Welcome to Cornerstone Church!
Third Sunday in Lent, March 3, 2013 10:00 a.m.
Welcome! We are so glad you chose to spend your Sunday with us.
Chiming of the Trinity Director of Music, Susan Rovira
Word of Welcome! “God is Good! All the Time!” Reverend Cromie
Presentation of the Bible
Call to Worship Reverend Cromie
Praise Songs “Purify My Heart,” “Amazing Grace”
Responsive Call to Confession Kathy Genus
Unison Prayer of Confession and Time of Silence Kathy Genus
Declaration of God’s Love and Forgiveness Kathy Genus
Congregational Response “Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart”
Time for Children and Children’s Offering* Kathy Genus
Ritual of Friendship (print your name in the Friendship Pad)
Worship Leader, Faron Trick
Announcements Reverend Cromie
Joys & Concerns Faron Trick
Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer Reverend Cromie
Hymn #513 “Let Us Break Bread Together,” verses 1 & 3
Affirmation of Faith (based on Psalm 40:1-3) Faron Trick
Giving Thanks with our Offering of Gifts and Tithes Reverend Cromie
Offertory Anthem “Face the Cross” Cornerstone Choir
Congregational Response“Doxology”
Prayer of Dedication Faron Trick
New Testament Scripture: Matthew 26:30-35 Reverend Cromie
Meditation Lenten Sermon Series “Words of Lent,”
Week III: Denial Reverend Cromie
Sacrament of Holy Communion
Hymn #521 “You Satisfy the Hungry Heart,” verses 1,3 & 5
Benediction(Please join hands in a circle.) Reverend Cromie
* Children may leave for Sunday School.
Next Sunday, March 10th, is the fourth Sunday in Lent. Pastor Courtney will continue the Lenten Sermon Series called “Words of Lent,” Week IV: Prayer, based on Matthew 26:36-46. Join us! All are welcome!
Today we celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. We invite each and every one, regardless of your background, to partake. The cups in the center of the tray are wine and the cups on the outer edges are grape juice. Please wait until we can all partake together. Our thanks to all who helped to prepare and serve the elements.
There will be a Confirmation Class for all candidates after worship TODAY.
Youth “Great Potato Day” TODAY for all Middle and High School youth after worship following the Confirmation class and lasting until approximately 1:15 PM…blind potato chip taste testing, Potato Bowling, the Potato King contest, a baked potato bar where you can fill your own potato with all your favorite goodies, and SO much more!
There will be a Mid-Week Lenten Service THIS Wednesday 3/6, 7:00 PM as part of a series of joint mid-week services with Cornerstone, JUMC, and Hope Cathedral. This week, Pastor Joe Tiedemann from JUMC will preach and the service will be at McAuliffe. This is Cornerstone’s turn to host the worship service – please support the church and attend, volunteers will also be needed to help setup and break down. Thank you!
Our Thanks to our Elders as Members of our Session
Clerk of Session: Sharron A. Smith
2013: Denise Mudalel, Lisa Capurso, Okoro Okparaeke, Chuck Calhoun
2014: Dominique Robert, Todd Moyer, Kellie Pushko, Bruce Thompson
2015: Barbara Dougherty, David LaCross, Gail Carlson, Wendy Barone
The next Session meeting will be on Wednesday, March 20th at 7:00 PM.
Our Board of Deacons – thank you for your service!
2013 Betty Thompson (Moderator), Laurie Wegner
2014 David Carlson, Sueli Paes de Barros
2015 Jim Ryan, Laura Stone
Next Meeting – March 20, 7:00 p.m. at the home of Betty Thompson.
Pastor: Courtney Cromie, 732-928-2424, or 561-703-2263
Director of Music: Susan Rovira, 609-371-1473
Intern from Princeton Seminary: Konnie Clary, 509-590-9156
Intern from New Brunswick Seminary: Kathy Genus, 732-585-3290
Director of Christian Education: Kristen DiGirolamo, 732-657-7808
Treasurer: Tina Kas, 732-928-1778
Administrative Secretary: Elizabeth Hughes, 732-833-6857
Administrative Manager: Jim Ryan, 732-833-8514
Nursery Care: Patti Miller, 732-928-3212, Courtney Miner
Notice: Please refrain from using the side doors for entrance into the Worship Area/Cafeteria during inclement weather. Please use either the steps in front or use the open door on the side of the building near the storage shed. If you should have any questions, please see a member of Session or Pastor Courtney Cromie. Thank you.
Orders are being taken for Easter Flowers this Sunday and next Sunday 3/10. Please use order form (available at church) and return with your payment to Betty Thompson (checks made out to Cornerstone). Flowers will be available for pickup on Easter Sunday, March 31st.
Shop Rite Gift Cards are available for you to purchase each Sunday before worship, and 5% of the purchase price goes directly to the church. Thanks to all, we have raised $9220 for the Foundation Fund. For more information, contact Vernice DaConceicao.
Cornerstone Choir rehearsals are weekly on Thursday evenings, from 7 - 8:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary at DeBows Methodist Church. If you are a high school youth or adult who would like to participate in the choir, please contact Susan Rovira, 609-371-1473, .
The Adult Evening Lenten Study meets this Tuesday, March 5th at the home of Jim Ryan, and will meet every Tuesday night through March 26th from 6:30-8:00 PM. The study will be co-taught by Kathy Genus and Pastor Courtney, and is based on the book: A Clearing Season: Reflections for Lent bySarah Parsons. All adults are welcome and encouraged to attend!
Women’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study will resume this week on Tuesday, March 5th from 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM at the home of Elizabeth Hughes and led by Pastor Courtney. Schedule: We will complete the last 2 weeks of a Beth Moore study of Esther, watch the movie “Esther” followed by a potluck lunch on 3/19, no meeting on 3/26 (Spring Break), and then begin a new Beth Moore study on the Book of James on April 2nd. All women welcome!
Volunteers scheduled for next Sunday, March 10th:
Ø Set-up: Becky Osiakwan
Ø Greeters: Bruce & Betty Thompson
Ø Media Shout: Todd Moyer
Cornerstone Meets at McAuliffe Middle School
35 South Hope Chapel Road, Jackson
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 140, Jackson, NJ 08527
732-928-2424. E-mail:
Cornerstone Presbyterian Church
A place where you can be who you are.
“Building Community on the Solid Rock of Jesus Christ”
Mission Statement:
We the people of Cornerstone
Are a part of God’s Grand Adventure to:
Ground our lives on the solid rock of Jesus Christ,
Build up each other in love through prayer, words and deeds,
And to create God’s community in Jackson and beyond.
Sunday March 3, 2013 10:00 a.m.