Supplementary Table 1 Host reactions of Indian isolate of Frangipani mosaic virus(FrMV-Ind-1) isolated from Plumeriarubra f. acutifolia
FamilyPlant species / No. of symptomatic plants out of five inoculated plantsa / dpi / Confirmationb / Symptoms
Rep I / Rep II / EM / RT-PCR / Local / Systemic
Nicotianabenthamiana / 5 / 5 / 6-7 / + / + / Chlorotic spots / Mosaic, mottling blistering and bunching at the top
N. tabacum / 5 / 4 / 8-10 / + / + / Necrotic lesions and mild mottling / No symptom
N. glutinosa / 3 / 4 / 5-6 / + / + / Necrotic lesions / No symptom
Capsicum annuum / 5 / 5 / 6-7 / + / + / Chlorotic lesions that spread gradually / No symptom
Solanummelongena / 5 / 5 / 6-8 / + / + / Chlorotic spots / No symptom
Solanumlycopersicum / 4 / 5 / 6-8 / + / + / Yellowing of leaves / No symptom
Daturastramonium / 5 / 5 / 6-8 / + / + / Chlorotic lesions / No symptom
Plumeriarubraf.acutifolia. / 4 / 5 / 25-30 / + / + / No symptom / Greenish mosaic and blistering
a Sap inoculation was conducted in the green house at temperature 30-35°C
bTransmission of the virus was confirmed 15-25 days post inoculation (dpi) by electronmicroscopy (EM) and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
+ : Positive results, - : Negative results
Supplementary Table 2 List of primers used for amplification of complete genome of Indian isolate of Frangipani mosaic virus(FrMV-Ind-1) isolated from Plumeriarubra f. acutifolia
Primera name / Primer sequence (5' to 3') / Length of Amplicon / Region on the genomeBM239F / ggatccgtattatttaccaacgattacaaaca / ~2.4 Kb / 5' UTR and part of replicase
BM349R / gctagcacaatcatacacaccg
BM523F / gacggcaaccttgaacaatttgc / ~1.9 Kb / part of replicase
BM200R / aattcctgttttgaacttagattcg
BM260F / bsbrsymmatagcaattamwg / ~1.1 Kb / part of replicase
BM261R / amaryttngcctcraarttcca
BM118F / gctttcggatccgaaagcatagattctgaaagatttct / ~2.1 Kb / part of replicase, movement protein and coat protein
BM140R / gcgtaagtcgacttacgcggtagtagtacccg
BM117F / ggacatggatccatgtcgtacactaatatatcaacaac / ~0.8 Kb / coat protein and 3' UTR
BM119R / agcccagtcgactgggccgctaccgggggtta
Supplementary Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree of Frangipani mosaic virus (FrMV-Ind-1) and members of the genus Tobamovirus based on the nucleotide sequences of the full genome. The tree was constructed based on neighbor joining method using MEGA 5 software. Subgroups based on the plant families of the original hosts are indicated.TMV: Tobacco mosaic virus, ToMV: Tomato mosaic virus, BPeMV: Bell pepper mottle virus, PMMoV: Pepper mild mottle virus, ObPV: Obuda pepper virus, PaMMV: Paprika mild mottle virus, TMGMV: Tobacco mild green mosaic virus, ORSV: Odontoglossum ringspot virus, SFBV: Streptocarpus flower break virus, YoMV: Youcai mosaic virus, TVCV: Tobaco vein clearing virus, RMV: Ribgrass mosaic virus, CMMoV: Cactus mild mottle virus, FrMV: Frangipani mosaic virus, HLSV: Hibiscus latent Singapur virus, CGMMV: Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, CuMoV: Cucumber mottle virus, CFMMV: Cucumber fruit mottle mosaic virus, KGMMV: Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus, ZGMMV: Zucchini green mottle mosaic virus, MarMV: Maracuja mosaic virus, PFMV: Passion fruit mosaic virus.