CHW 3M Roman Empire Power Point Assignment: Best and Worst Emperors
In a group of 5, you will research one time period during the Roman Empire. Your group will provide a PERSIAT-style overview of the time period, using the headings below. Your goal is threefold: 1. to answer the question, “what happened in the Roman Empire during the reign of…?”.2. To identify the positive and negative achievements of the emperor by referring to progress and decline for specific groups in Roman society. 3. To compete for one of the following contests (no presentism, please):
Who was the best Roman emperor? (Trajan vs. Hadrian) – Roman view of “best” and for whom
Who was the worst Roman emperor? (Caligula vs. Nero)– Roman view of “worst” and for whom
Could go either way, good or bad? (Diocletian vs. Constantine) – Roman view of “best” or
“worst” and for whom
- Caligula
- Nero
- Trajan
- Hadrian
- Diocletian
- Constantine
Headings – 1 per person
- Historical Developments and Government
Including context (major events, including before, during and after), political system and government, such as the emperor’s relations with the Senate, legal developments
- Romanization / Pax Romana
Including foreign relations, conquests, expansion, spread of Roman values to conquered territories, army equipment and tactics, citizenship, revolts
- Infrastructure
Including development of public works such as roads, bridges, buildings, monuments, aqueducts, technology
- Hierarchy / Social Relations
Including religion, relations between classes (plebeians-patricians), gender, treatment of slaves, developments in daily life, citizenship, education
- Economics
Including basis of the economy, coinage, trade, use of slave labour, taxes, government economic policies
Personal Qualities of the Emperor (to be woven in wherever possible – not a separate heading)
Including characteristics that he does/doesn’t have that Romans want to see in their emperor
The group will give a 12 minute power-point presentation. The only things you are allowed to have on your slides are headings, pictures, descriptive captions, quotations from PSDs and citations. The slides are to be visual supports for what is being said orally. The group should start with a catchy introduction (or hook), and finish with a proper conclusion that refers back to good or bad emperor, notwith “that’s it.” No presentism, please. Think in terms of Roman values.
The audience will fill in their worksheet entitled “Continuity and Change Amongst Roman Emperors After Augustus” during each presentation. It is the presenters’ job to make it clear what should go on the chart.
Individual Notes
They must be handed in. They must follow the required format.
Name: ______(each student must bring his/her own rubric)
Rubric for Roman Empire Power Point and Oral Presentation
Levels of Achievement
Criteria / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1 /SCORE
Knowledge:Directly answers “what happened to the Roman Empire during the reign of…?”
Notes must be handed in. Must be in proper format. / 3 detailed, precise examples on what happened in this period of the Roman Empire. Relevant to your heading.
Does not go overboard and try to cram presentation full of facts. / 3 specific examples on what happened in this period of the Roman Empire. / Some specific information on what happened in this period of the Roman Empire (may be more general than specific, possibly off topic). / Points lack specific detail on what happened in this period of the Roman Empire. May be off topic (not clearly related to your heading).
Crammed full of trivial pursuit type facts.
Directly identifies who progressed and who declined, and explains how/why
Directly argues/defends best/worsttitle / Clear and direct identification and explanation of progress/decline and for whom.
Persuasive, direct and cleardefense of best/worsttitle. / Reference to progress/decline and for whom.
Quality defense of best/worsttitle. / Some reference to progress/decline (maybe not for whom).
Some defense of best/worst title. More stated than argued. / Little or no reference to progress/decline (not to the groups that experienced progress/decline).
Rambling, vague, broad: doesn’t defend best/worst title.Stated not argued. Not in synch with group.
Visuals. Organization, and citations are clear and error-free / Visuals consistently, effectively and clearly relate to the content being discussed and enhance it.
Slides are organized in a pleasing, easy to follow manner, including clear, concise, relevant captions.
Citations are in correct footnote format.
Visuals are from reliable sources. / Visuals mostly relate to the content being discussed and are appropriate.
Slides are organized in a logical fashion. Captions are not as informative as they could be.
Citations are mostly in proper footnote format. Minor format errors. / Visuals have a tenuous relationship to the content being discussed. May be repetitive, decorative, off topic.
Slides are organized with some flaws. Captions aren’t helpful to the viewer.
Citations have errors in footnote format and usage.May be missing a few citations. / Visuals seem to have no relationship to the content being discussed. Visuals are purely for decoration. Or, there are few visuals.
Slides are cluttered, difficult to follow. Missing captions.
Many or major errors in footnote format of citations.
No citations = zero. The assignment will NOT be accepted without footnotes.
SCORES 4++=100, 4+=95, 4=88, 4-=82, 3+=78, 3=75, 3-=72, 6+=68, 6=65, 6-=62, 5+=58, 5=55, 5-=52, Below 1 = 49-0
Note: Below level 1 does not meet the expectations of this assignment. If a student does not bring this rubric, the teacher will not give a mark for the oral presentation.
CHW 3M Hints for Roman Empire Power Point Assignment
Dates in library:
Fri. Nov. 1, Mon. Nov. 4, Tues. Nov. 5, Wed. Nov. 6
Presentation dates:
Fri. Nov. 8, Mon. Nov. 11 - *Order of presentations is chronological.
*All Power Point USBs/emails are due on the first day of presentations. No group gets extra time.
Your group must stick to your timeline of max. 12 minutes per group – cut off at 13.
At the bottom of each slide in a textbox, please include citations in footnote format (with numbers at the beginning). Footnotes should refer to images andany information on the slide (though there should not be many words). Please consult reliable websites. If you do a Google Image search you must assess the reliability of the image from its original website (see blog for tips). Failure to cite will result in a zero for plagiarism. A bibliography is not necessary.
Each group will be given some starter materials from A History of the Roman People. You can simply cite this as History of the Roman People, 4th ed.Record page numbers.
Name on slides:
Please write the name of the person who made each slide on the top right of the slide.
Notes from multiple sources:
Take notes in proper format on the Roman Empire PPT Note-Taking Sheet. Keep them neat and organized, especially if you wish to get credit for them as part of your knowledge mark. Multiple sources are required. Research cannot consist of information from one source;three sources would be a minimum.
Each individual member of the group needs a rubric. If you don’t bring your rubric you won’t get a mark.
It is not enough to say that an emperor is the best or that a group of people progressed or declined. You must explain directly and clearly.
Rome Open Notebook Test
- Tues. Nov.12
- Multiple choice and written answers (application mark this time)
- Was Julius Caesar’s assassination justified? Seen from the Roman historical perspective (support with 3 examples and 3 arguments) – see sheet
- Augustus’ use of continuity and change
- Continuity and change in rule of best and worst Roman Emperors
CHW 3M Roman Empire PPT Note-taking Sheet
Name: ______Emperor: ______Heading: ______
Source: ______
Page # / General point (sub-topic) / Detail, real-life examples / Best/Worst because…Progress for…
Decline for… / Idea for visual for slide (and name of site)
CHW 3M Roman Empire PPT Note-taking Sheet
Name: ______Emperor: ______Heading: ______
Source: ______
Page # / General point (sub-topic) / Detail, real-life examples / Best/Worst because…Progress for…
Decline for… / Idea for visual for slide (and name of site)