Assignment 18.2 Front Sheet
Learner name / Target / Assessor nameMrs Turner-Smith
Date issued / Completion date / Submitted on
12/10/2015 / 13/11/2015
Unit number and title
Unit 18: Genetics and genetic engineering
Assignment title / Cell division
In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.
Criteria reference / To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: / Task No. / Evidence
P2 / Identify the stages of mitosis and meiosis in eukaryotic cells
Diagram of Eukaryotic cell / 1
Observing mitosis in a root squash / 2
Storyboard of mitosis / 3
Workbook on meiosis / 4
P3 / Carry out practical investigations to record stages of cell division
Observing mitosis in a root squash / 2
Storyboard in mitosis / 3
Workbook on meiosis / 4
P4 / Explain how the behaviour of chromosomes leads to variation
Report on variation in living organisms / 5
M2 / Describe the behaviour of chromosomes during cell division using the results of the practical investigation
Micrograph pictures / 6
Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
Learner signature: / Date:
Assignment 18.2 Brief
Qualification / BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science (Applied Biology)Unit number and title / Unit 18: Genetics and genetic engineering
Start date / 12/10/2015
Deadline / 13/11/2015
Assessor name / Mrs Turner-Smith
Evidence checklist
[Summarise evidence required, e.g. ‘leaflet’, ‘presentation notes’ etc.] / [tick boxes]
Diagram of Eukaryotic cell
Observing mitosis in a root squash
Storyboard of mitosis
Workbook on meiosis
Report on variation in living organisms
Micrograph pictures
Sources of information
Adds J, Larkcom E and Miller R – Genetics, Evolution and Biodiversity (Nelson Advanced Science: Biology Series) (Nelson Thornes Ltd, 2004) ISBN 9780748774920
Adds J, Larkcom E and Miller R – Molecules and Cells (Nelson Advanced Science: Biology Series)
(Nelson Thornes Ltd, 2003) ISBN 9780748774845
Giddings G, Jones N and Karp A – The Essentials of Genetics (Hodder Murray, 2001) ISBN 9780719586118
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
Biology simulations and exercises
DNA interactive
Gene Almanac DNA animations
National Centre for Biotechnology Education
Method for extraction of DNA from onions
Beginner’s guide to molecular biology
DNA interactive
This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose
Assessor / Ms Fensome
Signature / Date / 06/07/2015
Internal verifier / Mrs Turner-Smith
Signature / Date / 06/07/2015
Assessor's comments
Qualification / BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science / Assessor name / Mrs Turner-Smith
Unit number and title / Unit 18: Genetics and Genetic Engineering / Learner name
Criteria reference / To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: / Achieved?
P2 / Identify the stages of mitosis and meiosis in eukaryotic cells
P3 / Carry out practical investigations to record stages of cell division
P4 / Explain how the behaviour of chromosomes leads to variation
M2 / Describe the behaviour of chromosomes during cell division using the results of the practical investigation
Learner feedback
Assessor signature / Date
Learner signature / Date
This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose
Assessor / Mrs Turner-Smith
Signature / Date
Internal verifier
Signature / Date