Beginning of Year Informational Packet
Students are asked to review this document with their parent/guardian and sign in two different places: (1) Agreeing to class rules and expectations (2) Consenting to Internet use. Upon submission of this signed packet to their instructor, the student will be given a copy to keep at home for reference.
Course:technology viiI
Teacher: Mrs. Gerritz, Room 222
Phone:463-4100 ext 2220
Extra Help:After School Monday, Tuesday & Thursdays
Course Description:In Technology VIII scholars will develop a basic understanding of computer programming using Aliceas well as the fundamental concepts of architectural design using bridge building techniques. Scholars will be challenged to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills that can be applied through use of the design cycle. Scholars will investigate problems, design possible solutions, planits implementation, createthe solution, evaluate the use of the design cycle, and examine their attitudes toward technology throughout the process
Attendance Policy: The Rochester City School District attendance policy requires students to attend 93% of the time. Any student who does not meet this standard is in danger of failing.It is your responsibility to pick up missed assignments from my teacher website.
Expectations for Students: As a student you are expected to follow these classroom rules:
NO…obscene language, food, drink, OR electronic devices
ON…time AND task
IN…seat AND uniform
OFF…inappropriate sites
RESPECT..People and property
Phone Call Home
Referral to Administrator
Paws Tickets
Computer Free Time
Positive Call Home
Expectations for Parent/Guardian(s): As a parent you are expected to:
Routinely ask your student about his/her progress.
Contact instructor if you have any questions or concerns
Supplies: Students are fortunate to be provided with access to a computer on a daily basis. The ONLY required item, which must be brought to class every day, is a pen or pencil.
Classroom Procedures:
Students are expected to begin working when the bell rings to start class. This may involve following written directions and/or listening for instructions. When the instructor or a student is addressing the class, all others are expected to be silent and attentive. Computers and printers are the property of the Rochester City School District and are to be used only for school-related activities at the discretion of the instructor.
Personal Statement:
As a teacher it is my goal to help students become contributing members of society. This is accomplished when students, teachers, and parent/guardians work together to ensure achievement. Students are encouraged to seek help whenever necessary and parent/guardian communication is always welcome.
The six criteria for assessment include: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate, and Attitude in Technology. These are equally weighted with scores ranging from 0-6, so the maximum score is 36. The descriptors concentrate on positive achievement, although failure to achieve may be included in the description for the lower levels.This document represents a grade. Review this document with your parent/guardian and both sign it acknowledging understanding and agreement of its contents. If a parent has any questions please feel free to call or e-mail.
We accept the responsibilities required for this course:
Student Name:______
Parent/Guardian (Print):______
Parent/Guardian Signature:______
Phone Number: ______E-mail:______