Newman Students Union ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING / April 4, 2017


This is a paper to approve the minutes from the previous AGM meeting, held on the Tuesday 15th March 2016.

Executive Members Present:

James Westwood (JW) President, Chair of Executive, Chair of Trustees
Nathan Richards (NR) Vice-President
Courtnie Reeve (CR) Academic Officer

Joshua Allerton (JA) Societies Officer

John Hitchin (JH) Sports Officer

Others Present:

Rosie Richter (RR) Union Chair

Mohammed Ali (MA) Union Secretary and Minute Taker

In Attendance:

Ryan Beasley (RB) Development Manager
Duncan Lawson (DL) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Formative Education)

1.  Chair’s Welcome

Welcome speech from the President and Chair of the Board of Trustees. JW stated the appointment of a new Development Manager, Ryan Beasley.

2.  Speech from Duncan Lawson, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Formative Education)

DL emphasised the importance of ‘The Newman University plan 2013-2014’ and explained how it will improve the University over the next four years.

DL explained how lecturers and students working together will create a better working environment and that if there are any concerns that students should talk to their course reps.

There are going to be changes over the next year/18 month’s dependant on planning permission from the council. The plans include new development for campus (Norwich building), more car parking spaces, new halls of residence ready for 2017 intake and a new teaching block including the refurb of the dance studio.

3.  Minutes from the Previous Meeting

The minutes were approved by a clear majority.

4.  Receiving of accounts of the union for the previous financial year (ended 31 July 2015)

RB explained the budgets for the previous academic year.

The accounts were approved by a clear majority.

5.  Appointment of Auditors

RB explained that as the Students’ Union operates financially under the threshold, there is no need to appoint auditors. However, an accountant is selected to produce the end of year accounts and the University will audit the Students’ Union on an ad hoc basis.

The process was approved by a clear majority.

6.  Approving a list of affiliations of the union: National Union of Students

JW explained that the only affiliation with the Students’ Union was the National Union of Students.

The affiliations were approved by clear majority.

7.  Verbal Reports from the Executive

JW gave their update and spoke about the resignation of previous Development Manager and Voluntary Officers and the impact of this on the year.

NR gave an update and discussed their involvement in NUS awards evening and planning Freshers’ Week for the next academic year. NR spoke about the recruitment process of the new Development Manager and some of their new ideas. NR mentioned the rebrand competition launch and why the Union was rebranding for a second time in two years. NR apologised to the students for the lack of activities and quality of the first semester.

CR gave their update and explained their disappointment at the failure of “Family Fun Day”.

JA gave an update and explained the negative effect of the resignation of the previous Development Manager. JA apologised for the lack of work in Societies throughout the year.

JH gave an update and explained the importance of working with the Sports Coordinator in the University. JH stated that they had tried to initiate new sports such as golf and Gaelic Football. JH also apologised for the lack of work in the first semester.

8.  Open Questions to the Executive Committee and Trustees

“There have been members of the Executive resigning, why have they not replaced?’

JW explained that there was a lack of time and that the frequency of elections would annoy students. JW also stated that there was no full-time member of staff in place to assist with the by-elections.

“The number of students from last AGM meeting was only 48 people; do you think having the incentives has helped double the attendance and more importantly give students a better understanding of what the Union is doing”

NR stated that they believe it has because this is the highest attended AGM in history and now students will understand the struggles that the Union have faced and the direction they are heading to make things better.

“What is happening with the dance space in terms of the new developments?”

NR stated that alternative arrangements can be made and the Union will look to using external places for space if required.

“Why was the bouncy castle cancelled in terms of health and safety for the Attitude fundraiser? This was cancelled 5 hours before the event and affected the attendance of people who really wanted to come specifically for the bouncy castle.”

NR replied that the SU were also surprised. JW explained that they had expected Estates to have coordinated with the Health and Safety. It was noted in the meeting during that day that the risk assessments had not been filled out correctly and that there was significant danger to students. CR stated that their “Family Fun Day” events were also cancelled for the same reason. RB stated that new regulations will be in place to prevent re-occurance and that the appointment of a further member of staff to aid with the operation side of societies would eliminate this kind of disappointment.

“The fact that this meeting is only one hour long is disappointing as there is not enough time to go through everything”

RB stated that the University had only allowed to cancel lectures for one hour due to the lateness of request and planning. This planning was late due to the appointment of the Development Manager in January, and there will be plans in place to make this two hours. RB also stated a need for students to attend forums throughout the year, which would make the process of understanding agenda items quicker.

“Are there any support systems in place for Course Reps”

JW explained that the resignation of the democracy Officer meant that communication had broken down. JW explained that the Students’ Union were looking to employ a further member of staff to manage the Course reps system and that students should watch this space.

9.  Motion; Mandate the executive to hold the discussions with the university to resolve ongoing Wi-Fi issues

The motion was discussed with a speech for.

There were no speeches against.

The motion was passed unanimously.
AP: Executive committee to work with the University to resolve the wifi issues.

10.  Re-brand competition launch

NR explained the purpose of the rebrand and stated that the submissions should be sent in via the online form or in to the Union office. NR stated that all designs would be subject to change and rules can be found on the website. NR announced that the winning design would win a £100 prize and the winner would be selected by a panel.

11.  AOB

A student asked about how the Students’ Union made the decision to ask for lectures to be cancelled. NR conducted a vote to see student satisfaction in terms of planning for the AGM and found that the majority was in favour for cancelling lectures for the AGM.

A student expressed their concerns about the wellbeing of students and asked about the possibility for a water fountain in atrium. JW responded that this had previously been approached and the University did not want to place a water fountain in library, or atrium. NR explained how free refill of water bottle free of charge on site.

A student thanked the Officers and Development Manager for continuous hard work during a difficult time.

A student expressed a disappointment in prices of sanctuary, as well as closing time.
AP: NR suggested that there should be a conversation away from the meeting regarding discussion of times of the bar and prices of food.

12.  Winner of the Amazon Voucher

The winner was drawn and collected their prize.