Guidance Department
Uniqueness Form
RETURN BY:Student: / Counselor:
The Guidance Department wants to help you with your college applications. By completing this form in a thoughtful manner you will help us write an honest and meaningful recommendation for you. Feel free to use the back of the form if necessary.
Extracurricular and Personal Activities
Please list your principal “out of school,” community ad family activities and/or hobbies in the order of their interest to you. Include specific events and/or major accomplishments such as musical instrument played, awards or varsity letters earned, etc.
Activity / Position Held/Honors Won / Grade LevelAthletics:
Volunteer Experience:
Work Experience: List any jobs (including summer employment) you have held during the past three years.
If you can, tell us briefly which of the above activities has had the most meaning for you and why.
Hodge-Podge (borrowed from Princeton University – OPTIONAL)
Look at these, your replies, if you choose to answer (and we hope you will), will help us to know you a little better.
Favorite Book:Favorite Recording:
Favorite Activity:
Favorite Quotation:
Most Prized Possession:
Favorite Course:
Favorite Word:
Anything Else? Significant factual information about you, your record, your personality, your hopes for the future, or perhaps unusual family circumstances (illness, strong parental support, travel, changes in school due to moving) would be helpful. What do you see as your greatest personal strength?