> Please find below the Minutes of the Membership Services Committee on February 21. Thanks to Nancy for taking great minutes!
> TCCTA Membership Services Committee Minutes
>Dr. Gail Platt opened the TCCTA Membership committee meeting at 3:00 PM Feb. 21, 2002 in the San Felipe Room of the Westin Galleria Hotel in Houston. Members present were Judy Hart, Mary L. Page, Dr. Madeleine Ross, Paula Curbo, Gabriel Ume, Dr. Linda Kay Buchanan, Cristina Cardenas, Kevin Rose, and Nancy Partlow. Others present were Lola King, TCCTA Secretary; Dr. Scott Nelson, TCCTA Associate Executive Director; and Dr. Mel Griffin, TCCTA President. In the absence of committee secretary Jan Anderson, Nancy Partlow graciously agreed to serve as secretary for the meeting.
>After welcoming the group, Platt passed a get well card around for members to sign; the card is to be sent to Jack Stanley, committe member having heart surgery. She also announced that Stephanie Meinhardt, serving her last year on the committee, was unable to attend the convention but had expressed an interest in continuing to serve on the committee and to arrange yoga sessions for both Austin and Ft. Worth conventions. A chart was also distributed so that members could sign up for time slots to serve as hosts for the placement center on Friday and Saturday. Judy Hart, Committee Vice-chair, agreed to coordinate activities and workers at the Placement Center.
>The following details were discussed and/or confirmed:
> * Introduce Financial Planning Speaker @ 8:00--Platt and @ 1:00--Partlow*
> * Drawing for door prizes following both presentations--Gabriel Ume. Prizes included shirts, caps, glasses, mugs, books, and a wine basket donated by various committee members.*
> * No yoga sessions will be sponsored this year.*
> * A mall walk @ 6:30 Friday led by Ross.*
> * Dr. Griffin then thanked all committee members for their service, and presented each member with a certificate of appreciation.*
> * Volunteers agreeing to serve on an ad hoc committee to plan a grant writing workshop to be held prior to the 2003 TCCTA convention were Kevin Rose, Linda Buchanan, Paula Curbo, and Cristina Cardenas.(Platt said that Susan Hult Edwards would serve as an advisor to this group.)*
>The packet materials previously mailed to the committee members were then discussed as follows:
>1) Foster Consultants Insurance Packet
>Madeliene Ross moved to reject the proposal as presented, with the recommendation that if additional info concerning specific benefits, references from companies using the plan, and info on billing practices that would not increase the TCCTA staff workload, is obtained at a future date, then the Foster plan be reconsidered at another meeting. Mary Page seconded the motion; the motion passed.
>2) Pre-paid legal services
>Cristina Cardenas moved to reject this plan; Kevin Rose seconded; the motion passed.
>3) Financial Planning by AXA Advisors
>Paula Curbo moved to reject this plan; Nancy Partlow seconded; the motion passed.
>Other topics were the following:
>*Two evaluation forms for the financial planning seminar were presented; the committee decided to use the blue forms first and then the green forms if they were needed.
>* Scott Nelson encouraged members to visit the exhibits.
>* A list-serv for the TCCTA membership will be discussed again at the committee meeting this fall.
>* The publications committee is to be commended for their efforts in improving the Messenger, and for adding to its content.
>The meeting then adjourned at 4:10PM.