a, abfrom, away from, by
Abas1. an Argive King 2. a friend of Aeneas
abdoput away, hide, shut up
abeogo away, depart, withdraw, deviate
abiesspruce, fir
abluowash off, purify; cleanse
abnuorefuse, decline, reject
abripiosnatch away, snatch, seize
abrumpobreak off, destroy, violate
abscessusdeparture, absence
abscondoput away, conceal, hide
absensabsent, distant, left behind
absistowithdraw, depart from; cease;
abstineohold back, refrain
abstrudothrust away; hide
absumbe absent or away from; be wanting
acsame as atque – and, and also
Acamasone of the Greeks at Troy
accedocome or draw near, go to, approach
accendoset on fire; inflame; arouse; inspire
accingogird, equip, make ready
accipioreceive, accept, admit, welcome
accumborecline at, take one’s place at the table
accumuloheap up, honor
acersharp, keen, fierce, violent
acervuspointed pile, heap
Acestesking of Sicily
AchatesAeneas’s constant companion
Acheronriver of the underworld
Achillesgreatest of the Greek heroes at Troy
AchivusGreek, pl. Greeks
aciessharp edge, battle line, keen vision
acutussharpened, sharp, pointed, jagged
adto, toward, near, at, by
addenseothicken, pack densely
addogive in addition, put to, add, lend
adeoto that degree, so
adeoadire – go to, approach, reach visit, encounter, meet
adfligoshatter, cast down
adflobreath upon, inspire
adfluoflow to, come to
adforaddress, speak to
adgrediorapproach, go to
adhuchitherto, till now, as yet
adiciothrow at, add
adigodrive to, drive, hurl, force
adimotake to oneself, take away, snatch away
aditusapproach, audience, entrance
adiurocall to witness, swear by
adiuvoaid, assist, help
adlaborglide to
adloquoraddress, speak to
admirorwonder at, be surprised at
admoneowarn admonish, remind
admoveomove or bring to, offer
adnitorstrive, lean on
adnuonod assent, promise
adoropray to, worship, adore
adquiroacquire, gain
adservoguard, watch
adsiduusconstant, unceasing
adsistostand by, attend; make a stand
adspectolook at, look towards, overlook
adspiciolook at, observe, inspect
adstostand near; be at hand, look on; stand up
adsumbe present, be at hand, near
adsurgorise up, stand up, rise
adultusadult, full grown
advenastranger, foreigner
adveniocome to, come
adversoroppose, resist
adversusturned toward, opposing, facing, adverse
advertoturn toward, give heed, note, notice
advolofly to, fly towards
advolvoroll to or toward
adytumsanctuary, shrine, tomb
Aeacidesdescendant of Aeacus, i.e. Achilles
aedeshearth; pl. apartments; house, dwelling
aedificobuild, construct
aegersick, diseased, weary, weak
aemulusrivaling, competing
Aeneadaefollowers of Aeneas
Aeneashero of the Aeneid
Aeneiusof Aeneas
aenumkettle, cauldron
aenusof bronze, brazen
Aeoliaan island near Sicily, abode of Aeolus
Aeolidesson or descendant of Aeolus
Aeolusgod of the winds
aequaevusof the same or equal age
aequomake equal, adjust, equal, match, do justice to
aequorthe sea, surface of the sea, a level surface
aequuseven, level, just, fair
aerair, breeze, mist, cloud
aeratusmade of or covered with bronze; brazen
aereusmade of or plated with bronze; brazen
aeriusairy, high, lofty, towering
aescopper, bronze
aestassummer, summer air
aestusheat, flame; tide, sea, flood
aetasage; old age; years, time
aeternuseverlasting, eternal
aetherupper air, ether; air; sky, heaven
aetheriusof the ether, of heaven
aevumage, time; old age
AfricaNorthern Africa
Africusthe southwest wind
Agathyrsipeople of Scythia
Agenora king of Phoenicia and ancestor of Dido
agerfield, land
aggerheap, mound; elevation; dike; rampart
aggeroheap up, increase
agitatordriver, charioteer
agitodrive with violence; chase, torment, harass
agmenarmy (on the march), column, train, formation, rank, line
agodrive, do, pursue, conduct imp – Come!
Aiaxone of two Greek heroes 1. son of Telamon 2. son of Oileus
aitsays, asserts
alawing, pinion
AlbaAlba Longa, an ancient city of Latium
Albanusof Alba, Alban
Alcidesdescendant of Alcaeus, i.e. Hercules
aleswinged, as noun-winged creature, bird
Aletesa friend of Aeneas
alienusanother’s, foreign
aliquisome, any
aliquissomeone, anyone
aliusanother, other, else
alligobind, tie, fasten, imprison
almusnourishing, fostering, propitious, kindly
alonourish, feed, encourage, strengthen, rear
Alpinusof the Alps, Alpine
alterone of the two, the other
alternodo by turns; waver, hesitate
alternusone after the other; in turn
altushigh, lofty; deep, profound; as noun altum – the sea, heaven
alumnusnursling, foster-child, child, son
alvusbelly, body
amarusbitter, unpleasant, unwelcome
Amazonisan Amazon
ambagesturning, winding; riddle, mystery; details
ambiogo around, surround, encircle, approach
amboboth; tow
ambrosiusambrosial, diving; immortal; lovely
amenssenseless; frantic, distracted; amazed
amiciothrow around; wrap, envelop
amictuscloak, mantle, robe; veil
amicusfriendly; as noun - friend
amittolose, send away; let go
amnisriver, stream; torrent
amolove, cherish, like
amorlove, affection, fondness; as person - Cupid
amplectorenfold, embrace, wind about
amplusgrand, roomy, spacious; splendid, glorious
Amycusking of the Bebrycians or friend of Aeneas
AnchisesAeneas’s father
Anchisiadesdescendant of Anchises
Androgeosson of Minos, king of Crete; or Greek hero slain at Troy
anguisserpent, snake
angustusnarrow, as noun – narrow place
anheluspanting, heaving
animabreath, breath of life; life, existence; shade, soul spirit
animussoul, spirit, heart, courage, daring, feeling
AnnaDido’s sister
annalisannual, yearly
annosusaged, old
antebefore, in front of, previously
anteferoput before, carry before
AntenorTrojan leader, founder of Patavium
Antheusfriend of Aeneas
antiquusof olden times, ancient, aged, former
antrumcave, cavern, grotto
aperwild boar
aperioopen, uncover, disclose, reveal
apextip, point, summit
Apollogod of music and prophecy
appareoappear, be disclosed, be seen
appellodrive to, bring to
aptofit, adjust, equip
Aquilothe north wind, wind
aquosuswatery, rainy, rain-bearing
arbortree, trunk, shoot
arboreustreelike, branching
arbossee arbor
Arcadiusof Arcadia
arcanussecret, hidden
arceobind, confine, keep off, debar
arcessocause to come, call, summon
Arctosthe North
arcusbow, rainbow, curve, bend
ardensburning, blazing, fiery, flashy
ardeobe on fire, burn, blaze
arduussteep, high, lofty, towering
argentumsilver; silver plate
ArgivusGreek, Argive
Argolicusof Argos, Greek
arguoprove, reveal, betray
aridusdry, parched
ariesram, battering ram
armaarms, weapons; tools, equipment
armatusarmed, equipped
armentumcattle for plowing; herd, drove
armoequip, arm
armusshoulder; flank
aroplow, till; inhabit
arrigodirect to, raise, uplift
arsskill, dexterity; art; practice
artifexartist, artisan, contriver
artusjoint, limb, frame, body
arvumplowed land, cultivated field, field
arxcitadel, fortress, stronghold; hill, peak
AscaniusAeneas’s son
ascendoclimb, mount, ascend
AsiaAsia Minor
aspectolook at, gaze at; face
aspectussight, view, appearance
asperrough; thorny, jagged; harsh
aspiciolook at, look upon, behold; regard
asportocarry away; carry off
Assaracusformer king of Troy, Anchises’ grandfather
astbut; yet, at least
astrumstar; pl. heaven
asylumplace of refuge; sanctuary
atbut; yet, at least
aterblack, dark, sable, dusky; gloomy
Atlasmt. in N. Africa; personified as giant
atqueand, and also; but, than
Atridesdescendant of Atreus, especially Agamemnon or Menelaus
atriumcourt, hall, atrium, room
attollolift up, raise up; rear
attonitusthunderstruck; awed, amazed, dazed
attonothunder at, stun; strike with awe
auctorfather, progenitor, producer
audensdaring, bold, courageous
audeodare, venture, risk
audiohear, listen to
auferotake away, carry off, withdraw, remove
augurseer, soothsayer, diviner, augur
auguriumthe observance of omens, augury
aulacourt, yard, inner court
Aulistown on the coast of Boetia
auraair, breeze, wind, blast
aureusgolden, of gold
auricomusgolden-haired, with golden foliage
aurigacharioteer, driver
Auroramorning, dawn, personified as goddess of morning
AusoniusAusonian, Italian
auspexan interpreter of omens given by birds, diviner, augur
auspiciumdivination by the flight of birds, augury from birds
austerthe south wind
autor; aut…aut= either…or
autemhowever, on the other hand
AutomedonGreek charioteer of Achilles
auxiliumhelp, aid, assistance
avarusgreedy, covetous
avehocarry away, take away
avellotear away, pluck, snatch away
Avernusa lake near Cumae (entrance to the underworld)
avertoturn away, avert, remove
aviduseager, greedy, desirous
aviusout of the way, remote, trackless
axisaxle, heaven, open sky
bacchorcelebrate the festival of Bacchus
Bacchusgod of wine, son of Jupiter and Semele
balteusbelt, sword-belt
barbaricusforeign, strange, barbaric
Barcaeiinhabitants of Barce, a town in Libya
beatushappy, blessed, fortunate
bellatrixfemale warrior
bellowage war, war
benewell, agreeably
benignuskind, good, friendly, pleasing
bidensa sheep, (literally-having two teeth)
biformisof double form, two-shaped
bigaea team of two horses, a two-horse chariot
biiugustwo yoked together
binitwo by two, two each
bipennisa two-edged axe, double axe, battle-axe
biremisa ship with two banks of oars
bistwice, double
Boreasthe north wind, the North
bracchiumarm; the fore-arm
bratteathin plate of leaf or metal; metal
brevisshort, brief
bullaknob, stud, bubble,
Byrsacitadel of Carthage
cadofall, fall down, descend
cadusjar, urn
caedeskilling, slaughter, carnage
caedocut, cut down, strike, kill
caelestisof heaven, from heaven, as noun – the heavenly bodies
caeloengrave, carve
caelumsky, heaven, the heavens
CaesarAugustus or Julius
Caicusfriend of Aeneas
Caietatown on the coast of Latium
caleoglow, be hot, be warm
caliduswarm, hot
callisa path, mountain-path
calorheat, warmth, glow
campusfield, plan, level place
candeoshine, glitter, glisten
canosing, sound, play
canorusmelodious, harmonious
cantussong, singing
canuswhite, hoary
capessoseize eagerly, snatch at, lay hold of
capioseize, grasp, capture
captivusprisoner, captive
caputhead, the summit, person
Capysfriend of Aeneas or king of Alba
carbasuscanvas, sail
carcerprison, jail
careolack, be free from
carinakeel; ship
carmensong, poem, verse
carpopluck, pick, tear away
carusdear, precious, valued
Cassandradaughter of Priam and priestess of Apollo
castigocorrect, chastise, blame, chide
castramilitary camp
casusfall, falling-down, ruin, failure
catervacrowd, troop, throng
Caucasuschain of mountains between the Black and CaspianSeas
causacause, reason, motive
cautescrag, pointed rock
cavernacave, cavern, grotto
cavohollow out, excavate
cavushollow, excavated
CecropidaeAthenians (descendants of Cecrops, founder of Athens)
cedogo from, remove, withdraw, abandon
celebrofrequent, crowd, throng, practice, celebrate
celerquick, swift, speedy
celeroquicken, hasten, accelerate
cellastore-room, cell, sanctuary
celohide, conceal from, elude, cover
celsuslofty, elevated, towering
Cerealissacred to Ceres
Ceresdaughter of Saturn, goddess of agriculture
cernoseparate, distinguish, discern, perceive
certamencontest, struggle, strife
certofight, contend, struggle
certusdetermined, resolved, fixed, certain
cervahind, deer (female)
cervixneck, nape
cervusstag, deer (male)
cessodelay, loiter, do nothing
ceterithe others, the rest
ceuas, like, just as
Chalcidicusof Chalcis, of Cumae
chlamysmantle, military cloak
chorustroop of dancers, chorus
cieocause to go, move; rouse, stir, call
cingoequip, gird oneself; surround, encircle
cingulumbelt, girdle
circaaround, round about, near
circumaround, all around
circumdosurround, place around, encompass
circumspiciolook about, observe
circumstostand around, surround
circumvenioencircle, be around
circumvolofly around
Cithaeronmountain sacred to Bacchus
citharalute, cithara
citusquick, swift, rapid
clamsecretly, covertly
clamoshout, call, cry out
clarusclear, bright, famous
classisfleet, division
claudoshut, close, enclose
claustrumbar, bolt, barrier
clipeusround shield
Cloanthusfriend of Aeneas
ClonusClonus, a craftsman
Cocytusriver of the underworld
coeocome together, meet, assemble
coepibegin, commence
coetusassemblage, crowd, company
Coeusone of the Titans
cognomensurname, second-name, family-name
cognoscoascertain, understand, learn, know
cogocollect, compel, force, urge
colligogather, collect; assemble
colotill, care for, cultivate; honor, love
colonusfarmer, settler
colorcolor, hue, tint
colubersnake, serpent
columbadove, pigeon
columnapillar, column, post
comahair; foliage
comesfriend, companion, comrade
comitatusescort, crowd, retinue
comitoraccompany, attend, follow
commendocommit, entrust; command
comminushand to hand, in close contest, near
commisceomix, mingle together, unite
committojoin, commit, fight, entrust, practice
commoveoshake, stir, trouble; displace, carry away
communiscommon, general, universal
comocomb, arrange, braid
compagesjoint, structure
compelloaccost,address; reproach, rebuke
complectorclasp, embrace, grasp
compleofill, fill up, cram
componocollect, lay; put to rest, quiet
comprendotake hold of, seize, grasp
concedowithdraw; grant; permit
concidofall, collapse
conciliobring together, unite
conciomove violently, shake
conclamoshout, acclaim; call loudly
concludoclose, shut up; restrain, limit, restrict
concrescogrow together, harden; take form, grow
concurroassemble, gather, battle, fight
concursusthrong, mob, tumult, concourse
concutioshake, agitate, shock
condensusdense, close, thick, crowded
condofound, establish, build
confidotrust, confide, rely on
confiobe arranged, be accomplished
confundomingle, mix, blend; pour out
congerobring together, collect; construct, accumulate
congressusmeeting, assembly, conference
coniciothrow, hurl, thrust; conclude, infer
coniugiummarriage, union
coniungojoin, unite, gather
coniunxspouse, husband, wife
conlaborfall in ruins, crumble, sink
conortry, attempt, begin
conscendoclimb, ascend, mount
consciuswitnessing, privy, knowing, conscious
considosettle, sit down, sink down
consiliumcouncil, plan, stratagem
consistostand still, halt, stop, make a stand
conspectussight, view, presence
conspicioperceive, observe, look at
consternostrew, pave, cover
constituodecide, establish, determine
consuloreflect, deliberate, consider, resolve
consultumdecree, decision; deliberation
consumouse up, eat, devour
consurgorise, stand up, arise
contendostrain, hasten, press on; fight
conticescofall silent, become still
contiguusbordering, neighboring, adjoining
contingohappen;touch, take hold of, seize, touch, concern
continuoimmediately, without delay
contorqueoturn, twist, twirl
contraagainst, opposite, facing
contrahocollect, assemble, accomplish
contrariusopposite, contrary, opposed
contundobeat, crush, pound
convallisvalley, ravine
convectocarry together, heap together
convellotear away, pull off, wrest, rend
conveniogather, assemble
convertoturn round reverse; change, alter
convexumhollow, cavity, recess
conviviumfeast, banquet
convolvoroll together, roll around, fasten together
cooriorstand up, arise, appear
copiaplenty, supply, pl. troops
coramin the presence of, openly
corneusof horn
cornuhorn, antler; trumpet
corripioseize, snatch, grasp; attack
corrumpodestroy, ruin, lay waste; corrupt
corruofall down, tumble, sink
coruscovibrate, tremble, shake, brandish
coruscusflashing, gleaming, glittering
cothurnushunting boot, buskin
cratermixing bowl
creberfrequent, thick, close
credobelieve, trust, confide in
crepitorattle, creak, rustle
crepitusrattling, creaking
crescogrow, increase, rise
CretesCretans, people of Crete
CreusaAeneas’s wife
crisposwing, brandish
cristatuscrested, tufted, plumed
croceusyellow, golden, saffron-colored
crudeliscruel, unfeeling, hard
cruentusspotted with blood, bloody, stained
cruorblood, bloodshed, gore
cubilecouch, bed, marriage-bed
culmentop summit, roof, gable
culpafault, error, blame, guilt, failure
cumprep. with, conjunction when, since, although
Cumaetown on the coast of Campania
Cumaeusof Cumae
cumuloheap, accumulate, pile, overload
cumulusheap, pile, mass, surplus
cunctordelay, linger, hesitate
cunctusall, entire, all together
cuneusa wedge
cupidodesire, wish longing; as a person-Venus’s son
cupiolong for, desire, wish
curaanxiety, distress, care, concern
curocare for, take pains with, attend to
currorun, hasten
curruschariot, car, wagon
cursusrunning course, a run, journey
curvuscrooked, curved, bent
cuspispoint, spear, javelin, lance
custosguard, overseer, protector
Cyclopiusof the Cyclops
CylleniusMercury; mountain in Arcadia, his birthplace
Cymothoea sea nymph
Cynthusmountain in Delos, the birthplace of Diana and Apollo
Cythereusof Cythera (island in the Aegean near Venus’s birthplace)
Daedalusfamous artisan, father of Icarus
damnocondemn, convict, blame
Danausof Danaus (famous Greek king) pl. the Greeks
dapsfeast, banquet
Dardanidesdescendants of Dardanus, i.e. Trojans
DardaniusTrojan, of Dardanus
Dardanusof Dardanus, Trojan
Daunusearly king of Apulia
defrom, away from, down from; concerning, according to
debellosubdue, quell, vanquish
debeoowe, be in debt; ought
decedogo away, withdraw, depart
decerpopluck off, tear away, break
decetit is fitting, it is proper
decipiocatch, ensnare, entrap; deceive
declinobend aside, tear away; deflect
decurrorun down, hasten
decusgrace, glory, honor
deducolead away, escort, turn aside, drive off
defendodefend, protect
defensorprotector, defender
deferobear, carry; report
defessustired, weary, exhausted
deficiorevolt, desert; fail
defigofasten, fix, plant
defluoglide down, fall, descend
deformodisfigure, spoil, mar
defungordischarge, perform, finish
degenerdegenerate, unworthy
dehinchenceforth, hereafter, next, then
dehiscopart, divide, split open
deiciothrow down, cut down, destroy
deindethen, next, thence
Deiopeaa nymph
Deiphobusson of Priam
deligochoose, select, designate
Deliusof Delos; of Apollo
Delosisland in the Aegean, birthplace of Apollo
delubrumtemple, shrine, sanctuary
demensinsane, demented, mad, raving, foolish
demittolet down, drop, let fall, shed
demotake away, take off, subtract
demumat length, at last, finally
deniten each, ten at a time
deniqueand thereafter, at last, at length, finally
densusthick, close, dense, compact
depascorto eat up, feed on
deprecoravert by prayer, deprecate, seek to avoid
deripiotear off, tear away, pull down
desaeviorage, rave furiously
descendogo down, climb down, descend
descensusway down, descent
describotranscribe, write down; describe
deseroleave, forsake, abandon, desert
desertawaste lands, wilderness
desertusdeserted, solitary, lonely
desiliojump down, leap down, dismount
desinostop, desist, cease
desistocease, desist from
despectodespise, look down on
despiciodespise, look down on, disparage
destruotear down, raze, demolish
desuetusdisused, unfamiliar, obsolete
desumbe away, be absent, fail, be missing
desuperfrom above, from overhead
detineohold back, hold off, keep back, detain, check
detorqueobend aside, turn off, twist
detrudothrust away, push down, dislodge, dispossess
deusgod, deity
deveniocome, arrive, reach
devolofly down
dexterright, to the right; skillful
Dianasister of Apollo; goddess of the moon and hunt
diciodominion, sovereignty, sway, authority control
dicodicere - say, speak, sing, describe, name
dicodicare - dedicate, consecrate, devote
Dictaeusof Dicte, a mountain in Crete
dictumassertion, remark, saying
Didoqueen of Carthage
difficilisdifficult, hard, troublesome
diffugiofly apart, disperse, scatter
diffundopour out, pour forth; spread
dignordeem worthy, honor, deign
dignusworthy, deserving, suitable, fitting, proper
digrediorgo apart, separate, part, go away, depart
dilaborgo to pieces, melt away, dissolve, scatter, disperse
diligovalue, esteem, prize, love; approve
dimoveopart, separate, divide
diripiotear apart, ravage, spoil, plunder, pillage
dirusominous, fearful, awful, dreadful, horrible
DisPluto, god of the underworld
discernoseparate, divide; distinguish, discern
discessusdeparture, farewell, removal
discolorof another color, not of the same color; of different colors
discrepodiffer in sound, be different, vary
discrimeninterval, distance, distinction, difference; decisive moment, crisis