(EDL 670) School Law
Common Course Assessment: School Law Final Examination
Common Course Standards (Content Knowledge)
Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) 2002 Standards
- 5.3 – Acts Ethically
- 6.1 – Understand the Larger Context
Directions to the Student
School Law Final Examination
Students choose to read, analyze and respond to three of six possible legal case studies. Students identify the legal issues involved, analyze the facts from an ethical/legal perspective, take positions, and give specific legal support for their positions.
Rubric for School Law Final Examination
Elements / Distinguished(3) / Proficient
(2) / Progressing
(1) / Unsatisfactory
Identification / Candidate consistently identifies the significant legal/ethical issues presented. / Candidate generally identifies the significant legal/ethical issues. / Candidate occasionally identifies the significant legal/ethical issues. / Candidate rarely identifies the significant legal/ethical issues.
Analysis / Detailed, logical, legal/ethical analysis is evident throughout. / A good amount of legal/ethical analysis is evident. / Limited evidence of sound legal/ethical analysis provided. / No evidence of sound legal/ethical analysis provided.
Application of Content
(ELCC Standard 6.1) / Candidate demonstrates a thorough and complete understanding of how the legal and political systems impact a school. (ELCC 6.1b)
Candidate demonstrates a thorough and complete understanding of the policies, laws, and regulations enacted by local, state, and federal authorities that affect schools. (ELCC 6.1d) / Candidate demonstrates a substantial understanding of how the legal and political systems impact a school. (ELCC 6.1b)
Candidate demonstrates a substantial understanding of the policies, laws, and regulations enacted by local, state, and federal authorities that affect schools.
(ELCC 6.1d) / Candidate demonstrates a partial or incomplete understanding of how the legal and political systems impact a school. (ELCC 6.1b)
Candidate demonstrates a partial or incomplete understanding of the policies, laws, and regulations enacted by local, state, and federal authorities that affect schools.
(ELCC 6.1d) / Candidate demonstrates a total lack of understanding as to how the legal and political systems impact a school. (ELCC 6.1b)
Candidate demonstrates serious misconceptions about the policies, laws, and regulations enacted by local, state, and federal authorities that affect schools.
(ELCC 6.1d)
(ELCC Standard 5.3) / It is exceptionally clear that decisions are made and explained based upon ethical and legal principles. (ELCC 5.3a) / It is generally clear that decisions are made and explained based upon ethical and legal principles. (ELCC 5.3a) / It is difficult to determine whether decisions are made and explained based upon ethical and legal principles. (ELCC 5.3a) / It does not appear that decisions are made and explained based upon ethical and legal principles. (ELCC 5.3a)
Documented Legal Support / Positions are consistently supported with citations to specific cases, laws, legal principles, etc. / Positions are frequently supported with citations to specific cases, laws, legal principles, etc. / Positions are occasionally supported with citations to specific cases, laws, legal principles, etc. / Positions are rarely supported with citations to specific cases, laws, legal principles, etc.