Food Bank and LHM: both organisations appreciate everything received from us. Donations can be placed in yellow buckets every Sunday. Stocks of the following are low at the Foodbank - tinned meat, coffee, creamed rice, biscuits and jam. Your help replenishing these items would be appreciated
Social Media: Our Social Media Team is constantly updating thewebsitewith information for you. Connect to our Facebook page and the latest YouTube video of the Sunday Service from
Prodigal: Friday 29thSeptember 7.30pm at Maxwell Mearns Castle. Thisis a musical night which uses rock/pop to tell the story of the prodigal son. It is a free ticketed event. Tickets can be received from our office at MMCCor on-line. Tickets are going fast so get in touch soon
Mariposa Trust: on the 30thSeptember at 11am in Glasgow Cathedral, the trust is holding one of its Saying Goodbye services for people who have lost a baby. Full details are on the poster in the vestibule
Good Money Week: Ethical Investment & Banking, Monday 2nd October, 7.30-9pm at Giffnock United Reformed Church. See poster for details
Health & Safety: meeting on Tuesday at 7.30pm in the New Hall
Harvest Lunch: Sunday 1st October after the morning service. Tickets available from Ann Campbell
Woman’s Guild: Joe will be joining us this Wednesday at 7.30pm in the Main Hall
Creating a Dementia Friendly Community: Clarkston Churches Together, in conjunction with Crossreach, are hosting an Open Day on Saturday 7th October from 10am-3pm at St Aidan’s, Clarkston. Full details on poster in vestibule
Malawi Ifumbo: Happy to report that we have a new partner to work with, who will ship our goods to Malawi : Bananabox Trust. A collection will take place during the school holiday week in October
YouTube: the services will be uploaded on to YouTube. Please see the sign in the Vestibule with information on where to sit if you do not wish to be filmed
Minister: Rev Joe Kavanagh
We extend a warm welcome to any visitors who are worshipping with us and would invite you to leave your name and address in the Visitors Book which is in the Vestibule
Intimations for Sunday 17th September
Church Flowers: The flowers today are donated today by Ken and Maureen Mitchell
Prayer: If you wish prayer for any matter please contact Mary Paton, 639 8609
Dementia Lunch Club: runs every Thursday, 12 – 4pm in the New Hall
Bereavement Support: first Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the New Hall
Prayer Time: last Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm in the New Hall
Wednesday Service: in the New Hall at 10.30am
Worship: Joe will conduct worship today at 2.15pm in Williamwood House and Fordyce Court on Sunday 1st October at 1.30pm
Question Time: begins Monday 2nd October at 7.30pm in the New Hall
Harvest Thanksgiving: Sunday 1st October
Harvest Gifts for LHM: listed on insert. Please help if you can
Congregational Meeting: today after the morning service
Office Closure: the office will be closed on Friday 22nd and Monday 25th September
Jubilate, everybody,
serve the Lord in all your ways, and
come before His presence singing:
enter now His courts with praise.
For the Lord our God is gracious,
and His mercy everlasting.
Jubilate, Jubilate,
jubilate Deo!
From Psalm 100, Fred Dunn (1909-79) © 1977, 1980 Kingsway’s Thnakyou Music CCL Licence No. :820801
HYMN 633
1 Child of blessing, child of promise,
God’s you are, from God you came.
In this sacrament God claims you:
live as one who bears Christ’s name.
2 Child of God, you bear God’s image,
learn to listen for God’s call;
grow to laugh and sing and worship,
trust and love God more than all.
Ronald Cole-Turner © 1981, CCL Licence No. 820801
17th September 2017 10.15am Service
Call to Worship
Hymn (printed) JP145 Jubilate, everybody
Sacrament of Baptism
Hymn (printed) 633 Child of blessing
Prayer of Adoration
First Readings: Psalm 23 (P477)
1 Peter 1: 3-9 (P210)
The Word of God became a human being and we heard his voice in our midst
Second Reading: Mark 14: 32-42 (P44)
The Risen Word speaks to us from God’s future and calls us to newness of Life
Hymn 97 O God, you search me
Family News
Offering: We give our gifts for the work of God in the Church and the World
Hymn 807 Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Prayers of Gratitude and Concern
Hymn 32 As pants the hart
Hymn 700 As man and woman
Sung Threefold Amen
(Please remain standing)