PhDSchedule (Nipissing University, North Bay CampusJuly 2017

2017 Cohort (first year) PhD Students

9:00 – 12:00 EDUC-6116 Critical Conversations in Educational Research, Room A257, except the week of July 10th when A144

1:00 – 4:00 EDUC-6117 Critical Conversations in Educational Theory, Room A259 except the week of July 10th when H246

2016 Cohort(second year) PhD Students

9:00 – 12:00 EDUC-6126 Doctoral Seminar, Room A259 except the week of July 10th when H246

Please note that at present, the schedule is pending scheduling by the incoming Chair of Ethics, Orientation, and Research Luncheon(s).

Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
July 2 / 3 / 4
10-1 EDUC 6116
10-1 EDUC 6126
2-5 EDUC 6117
5-7 Welcome Meet & Greet –B217(light refreshments) / 5
9-12 EDUC 6116
9-12 EDUC 6126
1-4 EDUC 6117 / 6
9-12 EDUC 6116
9-12 EDUC 6126
1-4 EDUC 6117 / 7 / 8
9 / 10
*rooms change this week
9-12 EDUC 6116
9-12 EDUC 6126
1-4 EDUC 6117 / 11
9-12 EDUC 6116
9-12 EDUC 6126
1-4 EDUC 6117 / 12
1-3 NUCSLE Colloquium,
“Doctoral Research: Trials, Tribulations, and Successes”
Room A226 / 13
9-12 EDUC 6116
9-12 EDUC 6126
1-4 EDUC 6117 / 14 / 15
16 / 17
9-12 EDUC 6116
9-12 EDUC 6126
1-4 EDUC 6117 / 18
9-12 EDUC 6116
9-12 EDUC 6126
1-4 EDUC 6117 / 19
9-12 Research Ethics Workshop, Room A252 Dr. Steve Hansen
1-4 Faculty Research Presentations, Room A252 / 20
9-12 EDUC 6116
9-12 EDUC 6126
1-4 EDUC 6117 / 21 / 22
23 / 24
9-12 EDUC 6116
9-12 EDUC 6126
1-4 EDUC 6117 / 25
9-12 EDUC 6116
9-12 EDUC 6126
1-4 EDUC 6117 / 26
5:00 pm Farewell Social for 2016 Students and Faculty / 27
9-12 EDUC 6116
9-12 EDUC 6126
1-4 EDUC 6117 / 28 / 29
30 / 31