Our Responsibilities Towards God
Lesson 4: Enjoying God
Day One:
1.Our great Triune Creator God commands us to do something in Psalm 37:4.What is it?If we do this, what does He promise us?
2.When we delight in God, we enjoyHim.Take a moment right now and list eight things you know about God that you enjoy(Hint: think about His works, His love, etc.).
3.Read the following verses, list the main reasons why believers should rejoice and enjoy God.Circle the two verses that minister to you most right now.(Challenge:Memorize oneof your favorites the rest of the week!)
a.Psalm 29:11
b.Psalm 31:19
c.Psalm 31:23
d.Psalm 32:1, 5
e.Psalm 34:15, 17, 19
f.Psalm 86:15
Day Two:
1.Enjoy God even further! Part One: Look up,and read allthe following verses, fill in the correct word as it relates to the “Key Phrase” below. Part Two: Use the word bank below in Question #2, decide which attribute of God is displayed in the “Key Phrase” only, and fill in the corresponding blank on the left.
Genesis 1:26–27, 31; Isaiah 44:24; Jeremiah 32:16b–19; Lamentations 3:22–23; Psalm 33:18–22
God’s Attribute:Key Phrase:
(v. 27)“male and female….He them”
(v. 24)“I, the Lord, am the of all things”
(v. 17)“is too difficult for thee”
(v. 19)“mighty in deed, whose are open to all the ways...of men
(v. 23)“great is Thy ”
(v. 21)“our heart rejoices in Him, because we trust in His name”
2.Select the correct attribute of God from the word bank list below and match it with the corresponding Key Phrase above.Word Bank:Faithfulness, All Powerful/Omnipotent, Lovingkindness, 100% Good, All Knowing/Omniscient, 100% Trustworthy/Truthful, Creator, Unchangeable/Immutable, Eternal, Just, and Holy!
Day Three:
1.Discover more about our Lord. Directions: Same as Day Two, Question #1, but also write the Bible reference to the corresponding verse in the right column. Try a different translation.Psalm 33:1–12, Psalm 86:1–13, 15, and Psalm145:1–21.
God’s Attributes:Key Phrase:Bible Reference:
(v. 4)“All his work is done in”
(v. 5)“The Earth is full of the of the Lord”
(v. 9)“He , and it was done”
(v. 11)“The of the Lord stands forever”
(v. 5)“Abundant in to all who call upon you”
(v. 10)“For you are and do wondrous deeds”
God’s Attributes:Key Phrase:Bible Reference:
(v. 15)“are a God merciful and…abundant in lovingkindness and
(v. 3)“is the Lord…. His is unsearchable”
(v. 13)“Your Kingdom is an Kingdom”
(v. 17)“The Lord is in all His ways”
2.Select one of God’s attributes from above thatyou do not completely understand, and define it.Use a Bible dictionary or the concordance in the back of your Bible.
3.What impresses you most about the Lord now after learning more about Him?Who can you share your joy of the Lord with today?
Day Four:
1.Match the Scripture reference with the correct statements about who God is to His children (i.e., us)—the true worshipers by putting the appropriate number in the blank.(Hint: Some, not all, of the verses may relate to more than one character of God.)
Exodus 14:19–31, 15:1_____(1) God is our Helper
John 8:12_____ (2) God is our Healer
Psalm 46:1_____(3)God is our Comforter
Matthew 4:23–24_____(4)God is our Savior/Redeemer
2 Corinthians 1:3–4_____(5)God is our Light
Hebrews 1:2–3_____(6)God is our Protector
1 John 1:9_____(7)God is our Creator
1 John 4:14–16_____(8)God is our Sustainer
(9) God is Love
Day Five:
1.Does God keep his promises?Use two of the following references to support your conclusion: 1 Samuel 15:29, 1 Kings 8:54–56, Psalm 33:11, Psalm 119:89–90, 160, 1 John 5:20, 2 Corinthians 1:18–22.
2.Use two different texts from Question #1 above, and please explain how you can delight more in our great God’s trustworthiness today and always?Decide who you can share your joy of Lordwith this week.
3.Self-Assessment Wrap-up: How are you doing?On a scale of 1–10 (10 being the most), how much do you think you enjoy God now? Circle a number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Please write a prayer of praise and thanks to our beloved God for all you have discovered in your study. How can you best glorify God with your knowledge?Please make a plan and share it with others.
Oh, the depths of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways. —Romans 11:33.May you rejoice in the Lord always, and again, I say rejoice!
Anna SandersWinter2005