret
4. obstruction-n-an obstacle
5. segregation-n-the practice of separating people (races, classes, ethnic groups)
6. secede-v-to withdraw formally from membership
7. acrimonious-adj-bitter/sharp in language or tone
8. acerose-adj-needle-like, as the leaves of a pine
9. hydroplane-v-to skim along the surface of water
10. hydraulics-n-the science and technology of the behavior of liquids
Unit 13
Dia—through pan—all fila, fili—thread civ—citizen chrom—color
1. diadem-n-a crown worn as a sign of royalty
2. diaphanous-adj-so thin as to transmit light
3. panacea-n-a remedy for all diseases; a cure all
4. pandemic-adj-widespread, general
5. filament-n-a fine thread, fiber, or wire
6. filial-adj-pertaining to a son or daughter
7. civility-n-courteous behavior; politeness
8. civil law-n-law dealing with rights of private citizens
9. monochromatic-adj-having only one color
10. achromatic-adj-having no color
Unit 14
Picto, pict=paint hab, habit=have, live fin, finis=end
Liber, liver=free junct=join
1. conjunction-n-a joining together
2. disjointed-adj-disconnected; without unity
3. picturesque-adj-having wild or natural beauty
4. depict-v-to picture in words; describe
5. liberal-adj-favoring political reforms tending toward democracy and personal freedom of the individual
6. liberate-v-to release from slavery
7. inhabit-v-to dwell or live in; occupy
8. habitual-adj-done by habit or fixed as a habit
9. affinity-n-close relationship; connection
10. finite-adj-having measurable limits; not infinite