Instructor:Teaching Assistant:

Prof. Jack IkedaSections A and B: TBA

175A Burrill Hall


To request disability accommodations, please speak to the instructor after class or make an appointment by email.

*Asterisk by date indicates that a pre-lab is due that day.






Aug 25 / Course Introduction:Orientation, policies, safety practices / i-xxiv
Aug 27 / Introduction to Bacterial Pathogens:Basic lab skills / 6-23
Exercise 1: Urinary Tract Infections / 24-40
*Sept1 / Day 1: Dipstick test; Gram stain; streak plate
Sept 3 / Day 2: Gram stain: oxidase test; biochemical tubes; Sensititre
Sept 8 / Day 3: Read results; streak for MBC test
Sept 10 / Day 4: Read MBC plates
Lab Report due September 15
Quiz 1 Urinary Tract Infections: September 10-11
Exercise 2: Infections of Gram Positive Cocci / 41-66
*Sept 15 / Day 1: Throat swab; Group A Strep test; streak BAP; check blood bottles
Sept 17 / Day 2: Normal flora plates; Gram stain; catalase and coagulase test
Sept 22 / Day 3: Streptocard Strep test, E-tests; phage typing
Sept 24 / Day 4: Read phage typing results
Lab Report due September 29
Quiz 2 Gram Positive Cocci: September 24-25
Exercise 3: Respiratory Tract Infections / 67-87
*Sept 29 / Day 1: Gram stain; streak plates
Oct 1 / Day 2: Normal flora; read results; Gram stain; Enterotube; quad plate
Oct 6 / Day 3: Read results; read HAI plates
Lab Report due October 13
Quiz 3 Respiratory Tract Infections: October 15-16
Oct 8 /

EXAM 1: Introduction and Exercises 1 and 2






Exercise 4: Gastrointestinal Tract Infections / 88-113
*Oct 13 / Day 1: Streak plates; Gram stain
Oct 15 / Day 2: Score plates; streak plates; Gram stain; inoculate & perform tests
Oct 20 / Day 3: Gram stain; score plates & tests; inoculate biochemical tests
Oct 22 / Day 4: Score tests
Lab Report due October 27
Quiz 4 Gastrointestional Tract Infections: October 22-23
Exercise 5: Transfer of Antibiotic Resistance Genes / 114-131
*Oct 27 / Day 1: Mating of donor and recipient; quantitating plasmid transfer
Oct 29 / Day 2: Check conjugation; comparison of plasmids
Lab Report due November 17
Quiz 5 Transfer of Antibiotic Resistance: November 12-13
Nov 3
Nov 5
Nov 10
Nov 12 / Exam 2: Exercises 3 and 4
Lab Practical Exam
Practice and review for Lab Practical
Day 1: Gram stain; Streaking; Microscopy
Day 2: Biochemical tests
*Nov 17
Nov 19 / Exercise 6: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Day 1: Read Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, RPR, HPV and HSV tests
Day 2: Read HIV ELISA, Western blot, HBV tests / 132-166
Nov 23-27 / Lab Report due December 1
Quiz 6 Sexually Transmitted Diseases: December 3-4
*Dec 1
Dec 3
Dec 8 / Exercise 7: Anaerobic Bacterial Infections
Day 1: Gram stain; streak plates
Day 2: Read plate results; Gram stain; quad plate
Day 3: Read results
Lab Report due December 8
Quiz 7 Anaerobic Bacterial Infections: December 8-9 / 167-190

Finals WeekExam 3 (Final Exam) TBA: Exercises 5, 6 and 7