Cumberland Girls Basketball Association
December 8, 2008 (Revised with updated emails)
Meeting Minutes
Present Members: Rachel Waite, Jean Zimmer, Katie Smith, Angie Buckley, Kevin Hanusa, Barb Bangsberg, Ron Hagen, Brenda Kupferschmidt
Absent Members: Nancy Gagner, Melissa Weaver, Barb Agen-Glaubitz
Secretary’s Report: The minutes from November 17th, 2008 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: $4000 was deposited from joint account (the final total amount split has yet to be determined) along with the $1630 from late registrations/orders and 8th grade tournament. There is money that has not been deposited from the original registration night back in October (Beth Narges has the money). We still owe Northwest League $110 per tournament ($1880). Between the deposits and what has been paid out there is approximately $3960.07 in the account right now.
Website Update: is up and running. Please forward any changes or additions to Barb Bangsberg ()
Review Purpose Statement: Tim Gagner has located a copy of the old by-laws and those were brought to the meeting by Jean Zimmer. Comparison was made of both by-laws and long discussion ensued over wording about Membership, Board of Directors, and Purpose.
· Name, Purpose - “in grades 3 – 12” will be taken out of Section 2.
· Membership – corporation changed to membership
· Board of Directors – Added to end 2nd paragraph “This constist of 4 officers and up to 7 members at large representing interested parties.
Non Profit Application: Angie, Barb Bangsberg and Rachel Waite will meet with Brenda Kupferschmidt at Brenda’s office to go over the application. They will meet on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 4:00pm.
5th Grade Tournament: Kirsten Wagner gave notes to Rachel Waite for tonight. The gyms have been reserved. Katie Smith will contact Kirsten for the folder regarding what is left over from the last tournament and what needs to be ordered. Kevin will contact Tim Gagner about getting volunteer refs and getting the High Schools to run the clocks/scoring.
Apparel Orders: Form is on the website. We will hold on ordering more until we get enough orders. Jean will check with the High School teams to see if they want to order.
Additional Items:
· Brenda Kupferschmidt will check with Noah Insurance and get a quote for the January tournament.
· Jean Zimmer will check with Community Education to see if we can be under their insurance policy.
· Jean Zimmer will also get locker numbers so the 8th grade girls can do locker decorations as a “thank you” for the high school players with their help with the tournament.
· Angie Buckley will check into announcing the Association meeting times in the Elementary, Middle and High Schools and in “The Advocate”
Email List:
Angie Buckley:
Rachel Waite:
Kevin Hanusa:
Barb Agen-Glaubitz:
Brenda Kupferschmidt:
Katie Smith:
Barb Bangsberg:
Melissa Weaver:
Ron Hagen:
Nancy Gagner:
Jean Zimmer
Tim Gagner:
Next meeting: Next meeting will be Monday, January 12th, 2009 at 7:15 in the Cumberland Middle School Commons.
Respectively Submitted,
Barb Bangsberg
Acting Secretary