1. Is it the Truth?

2. Is it fair to all concerned?

3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

The Four-Way Test Committee of the Rotary Club of Kamloops Daybreak are always looking for individuals or companies that best exemplify all aspects of the Four-Way Test in their daily lives or in their business activities. Award categories include (but are not limited to) small business, large business, professionals, or other individuals such as coaches, mentors or other community minded citizens.

The Committee’s criteria for recognition are “a Person or Business that exemplifies all aspects of the Four-Way Test in their daily lives/activities and is proposed by a Daybreak member”. This recommendation will be treated confidentially.

Name of person/business being proposed to receive the award:


Address: ______________________________ Phone:________________________________

Name of Proposer recommending this person/business: ________________________________

How long has the Proposer known the person/business? _______ years.

In what capacity or relationship have you had occasion to observe or work with the person / business? Please provide examples of how this person/business has demonstrated qualities to fulfill the award criteria. Attach pages to this form or print clearly on the back of this form.

Name of person completing this form: PLEASE PRINT & DATE

________________________________________ Date: _________________ (M/D/Y)

Go to and notify the Four Way Test Chair or the Director - Public Relations under Directors and Committee Chairs that you have an application. The Director/Chair person’s name can be clicked to open an email. Thank you!