Global Health Policy Programme at Green Templeton College

Applications for Pilot/Seed Grants 2014

The Global Health Policy Programme (GHPP) at Green Templeton College (GTC) wishes to encourage and support researchers, especially doctoral students and junior researchers to undertake pilot research projects in the area of global health policy. To this end GHPP is inviting applications for small grants which fall within the broad remit of GHPP.

  1. Background of the Global Health Policy Programme

Low-cost and high-effectiveness health interventions exist but many people, especially those in lower and middle income countries (LMIC) lack access to them, leading to avoidable and preventable mortality and morbidity which impose significant disease and financial burdens on the world’s population. The intellectual questions GHPP aims to answer are: why do people lack access to evidence-based healthcare; how should/could healthcare policies be designed to effect affordable and equitable access to evidence-based healthcare; what are the pre-conditions for effective implementation of policies?

The search for solutions to these questions is not new, as exemplified by the recent global agenda to achieve universal health coverage (UHC: defined as securing access for all to appropriate promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services at an affordable cost) and the Millennium Development Goals. However, many solutions remain at the stage of ideas with limited evidence on whether they work and, if so, what are the pre-conditions required. Where evidence exists, it can be fragmented and inaccessible to policymakers.

The primary objectives of GHPP are to:

  • discover and synthesise evidence of effective design and implementation of policies to achieve affordable, equitable and sustainable access to evidence-based healthcare
  • disseminate the findings to policy-makers and professionals to effect policy-making, implementation and changes in practice
  1. Application: Criteria, Budget and Requirement

The proposed project must be shown to:

  • support the objectives of GHPP as described above
  • be feasible and has the potential to lead to longer term collaborations of the proposed team, grant application, or case study written for teaching purpose

Application can request funds up to £12,000 but we would normally expect applications to be between £8,000-10,000 as we hope to be able to fund several grants from the budget we have allocated. This could include funding for travel and accommodation costs, access to research materials, conduct of field work. You can include some budget to support time of mentorship or technical support if needed. In such cases, please provide justification in your application.

Priority will be given to, but not limited to:

  • Students and fellows from Green Templeton College.
  • Applications which can demonstrate an association with a member (student or otherwise) of GTC.

Successful candidates are required to submit a publishable paper, or grant application, or case study for teaching purpose based on the study. Deadline for application is 2 April 2014

If you wish to apply for funding please complete the form on the next page and return to .



(Please state any college affiliation)
Current position or course
Supervisor (if applicable)
E-mail address:
Telephone number:
Other associated academics:
(Give name(s) and designation, eg. GTC Research Fellow, Associate Fellow, or external position.)
Date of application:
Project title:
(Please outline the proposed placement in no more than 500 words.)
Fit with criteria:
(See II.Application: Criteria, Budget and Requirement above.)
Objectives and intended outcomes:
(Please note that you will need to either submit a publishable paper, or grant application, or case study for teaching purposes as an outcome)
Date(s) of activity:
(Give dates if known, or intended period of activity)
Total costs of the project:
Amount requested from GTC GHPP:
(maximum £12,000 but we would normally expect applications to be between £8,000-10,000)
Any other funding applied for or received:
(Give the funding source and the total amount(s) applied for or received.)
Breakdown of costs:
(Give details of what the funds will be spent on – eg. travel and accommodation costs, access to research materials, conduct of field work, support time of mentorship or technical support. Please give justification)

Completed application forms should be e-mailed by 2 April 2014 to .