Ms. Gardner & Mrs. Thomas - 6th Grade Math Course Outline
I am looking forward to having a wonderful year with you all. If you have any questions, PLEASE contact me.
Be Prepared!
The following must be brought to class each day:
Covered textbook
Math notebook or binder with paper
Math workbook & homework folder
2 pencils, an eraser, and a color pen
If materials are not present during class you will lose 5 points from your Prepared grade, which accounts for a quiz grade each marking period. Starting at the end of September you may NOT go back to your locker for any materials, including homework.
Make it Count
Homework constitutes 20% of the Marking Period’s grade. Assessments compose the remaining 80%: tests account for 40%, quizzes 25% and classwork 15%. Projects will vary depending upon the scope and nature of the project. Classwork includes participation, exit slips and group work.
All assessments (quizzes and tests) are announced. To prepare, students must practice solving problems covered in class, homework and during review sessions. Please ask questions or make arrangements for extra help if needed – we are here to help you!
Cheating/plagiarism are not tolerated and will result in a 0 grade and disciplinary action.
Final grade is the average of the four marking period grades.
Homework reinforces concepts taught in class. It is essential students maintain organization so they may utilize their notes to complete homework assignments. Homework must be with you at the beginning of the period – there will be no trips to your locker to retrieve forgotten homework!
Homework will receive a 100% if work is shown properly and all questions are answered.
Incomplete homework will be subject to a zero or 50% at my discretion. Homework must have steps showing how the problem was solved and not only the answers.
We must learn to persevere in problem solving! To practice, you must try ALL homework problems – blanks will be subject to lower homework grades.
Late homework is not accepted unless there is an excused absence from school.
Homework will be posted on my webpage on a daily basis; however, plans may change and students are responsible for what is assigned in class. Homework assignments are to be writtendown in your planner. The textbook is available online,however;not being able to access the website is not an acceptable excuse for incomplete homework.
Projects will count as a quiz or test grade depending on the scope of the project. You are reminded that plagiarism is not tolerated, will result in a 0 and your parent/guardian will be notified and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
I encourage you to actively participate in class – remember your question is likely the same question many of your classmates may have as well. If you need assistance understanding a concept, pleaseask during class, after class or you can arrange to come for extra help.
Make-Up Work
Students have the responsibility of completing all missing work due to absence, in a timely manner. If you have band or any other commitment during class time, you must report to your teacher first. You are responsible for any work missed during that period…this is not an absence; homework must be done on time.
Days for make-up assignments will be equal to the number of days absent.
A maximum of one week will be allowed for test make-up.
Make-up work for an extended absence will be determined in a student/teacher conference.
You are responsible for obtaining notes missed due to an absence.
Extra Help
Extra help is available to clarify concepts and to help prepare for assessments. I am available Tuesday through Thursday from 2:35 to 2:55 in Room 218. Written parent permission is required prior to staying.
Contact Information
You may contact Ms. Gardner at or Mrs. Thomas at . If we have not responded to your email within 2 days, please send it again. Mrs. Thomas may also be reached at phone number 973-423-6461 x4144; however, email is the most efficient means of contact.
Together we will have a productive and fun year!