Leadership/ Service Project
-Raking lawns for the elderly is the service project I would like to involve myself as well as as many others possible.
-Many elderly live alone and need extra help.
-Most elderly cannot move around efficiently enough to make their yard look cleaner/neater like desired.
-I have a very sensitive heart for the elderly.
-The elderly do not get the respect they deserve in today's society.
-Many communities overlook the elderly who are not located in nursing or assisted living homes.
-In order to carry out this project, I plan to go talk to my grandparents and ask them for some older people they know, who are struggling and won't have their yards raked during this time of the year.
-After I get the list of elderly who might be very happy with teenagers raking their yard, simply out of courtesy, I will then find peers who would be willing to help.
-My goal is to have three or four friends help me complete this project.
-As we go up and knock on the door, I plan to see very happy people when we offer to help them out.
-Knowing that you're helping someone who could use the help gives you the best feeling in the world!
-After we engage in this service, we will then thank them for letting help them out.
-Not only do the elderly we helped benefit, but we now have a very warm heart knowing that we helped communities out.
-Hopefully, by showing such great leadership skills, it will inspire other people in the community to want to strive and reach out to help others as well.
-Putting other people first creates not only a positive mindset for you, but for others around you!
-This project creates a positive outlook from all perspectives.
-I plan on completing this generous service project in the future.