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© MMXVI JS&M Sales & Marketing, Inc. San Diego California -Tel. 858- 692-9461

Subject: The Chuck Wepner Story

Chuck Wepner is the model for Rocky Balboa.

The story goes that Sylvester Stallone went to see a closed circuit fight of Chuck Webner fighting Muhammad Ali.

And Wepner didn’t win the fight, he knocked Ali down in one of the later rounds but Ali got up and totally destroyed him.

Ali won the fight but Chuck Wepner fought valiantly.

And so Sylvester Stallone who was a nobody then, wrote up a screen play and he changed Wepner who was German to Rocky who was Italian and he changed New Jersey to Philadelphia and Apollo was Muhammad Ali.

A reporter had asked “Mr. Wepner, did you actually think you were going to beat the great Muhammad Ali?”

He said “Well don’t misinterpret this. He was a much better fighter than I was, but I was a much better street fighter than he was. I figured if I could sucker him into getting into a street fight and not a boxing match, I was going to win.

I was so sure I was going to be able to do that that I did something I didn’t normally do.

I brought my wife with me to Cleveland where the fight was and my wife would never go to the fight.

But that afternoon I took her to one of the top department stores in Cleveland and went to the lingerie department and I said “Sweetheart, I want you to buy the sexiest lingerie because tonight you’re going to make love to the heavyweight champion of the world”

And she bought the sexy lingerie and they went back to the hotel room and he went off to the fight and she listened to the fight on the radio.

Three AM Chuck finally got back to the hotel room and opened the door and his wife threw her arms around him because he was a hero.

He didn’t win but just like Rocky, he really gave a full effort.

And then she very seriously looked at him and she said “Sweetheart, do you remember our deal we made this afternoon about me making to the love to the Heavyweight Champion of the World?”

He said “Yeh, I do.”

She said “well am I going to Ali’s room or is he coming here?”

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© MMXVI JS&M Sales & Marketing, Inc. San Diego California -Tel. 858- 692-9461