Cultural Capital 2007 follow up
Visitor Survey
This survey is part of a research programme conducted by the Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS) and “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu for the Mayor House of Sibiu. The aim of the study is to find out more about the effects of the Sibiu European Cultural Capital 2007’s program during this year. We very much appreciate your participation in this research, and all responses will be treated confidentially.
- Where do you live?
Sibiu (go to question 9)
Elsewhere inTransylvania
Elsewhere in Romania
Abroad (country)______
- What is the main reason for your visit to Sibiu?
to come to this attraction/event shoppingbusiness
visiting friends/family day trip holiday
cultural visit
- Have you visited Sibiu before?
yes, many timesyes, once or twice
No, never (go to question 4)
If yes, did you visit Sibiu in 2007 (Cultural Capital Year)?
yes no
Did you visit any of the Cultural Capital 2007 events?
yes no
- Where are you staying at the moment?
own home (go to Q.**)
hotel camp site self catering accommodation
guest house youth hostel with family or friends
bed and breakfast
- Which region are you staying in?
SibiuSibiu region
elsewhere in Transylvaniaelsewhere in Romania
- How many nights will you stay in this accommodation?
- How did you arrange your trip?
All-inclusive package
Travel and accommodation booked separately
Nothing booked in advance
If you made a travel or accommodation booking, did you
Book in person at travel agencyBook via Internet
Book directly (by phone, fax or email)
Office use only
Interviewer: ______Date______
- Which information sources did you use to plan your trip?
previous visitSibiu brochure
family, friends newspaper/magazine
TV/radio tour operator brochures
tourist office guide book
Sibiu website
Other website
9. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
(Please circle a number from 1 to 5)
This experience has increased my knowledge
Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Agree
It was very relaxing being here
Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Agree
There are lots of interesting things to see
Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Agree
I like the atmosphere of this place
Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Agree
10.Have you visited any of the following attractions in your leisure time in the past 12 months (except during holidays)?:
Theme parkSports matchPop concert
TheatreMusicalCultural festival
11. Have you visited any other attractions in Sibiu today, or are you planning to do so?
a theatre showa street animation
Evangelic ChurchOrthodox Cathedral
The Lower town The Fortifications
Fortified churches around Sibiu
NONE of these
12. Could you give the quality of your visit to this attraction/event a score out of 10? ------
13. Can you give Sibiu as a tourist destination a mark out of 10? ------
14. How would you describe the type of holiday that you usually take ? (please indicate ONE type)
sun/beach holidaycountryside recreation
touring holidaymountain recreation
city breakhealth/sport orientated
cultural holiday
15. Please tick from the following list the FIVE cities which you think are most suitable for a cultural holiday
Amsterdam / Glasgow / ParisAthens / Helsinki / Pécs
Barcelona / Istanbul / Prague
Belgrade / Linz / Riga
Berlin / Lisbon / Rome
Brussels / Liverpool / Rotterdam
Budapest / London / Sibiu/
Copenhagen / Luxemburg / Stockholm
Dublin / Madrid / Venice
Edinburgh / Moscow / Vienna
Florence / Oporto / Warsaw
16. Can you indicate how far you associate the following terms with Sibiu?
internationaltotally partly not at all
culture and arttotally partly not at all
friendlytotally partly not at all
European citytotally partly not at all
multi-culturaltotally partly not at all
shoppingtotally partly not at all
working citytotally partly not at all
unsafetotally partly not at all
nightlifetotally partly not at all
dynamictotally partly not at all
historic citytotally partly not at all
something for everybodytotally partly not at all
spectacular eventstotally partly not at all
17. Do you think that the European Capital of Culture:
Improved the image of Sibiu? yes nodon’t know
Brought more money to Sibiu? yes nodon’t know
Improved cultural facilities? yes nodon’t know
Created more social cohesion? yes nodon’t know
Improved the quality if life? yes nodon’t know
Brought Sibiu closer to the rest of Europe?
yes nodon’t know
18. Do you think there is more attention for Sibiu in the national media as a result of the European Capital of Culture?
yes nodon’t know
19. Do you think there is more attention for Sibiu in the international media as a result of the European Capital of Culture?
yes nodon’t know
20. Overall, do you think Sibiu made good use of the opportunity of being European Capital of Culture in 2007?
yes nodon’t know
20bAbout Sibiu as a tourism destination, what is your opinion: Sibiu 2008 comparing with Sibiu 2007 is
the same better
not quite the sameI can not say
Your Background
21. How many people are there in your party, including yourself?
adults ______children ______
22.Are you male female
- Please indicate your age group?
15 or younger / 20-29 / 40-49 / 60 or over
16-19 / 30-39 / 50-59
24.What is you highest level of educational qualification?
primary school secondary school
further educationHigher education (first degree)
25.Which of the following categories best describes your current position?
employee houseman/wife or carer
self employed retired
student unemployed
26.Please indicate your current (or former) occupational group
Director or managerProfessional (doctor, lawyer, teacher, etc)
Technical professions (technicians, nursing)
Service and sales personnel
Manual or crafts worker
27.Is your occupation or study connected with culture?
yes no
28.Can you indicate how much you have spent (or will spend) during your visit to Sibiu/this attraction?
food and drink------
- Which category best describes your annual household gross income?
5,000 Euro or less / 30,001-40,000 Euro
5,001-10,000 Euro / 40,001-50,000 Euro
10,001-20,000 Euro / 50,001-60,000 Euro
20,001-30,000 Euro / More than 60,000 Euro