Please keep handy for quick reference!
Table of Contents
Halmstad’s Mission Statement...... 3
Chippewa Falls School District’s Mission & Vision...... 3
Purpose of Handbook - Halmstad School Staff...... 4
Administration - Board of Education...... 5
PTO Board Members – PTO Meeting Dates – Culver Dates...... 6
Conferences - Field Trips – Homework & Make Up Work...... 7
Human Growth & Development – Non-Discrimination & Access to Equal Rights...... 7
Physical Education – Adaptive PE – Promotion, Retention & Placement...... 8
Report Cards – Testing – Uninterrupted Literacy Schedule...... 8
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Arrival & Dismissal – Bicycles – Bus Students...... 9
Bus Deviations – Safety Patrol...... 9
Walkers...... 10
Attendance – Attendance (Truancy) – Attendance (Withdrawing Students)...... …10
Family Support
Complaint Procedures...... 10
Counseling Services – Parent Portal – Psychological Services...... 11
Food Service
Food Service (Lunch & Morning Milk Procedures)...... 11
Accidents...... 11
Administration of Medication & Emergency Care - Animals in School – Asbestos Notice.....12
Defibrillator– Drill Practice...... 12
Vision/Hearing - Immunizations – Pediculosis (Head Lice) - Wellness...... 13
Visiting - Dropping offPicking Up Children – Building Doors...... 13
Snow Days - Inclement ...... 14
Student Abuse and Neglect...... 14
Theft – Volunteers - Weapons...... 14
Office Management
Birthday Invitations & Balloons...... 14
Contact Addresses of Students - Custody - Lost and Found Articles...... 15
Newsletter - Student Records – School Fines...... 15
School Pictures – Telephone Use – Title 1...... 16
Care of School Property – Cell Phones...... 16
School Expectations-Behavior
School-Wide PBIS...... 16
Dress Code – Electronics & Toys from Home – Discipline Referral - Reces...... 17
Student Anti-Harassment Policy – Student Code of Classroom Conduct...... 18
Student Network and Internet Use – Winter Weather...... 18
District Policies
Elastic Clause & District Policies...... 19
Annual Notices
Annual Notices...... 20-24
Halmstad’s Mission Statement
With the collaboration and support of families, students, and the community, Halmstad Elementary will challenge and empower all students to reach their maximum potential while achieving academic and life skills
in a safe and respectful environment.
Chippewa Falls School District’s Mission
The Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District,
in partnership with the community,
is committed to excellence, empowering and challenging all students
to learn while preparing them for an ever-changing global society.
Chippewa Falls School District’s Vision
Educational Excellence for a Changing Tomorrow.
Purpose of Handbook
This handbook is distributed to parents of elementary school children to provide you with information and procedures at all elementary schools. It is intended to answer the questions you have about the regulations and procedures of school. You are encouraged to keep it handy and refer to it when questions arise.
Halmstad School Staff
Principal:Wade Pilloud Counselor: Sherry JasperFamily Support: Shannon Larson
Secretary: Dianne Marquardt Custodian: Tim NyhusPsychologist: Britny Gabert
Support Staff:
Instructional Assistant (Title 1)Amy CaldwellParaprofessional (EEN)Diane Bradley
Paraprofessional (LMC)Cathy Bergevin Paraprofessional (EEN)Christine Seelow
ParaprofessionalSally YoungInstructional Assistant (ELL)Jeana Lahr
ParaprofessionalKathy MichalekNoon Hour MonitorDebra Swoboda
ParaprofessionalSandra MakuckNoon Hour MonitorPeggy Mattison
Nurse:Corissa Prior
Health Aide: Shari Olson
Cooks: Diane Foiles, Kristine Golden and Tamara Brown
Light Housekeeping: Cathryn Steinmentz & Susan Normand
Teaching Staff:
KindergartenMelanie Dachel1st GradeBarb Beaudette
KindergartenPaul Froelich1st GradeMandi Schmigdall
Kindergarten Elizabeth Rust1st GradeAshley Simmons
2nd GradeAmy Lee3rd GradeSamantha Dole
2nd GradeSusan Parker3rd GradeJayne Jochimsen
2nd GradeAmy Wolniak3rd GradeKara Vergin
4th Grade Mary Jo Greene5th GradeRebecca Bauer
4th GradeJudy Shugarts5th GradeAmber Glasener
4th GradeShannon Wahl5th GradeLindsey Sharman
Art Sarah SchmidtLibrarianKimberly King
MusicColleen GriepentrogELLHolly Toycen
Physical EducationMike BestulSpeechKatie Gebauer
Special EducationAmanda Bjornson
Title 1Judy Larson
Title 1Sarah Parish
Dr. Brad Saron715-726-2417
Superintendent of Schools
Chad Trowbridge715-726-2417
Director of Business Services
Jennifer Starck715-726-2785
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Christine McMasters715-726-2414
Director of Special Education & Pupil Services
Michele Golden715-726-2417
Director of Human Resources/Public Relations
Randy Knowlton715-726-2417
Director of Buildings, Grounds, and Safety
Susan Lang715-726-2400
Director of Food Services
Scott Kowalski715-726-2413
Director of Technology Education
Dana Sommerfeld715-726-2785
Director of Assessment/Federal Policies
Jennifer Andress715-726-2588
Director of ATOD/Voyagers After School Programming
You are cordially invited to attend any of the regularly scheduled school board meetings. Unless otherwise changed by public notice, regular school board meetings are held the Third Thursday ofeach month. At each meeting, a time is provided for comments or questions from the public.
Jim Dimock (President)Melanie Schaller (Member)
Amy Mason (Vice-President)Jerry Smith (Member)
Staish Buchner (Clerk)Peter Lehman (Member)
Pat Allen (Treasurer)Email for all board members:
President- Heather Johnson (715-497-9127) Treasurer- Traci Goulet I715-944-4080)
Vice President—Shawna Stanley (715-215-2159) Secretary—June Litscher (715-723-0604)
(2nd Thursday of every month except for December-no meeting)
September 12(4pm)
October 10(6pm)
November 7(4pm)
January 9(6pm)
February 13(4pm)
March 13(6pm)
April 10(4pm)
May 8(6pm)
(2nd Tuesdayof every month)
September 10
October 8
November 12
December 10
January 4
March 11
April 8
May 13
We have three scheduled conference times during the school year.
1) The “Welcome Back” Conference is held the first day of school, September 3.
2) Fall Conferences are on either Thursday, October 24or Tuesday, October 29from 3:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
3) Winter Conferences are on either:
Thursday, January 30(3:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.)or Friday,January 31(8:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.)
Throughout the school year teachers schedule educational field trips. The trips are designed to supplement the classroom curriculum and to introduce students to resources in our community. Parents will receive advance notice of all field trips. Sometimes a small contribution may be requested to help defray transportation or facility costs. No student will be denied the opportunity to go or be penalized for failing to contribute. Please call the school office if you are unable to provide the cost of a field trip.
Field trips are a privilege. Should a student’s attitude or behavior not meet building-wide and/or classroom expectations, he/she may not be permitted to go on a scheduled field trip. In the event this is decided, the teacher will inform the parent/guardian that the student may remain at school while the class is on the field trip.
During the course of the school year we will be asking parents/guardians to consider chaperoning on student field trips. It is important that parents and guardians know that, unfortunate as it may be, the School District’s liability insurance only covers the staff, adult chaperones, and the students on the field trips. It does NOT cover younger (non-student) brothers and sisters. We recognize that parents or guardians may not be able to chaperone field trips, as they may not have child care available. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Each child is responsible to ask the teacher for assignments on the day he/she returns to school. If you expect your child to be absent three or more days, you may call715-726-2415 by 10:00 a.m. and a list of assignments will be in the office by 3:00 p.m. You may also e-mail your child’s teacher to request assignments.
Homework is important for improved student achievement. Homework is an extension and review of the curriculum taught during the school day.
The expectation is very simple: All homework needs to be completed in the expected time frame as assigned by the classroom teacher.
Failure to complete assigned homework or daily assignments will adversely affect a student’s grade and may have a negative impact on the student’s ability to attend field trips.
Parents are encouraged to schedule a regular time for their children at home to complete homework, assignments or review classroom material. If parents have questions regarding homework or daily assignments, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.
Human Growth and Development
( to Policy Manual, view policy #2414.)
The Chippewa Falls School District recognizes the family as the primary source for developmental experiences. In identifying its role, the district serves to reinforce that which is taught at home by providing learning experiences that can be used to make healthy life choices now and in the future. If you have any questions or concerns about the Human Growth and Development Curriculum, please feel free to contact the counselor, principal or Jenny Starck, Human Growth and Developmental Coordinator at 715-726-2580.
( Go to Policy Manual, view policy #2260.)
All children in grades K-5 participate in the district’s physical education program. A pair of tennis shoes must be made available for use in the gymnasium to maximize the safety of your child. Running in regular shoes or stocking feet can be dangerous on slippery floors. Going barefoot is not acceptable.
Students who are unable to participate in regular physical education programs for extended periods of time are required to be involved in an adaptive physical education program which is suited to their ability and limitations. This does not include short term injuries/illnesses.
If a physician requests that a child not be permitted to take part in regular physical education activities, the district, when so notified, will provide the parent with an adaptive physical education form that is to be completed by the child’s physician. In doing so, the physician will indicate the types of physical activities in which the child will be permitted to participate. Students will not be excused from attending regular physical education classes without a physician’s completion of the adaptive physical education form.
( Go to Policy Manual, view policy #5410.)
In addition to six-week progress reports, reports cards are distributed approximately one week after the end of each trimester. Watch the monthly newsletter for specific dates.
Students are given group achievement tests and readiness tests during their years in the elementary grades. The tests given vary from year to year and are used by the school to help determine the student’s basic ability, his/her achievement in school subjects, and his/her readiness to begin new work.
Through the state funded REACh grant, schools were able to work through a needs assessment process and create solutions to some areas of concern. One concern we found was in the area of literacy. In an effort to be proactive, and through extensive research and discussion, we will be implementing an uninterrupted literacy block this school year. This means students and staff will be better equipped to address literacy needs when the school works towards a common goal and eliminates unwanted interruptions like switching classes, recess, etc. We have also incorporated an intervention time. The intervention time is pivotal to assist those who struggle, or who are achieving at a different rate than the rest of the students. We are asking parents to plan accordingly, if possible, when scheduling appointments or anything that takes your child out of the literacy block time frame.
The scheduled times are below:
KindergartenThird Grade
Literacy Block9:20 –9:45/10:00-11:05Literacy Block8:00-8:45/1:35-2:20
Intervention Time (SOAR)11:50 –12:20Intervention Time (SOAR)12:20-12:50
First GradeFourth Grade
Literacy Block 8:15 – 9:45Literacy Block8:00-8:45/9:25-10:10
Intervention Time (SOAR) 11:50 – 12:20Intervention Time (SOAR)1:50-2:20
Second GradeFifth Grade
Literacy Block 8:35 – 10:25Literacy Block 12:20–1:50
Intervention Time (SOAR)11:50 – 12:20Intervention Time (SOAR)1:50-2:20
Students should not arrive at school before 7:30 a.m. on regular start days. Students should not arrive to school before 8:20 a.m. on late start days. There is no supervision in the building or on the playground until this time.
- DO NOT BLOCK THE BUS LANE. Busses need to have that space open to drop off or pick up children.
- DO NOT PARK IN HANDICAP AREA UNLESS YOU HAVE A HANDICAP PERMIT. Those areas need to be available for students/parents/guardians with special needs.
For safety reasons, once on school property, children need to walk their bikes to the bike racks. Parents make the final decision about a child riding his/her bike to school, however, the elementary staff discourages students in kindergarten thru grade 2 from riding bicycles to school. Helmets are strongly encouraged.
Children are advised to lock their bicycles in racks if bicycles are ridden to school. Schools are not responsible for damaged, stolen or lost bicycles.
Bus Students
Students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly and safe manner on the bus. Students are expected to remain seated while the bus is moving. We ask that all parents review this policy throughout the school year. Revocation of bus privileges may occur when a student behaves in a disruptive or unsafe manner. If you have concerns, call Chippewa Yellow Bus at 715-726-2454.
Any parent desiring a change in the child's regular bus transportation for any reason must complete a Bus Deviation Form. Written notes from parents WILL NOT be accepted.
Parents are asked to pick up the form in advance from your child’s school or have your child pick up the form from school and have it completed in advance for their child.
It is important for Halmstad Staff to know how your child will get home from school.
- Halmstad staff WILL NOT permit a child to change their usual way of going home unless we have a written note from the parent. If a child needs to ride a different bus after school, the parent must complete a bus deviation form to be given to the office or to the bus company. (See Bus Students section.)
- To request a change, the note must be specific as to the dates for the change and who is picking up the child. This note must be signed and dated by the parent/guardian.
- Last minute phone calls (after 1:45 p.m.) are not acceptable.
A group of grade five students are trained by Mr. Ralph Coushman and school staff to be the school safety patrol. The purpose of our safety patrol is to influence and encourage other students to refrain from crossing streets at points other than at designated crossings and to assist students across such designated crossings in a safe and respectable manner.
Our safety patrol students arrive at the designated crossings each morning, Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. on regular start days/8:20-8:35 a.m. on late start mornings and after school from 2:30 p.m. until the last bus leaves school.
At the discretion of the building principal, safety patrol students may be detained from their assignment due to inclement weather or other situations that may jeopardize their safety. For those students who need to walk to school under these conditions, arrangements will be made to provide coverage at the designated crossing areas.
No liability shall attach to the school district, or any individual, school member, administrator, teacher or other school authority by virtue of the organization. (State Statue 118.10) For questions relating to Safety Patrol, please refer to The Safety Patrol Handbook that your child was provided or email .
Walkers are to cross intersections by the school with the safety patrol members. They are expected to stay on sidewalks and cross at corners on the way to and from school. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a proper and safe manner at all times.
The Chippewa Falls Unified Schools recognize regular, punctual attendance as essential for satisfactory school progress. All students are expected to attend school regularly and be on time for classes in order to benefit from the instructional program and to develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline, and responsibility.
It is important that parents and students assume responsibility for seeing that students arrive at school on time. Any student who arrives after 7:50 a.m. on regular school days/8:35 a.m. on late start days is considered tardy. For attendance and lunch count purposes, all students arriving after 7:50 a.m./8:35 a.m. must first report to the office for an admit slip.
An excuse is required when your child is absent or tardy from school.It is the parent's responsibility tocall the school office at 715-726-2415 no later than 8:30 a.m. to report a child's absence.
The principal will determine if an absence is excused or unexcused as defined by state statute. Excused absences may include illness, death of a family member and/or medical appointments. It is critical that the school office knows where a child is and his/her reason for not being in school to ensure the safety of every student.
- If a student comes to school after 7:50 a.m. on regular start days/8:35 a.m. on late start days, but arrives before 9:00 a.m., he/she will be counted as tardy.
- If a student comes to school after 9:00 a.m., he/she will be counted a half day absent.
- If a child is in attendance until 1:30 p.m., he/she will be counted in attendance for a full school day.
School attendance is the legal responsibility of all parents and guardians as stated in the Wisconsin Statutes. The State Statute 118.16 reads a student, including Kindergarten students, is considered a “habitual truant” when he/she has been absent from school without an acceptable excuse for:
- Part or all of five or more days on which school is held during a semester
(State Statute 118.16), ( Go to Policy Manual, view policy #5200.)
Students are to be at school, ready to be in their classrooms when school starts or they will be recorded tardy (unexcused). The Wisconsin state mandates indicate that more than 5 absences and/or tardies a semester are excessive.
Truancy letters will be sent after three unexcused absences and/or tardies. A meeting will be held with parent(s) and student after five unexcused absences and/or tardies occur within a given semester. Students who are habitual truants may also be referred to Chippewa County Juvenile Service for violation of the Wisconsin Compulsory Attendance Law.