Date of Birth : 01.01.1959 (January 1st, 1959)

Present Post : Scientist – F

Date of joining the Institute : 1981 (as Research Fellow)

Academic Qualifications : M.Sc., Ph.D. (Geology)

from Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi


Year Examination Name of Board/ Name of Institution Subjects

Passed University where studied


1973 High School UP Board, S.P. Inter College Hindi, English, Biology, Science,

Allahabad Kolana (Chunar),Mzp. Mathematics

1974 Pre Univ. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi Physics, Chemistry, Botany,

Course Zoology, General English

1977 B.Sc. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi Botany, Geology, Chemistry

1979 M.Sc. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi Geology

1986 Ph.D. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi & BSIP Geology


Ph.D. Thesis: Organic Petrology and Chemical studies of the coal seams of Singrauli Coalfield, Son Valley (M.P.), India (Under the supervision of Dr. GKB Navale, BSIP and Dr. RM Singh, BHU)

Details of research career in the Institute:


Post held Date Nature of duties

From To


Senior Research Fellow 08.04.1981 25.03.1982 Scientific research

Junior Scientific Assistant 26.03.1982 17.04.1984 including Thesis work

Senior Scientific Assistant 18.04.1984 31.03.1990 Research, programming

Jr. Scientific Officer (Scientist 'A') 01.04.1990 31.03.1997 and documentation

Scientist 'C' 01.04.1997 31.03.2002

Scientist ‘D’ 01.04.2002 31.03.2007

Scientist ‘E’ 01.04.2007 till date


Research Specialization and Present Assignment:

Research expertise in Organic (Coal, Lignite) Petrology, including Microphotometry (both Reflectivity and Fluorimetry).

Presently working on petrographic characterization and dispersed organic matter of lignite and associated sediments of western India (Gujarat & Rajasthan) in relation to CBM potentiality and economic prospects.


(Total 60— 6 in International Proceedings, 4 in National Proceedings, 1 contributed chapter in a book, 6 in Foreign Journal and 29 in Indian Journals, 12 Reports, 1 in press & 1 communicated).

Research Experience:

Over 30 years of research experience in Coal (Permian Gondwana & Tertiary) and Lignite (Tertiary) Petrology. The study includes organic micro-constituents characterization (including type, nature, maturation, etc.) through microphotometry (both Reflectivity and Fluorimetry) under incident (polarized) light on polished coal/lignite blocks and dispersed organic matter (DOM) in transmitted light. Studies conducted on Lower Gondwana coals of Son (Singrauli, Umaria, Korar, Sohagpur, Tatapani-Ramkola, etc. coalfields), Damodar (Raniganj, Bokaro, Karanpura), Satpura (Pench-Kanhan), and Rajmahal (Hura, Chuperbhita, Hura coalfields) basins; and on Tertiary lignites of Cauvery (Neyveli field), Kutch (Panandhro, Matanomadh fields), Saurashtra (Khadsaliya field), and Cambay (Tadkeshwar, Vastan, Rajpardih-Amod fields) basins.

The petrographic investigation (qualitative and quantitative estimations of macerals/ microlithotypes & mineral matter contents; hydrogen-rich fluorescing macerals; and rank or maturity determination by reflectivity measurement) on Indian coals/ lignites have enriched the knowledge and provided reliable information on coal microconstituents that helped in better understanding of vegetation that served as a source for their formation. The data also helped in deducing palaeoclimate and palaeodepositional conditions during coal/lignite formation since macerals are the basic units of coal and each type originate in specific conditions (Academic aspect). In addition, study revealed the maturity level (rank), nature and composition of coals/lignites; suggesting their utilization for combustion, upgrading and hydrogenation/ liquefaction. Besides, information on coal properties (quality, rank, porosity, etc.) helped in assessing for exploration for the prospect of eco-friendly coal bed methane generation. Fluorescing macerals data assist to categorize progenitors of hydrocarbons in Indian coals/lignites (Applied aspect).

Collaborative research activities:

The work is being done in collaboration with Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited (CMPDIL), Coal India Limited (Northern, Central and Western Coalfields Limited), Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research (CIMFR, Dhanbad), Geological Survey of India (Coal Wing), Indian School of Mines (ISM, Dhanbad), Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation (GMDC), Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited (MECL), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT, Mumbai), etc. regarding collection of coal/lignite samples, field observation, geological and geochemical details of the area concerned.

Worked at Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary (Canada), Organic Petrology and Organic Geochemistry divisions with Dr. Martin G. Fowler and Dr. Lavern D Stasiuk on geochemical and spectral fluorimetric aspects during September 5-15, 2002.

Generated petrological data (maceral compositions, VRo for rank assessment, and micro-cleat pattern) on a number of coal samples received from following agencies under Institute’s Consultancy services:

Essar Oil (Durgapur)

BRGM (France) & MECL (Nagpur)

Reliance Industries

CIMFR (erstwhile CMRI, Dhanbad)

Countries visited: Canada, UK, Germany & Brazil in connection with International Conferences & consultation/laboratory work.

Awards/Distinctions received in recognition of the research work:

"Acharyya Hem Chandra Das Gupta Memorial Medal- 1991" (by the Geological Mining and Metallurgical Society of India, Kolkata) jointly with Dr. Alpana Singh, for the best paper (publication No.7) in Indian Journal of Geology.

Elected Fellow of the South Asian Association of Economic Geology (in 1998)

Invited by World Confederation of Productivity Science (India Chapter) to handle a scientific session on “Petrographical character of Coal and Lignite of India and their CBM potentiality” in the National Seminar on Coal Bed Methane: its Present Status and Future Prospects in India held at New Delhi in May 2003.

Elected Associate Member, International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP)— Working Groups 1 and 3. (in 2004)

Elected Fellow of the Geological Society of India (in 2005)

Co-chaired Technical Session-III Fossil Fuel Systems–II (Coal Bed Methane) at the ‘National Conference on Frontier Areas in Geological and Technological Aspects of Fossil Fuel and Mineral Resources (GTFM-2006)’ held at ISM, Dhanbad in November 2006.

Nominated Principal Member, Bureau of Indian Standards, Solid Mineral Fuel Sectional Committee– PCD-7.4: Methods of Analysis Subcommittee (in 2007)

Elected Fellow of the Palaeobotanical Society of India, Lucknow (in 2009)

Co-Chaired Technical Session VI- Brain Storming Workshop Discussion Session on Shale Gas of the National Conference cum Workshop on Geological and Technological Facets of CBM, Shale Gas, Energy Resources and CO2 Sequestration held at ISM, Dhanbad (in November, 2010).

Fellows/ Memberships of professional scientific bodies:

Fellow & Life Member, Indian Society of Geoscientists (since 1984)

Fellow & Life Member, The Geological Mining and Metallurgical Society of India (since 1994)

Life member, The Palaeobotanical Society of India (since 1994)

Fellow & Founder Life Member, South Asian Association of Economic Geology (since 1997)

Life Member, Indian Geological Congress (since 1997)

Associate Member, International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP, since 2005)

Fellow & Life Member, Geological Society of India (since 2006)

Principal Member, Solid Mineral Fuel Sectional Committee– PCD-7, Bureau of Indian Standards (since 2007)

Member, Paper Setter Panels (for M.Tech.), Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad (since 2009-10)

Member, Coordination Committee for the establishment of Birbal Sahni Memorial Fossil Park and Museum, Dept. S&T, Govt. of Jharkhand, Ranchi.

Member, Board of Examiners (Ph.D. Thesis), Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh (since 2010-11)

Member, Executive Council, Coal Petrological Society of India (since 2012)

Member, Research Planning and Coordination Cell, BSIP (since 1993).

Involvement in the administrative/organisational activities of the Institute:

Since March 1993 as a Member, Co-ordination Unit for Scientific Activities (currently Research Planning and Co-ordination Cell—RPCC) of the Institute— Association in the preparation of Scientific/Technical documents for the Institute and DST (Govt. of India). Co-ordinating scientific activities (almost through out the year). Maintaining official (scientific) records in day-to-day working of the Institute. Compilation and editing of Annual Report (scientific part) and Research (work) Plan for the year(s).

Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) under Right to Information Act-2005 (since April 2006).

Transparency Officer (TO) under Right to Information Act-2005 (since April 2012).

List of Publications

1. Singh BD, Misra BK, Navale GKB & Singh RM (1987). Organic petrological studies of Permian coal seams in Singrauli Basin, Son Valley. In: R.M.Singh (ed.) Proc. natn. Sem. Coal Res. India, Varanasi: 293-323. (Indian)

2. Singh BD & Navale GKB (1989). Petrographic composition, maturity and depositional conditions of the Jhingurdah Seam (Raniganj Formation), Singrauli Coalfield (M.P.). Indian J. Geol. 61(1): 50-70. (Indian)

3. Singh BD & Navale GKB (1989). The nature and composition of Umaria coals, Son Valley Gondwana Basin (M.P.). J. Mines Metals Fuels 37(3): 104-116. (Indian)

4. Singh BD & Singh A (1989). Coking characteristic coal seam in the Korar Coalfield (M.P.), India- A petrographic evaluation. Geosci. J. 10(1&2): 1-14. (Indian)

5. Misra BK, Singh BD & Navale GKB (1990). Resino-inertinites of Indian Permian coals- Their origin, genesis and classification. Int. J. Coal Geol. 14(4): 277-293. (Foreign)

6. Misra BK & Singh BD (1990). The Lower Permian coal seams from Singrauli Coalfield (M.P.), India- Petrochemical nature, rank, age and sedimentation. Int. J. Coal Geol. 14(4): 309-342. (Foreign)

7. Singh A & Singh BD (1991). Particulate organic matter in relation to depositional aspects of the main lignite seam in Neyveli Lignite Field, Cauvery Basin, India. Ind. J. Geol. 63(1): 17-39. (Indian)

8. Singh BD (1991). Fusinized resins of the inertinite maceral group in coals of the Singrauli field, Son Valley Gondwana Basin, India. Proc. Indian natn. Sci. Acad. 57A(5): 655-672. (Indian)

9. Singh BD & Misra BK (1991). The variable nature of the coal types, rank and formation of some of the Lower Gondwana coals in Son Valley, central India. Minetech 12(6): 43-59. (Indian)

10. Singh A, Misra BK, Singh BD & Navale GKB (1992). The Neyveli lignite deposits (Cauvery Basin), India: Organic composition, age and depositional pattern. Int. J. Coal Geol. 21: 45-97. (Foreign)

11. Singh A & Singh BD (1993). Reflectance measurements on maturation of the Neyveli Tertiary brown coals (lignites), South India. Minetech 14(3): 13-22. (Indian)

12. Misra BK & Singh BD (1994). Liptinite macerals in Singrauli Coals, India: Their characterization and assessment. Palaeobotanist 42(1): 1-13. (Indian)

13. Misra BK & Singh BD (1994). Susceptibility to spontaneous combustion of Indian coals and lignites: An organic petrographic autopsy. Int. J. Coal Geol. 25(3-4): 265-286. (Foreign)

14. Singh A & Singh BD (1994). Rank evaluation of the Neyveli lignite deposits on the basis of reflectance parameter. J. Geol. Soc. India 44: 391-397. (Indian)

15. Singh BD (1995). Coal microconstituents and their classification. In: R.S. Tiwari (ed.) Coaliferous Fuel Resources of India-- Parameters of studies in Palynology and Biopetrology, BSIP, Lucknow: 169-215. (Indian)

16. Singh BD (1995). Lower Gondwana (Permian) coals of peninsular India- environments of deposition related to organic petrographic types. Proc. Indian natn. Sci. Acad. 61A(6): 371-394. (Indian)

17. Singh BD (1995). Role of fluorescence microscopy in the assessment of Indian Lower Gondwana coals. Curr. Sci. 69(12): 998-1004. (Indian)

18. Misra BK, Singh BD & Anand-Prakash (1996). Biopetrographic approach to the spontaneous combustion susceptibility of Indian Gondwana coals with reference to some coals of Raniganj and Singrauli coalfields. Proc. 9th Int. Gondw. Symp., Hyderabad, India, Vol. 2: 1257-1264. (International)

19. Anand-Prakash, Misra BK & Singh BD (1996). Fluorescence microscopy in the evaluation of Indian Gondwana coals. Proc. 9th Int. Gondw. Symp., Hyderabad, India, Vol. 2: 1265-1272. (International)

20. Misra BK & Singh BD (1996). Fluorescing inertinite macerals in Indian Gondwana coals with remarks on their genesis, terminology and coking potentiality. Palaeobotanist 43(3): 78-84. (Indian)

21. Singh BD & Misra BK (1996). Biopetrology of Permian coal seams from the Rajmahal Basin (Bihar), India: Hura Coalfield. 10th Conv. Indian Geol. Congr. & Spl. Workshop Applied Coal Petrography, Dhanbad: 39-40. (Indian)

22. Misra BK, Singh BD & Singh A (1998). Maceral alginite in Indian coals and lignites- its significance and influence. Palaeobotanist 47: 37-49. (Indian)

23. Singh A & Singh BD (1999). Methane gas- an unconventional energy resource. Curr. Sci. 76(12): 1546-1553. (Indian)

24. Sinha AK, Singh BD & Srivastava SC (2000). Palaeobotanical contributions of BSIP in North-East India- A status report. Palaeobotanist 49: 151-162. (Indian)

25. Bhattacharyya A & Singh BD 2000. Report— International Symposium on Multifaceted aspects of Tree-ring Analysis, BSIP, Lucknow (November 15-16, 1999). Curr. Sci. 78 (9): 1054-1056. (Indian)

26. Misra BK, Singh A & Singh BD (2000). Report— International Conference on Coal Bed Methane: Prospects and potentialities, Kolkata (December 3, 1999). Palaeobotanist 49: 138-139. (Indian)

27. Singh A & Singh BD (2001). Petrology of Kanhan coals, Satpura Gondwana Basin (India) vis-à-vis coal bed methane. Proc. Int. Conf. Coal Bed Methane: Prospects and Potentialities, Calcutta, India (1999), SAAEG: 117-130. (International)

28. Srivastava AK & Singh BD (2002). Report— Contact course on advanced training in Palaeobotany. BSIP (Lucknow) & Jabalpur (MP). Palaeobotanist 50: 158-160. (Indian)

29. Misra BK & Singh BD (2002). Fluorescing macerals-- An update, with special reference to Indian coals and lignites. Int. Conf. Emerging Concepts in Org. Petrol. & Geochem., Banff, Canada: 10-12. (International)

30. Singh BD & Singh A (2003). Petrographic evaluation of lignites from Panandhro field (Kachchh Basin), Gujarat. Minetech 24(2-3): 48-63. (Indian)

31. Misra BK & Singh BD (2003). Macerals of liptinite group in Indian coals and lignites. Nat. Sem. Coal Sci. Technol. Vision-2020, Dhanbad, p96/sIIA-14. (Indian)

32. Misra BK, Singh BD & Singh A (2003). Future needs of fundamental research in coal and organic petrography. Nat. Sem. Coal Sci.Technol.– Vision-2020, Dhanbad, p96/sIIA-15. (Indian)

33. Singh BD, Singh KN & Misra BK (2003). Coal science and technology— Report on the National Seminar on Coal Science and Technology— Vision-2020 (COAL 2003), CFRI, Dhanbad (April 20-21, 2003). Curr. Sci. 85(12): 1657-1660. (Indian)

34. Singh BD & Varma AK 2003. Report— International Conference CSCOP-TSOP 2002- Emerging Concepts in Organic Petrology and Geochemistry (including Dr. Archie G. Douglas Symposium, Banff, Alberta, Canada (August 31-September 04, 2002). Palaeobotanist 52: 137-139. (Indian)

35. Singh BD & Singh A (2004). Observations on Indian Permian Gondwana coals under fluorescence microscopy: An overview. Proc. Gondwana- 11, New Zealand, Gondw. Res 7(1): 143-151. (Foreign)

36. Singh BD (2004). Coal petrology evaluation of Turra Seam from Singrauli Coalfield, Son Valley. Minetech 25(2-3): 3-18. (Indian)

37. Singh BD & Singh A (2004). Report— National Seminar Coal Bed Methane: its Present Status and Future Prospects in India, New Delhi (May 29-30, 2003). J. Geol. Soc. India 63: 460-463. (Indian)

38. Singh BD & Singh A (2005). Petrological nature and composition of Turra Coal Seam in Singrauli Coalfield (MP). In: A.K. Singh et al. (eds) Proc. Int. Sem. Coal Science & Technology- Emerging Global Dimensions (Global Coal-2005), Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi: 404-424. (International)

39. Singh A & Singh BD 2005. Coal Petrology in relevance to Coal Bed Methane Exploration. BSIP Newsletter 8 (June): 20-22. (Indian)

40. Singh A & Singh BD (2005). Petrology of Panandhro lignite deposit (Gujarat) in relation to palaeodepositional condition. J. Geol. Soc. India 66: 334-344. (Indian)