Held on 22 February 2010
Present: Cllr G Parkhurst (in the Chair)
Cllrs B Dobbs A Howard Mrs C Lewis
Mrs M Morgan Miss H Parkhurst S Pratley
P Prince R B Shields, MBE
Mrs J Cooper (Town Clerk)
Cllr E Rolls (in attendance)
Cllr Mrs M Rolls (in attendance)
Chris Manning (Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board)
5 Members of the public
Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Chairman invited Mr Cullen of Mablethorpe Tourism Forum to address the meeting. He gave an update on the forthcoming Bikers Festival (20 March) and confirmed funding received for the Bathing Beauties and Wild Coast festivals. They are now planning events for Easter and Christmas.
Apologies had been received from Brenda Turnbull so there was no presentation on the 21st Century Mablethorpe Project.
Apologies and reasons for absence were received from Cllrs Mrs I Daw (illness),
G Richards (illness) and C Tebbutt (work). The Clerk had received medical details for Cllr Richards, and it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to accept the apologies and reasons given from all three councillors.
Cllr P Prince declared a personal interest in Minute 80 as a member of the Boatshed Committee.
Cllr A Howard declared a personal interest in Minute 76 as a member of Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board; in Minutes 77 and 79 as a member of East Lindsey District Council; in Minute 78 as self proposal; and a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute 80 as Chairman of the Boatshed Committee.
Cllr Mrs C Lewis declared a personal interest in Minute 78 as a friend of Sand Racing Club members.
Cllr R B Shields, MBE declared a personal interest in Minute 76 as a member of Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board; in Minutes 77 and 79 as a member of East Lindsey District Council.
Cllr G Parkhurst declared a personal interest in Minute 80 as a member of the Community Hall Committee.
Cllr B Dobbs declared a personal interest in Minute 78 as a friend of Sand Racing Club members; and a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute 80 as Chairman of Meridale Hall.
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2010, having been previously circulated, be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
The Clerk briefly brought councillors up to date on the following:-
· CCTV – process of tendering for maintenance contract under way.
· St. Mary’s Park – letter in press regarding flooded paths, to which the Clerk had issued a response which was read out.
· Polytunnel – the contractor had agreed terms and was preparing to re-locate.
· Anglian Water – the Clerk and Mayor had toured the sewage works and seen the UV equipment as well as the final discharge. It was noted that the outfall as seen on TV was incorrect. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: to write to the press to clarify the situation.
· Grit Bins – The Clerk read out a clarification letter from Lincolnshire County Council which stated they would only site bins on vulnerable locations (steep hills, etc.) If the Council wished other sites, it would have to formally request and be responsible for spreading the grit. LALC to confirm legal liability for this.
As Brenda Turnbull had sent apologies, this item was not discussed.
Chris Manning from Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board outlined proposals relating to works on Acre Gap which would alleviate flood risk from surface water to nearby properties. He explained the proposal to create flood storage areas which would also be reed beds/habitat. The Acre Gap committee had worked with LMDB to reach this design, work for which should commence in the Spring.
The Clerk handed out a brief list of known events to date as discussed at the Events Partnership. It was noted that the Sainsburys Fun Run was the day after the Bikers Festival and it was agreed to approach ELDC to ensure the promenade would be cleaned between events and public toilets open for both days. The Clerk advised she would possibly be attending the Lincolnshire Show to be part of promoting Sea and Wolds with ELDC and Skegness Town Council.
The 2009 Bathing Beauties event was discussed; it was pointed out that funding was a concern in 2009 but that the 2010 event should be an improvement. The Clerk pointed out that the planned meeting with ELC officer had been cancelled and re-arranged for 23 February. There was concern amongst councillors that ELDC were offering to hand all the event over to the Town Council and nothing had been put in writing for the Council to discuss and agree.
Cllr Howard felt that the Town Council should mark the 40th Anniversary of the Sand Racing being in Mablethorpe with a presentation to the organisers by the Mayor at their annual dinner on 10 April. The Council appreciated the work put in by the organisers and the attraction the racing was for the town during winter months. The Tourism Forum were organising a presentation and it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: That the Clerk and the Mayor investigate an appropriate item showing the Mermaid and the Town Crest.
The installation of the two items was discussed and it was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: That the Service Level Agreement be signed subject to the following amendments/clarification:-
· Business Rates – It needs to be clarified from ELDC that no rates will be attached to the two items.
· Repairs and Maintenance – It needs to be clear that the Town Council responsibility is for the two items only and not for surrounding land and boundaries.
· Reinstatement – If the equipment is vandalised beyond repair and cannot be replaced under insurance, it be removed and not reinstated.
· Planning – That ELDC takes responsibility for planning issues.
(i) The Boatshed:
(Note: Cllr Howard left the room during discussions affecting the Boatshed)
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: That negotiations take place with the tenants to increase rent to £220.
(ii) Meridale Hall:
(Note: Cllr Dobbs left the room during discussions affecting Meridale Hall and Cllr Shields declared a personal interest as a member of Meridale)
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: That the rent not be increased this year.
(iii) Community Hall:
(Note: Cllr G Parkhurst declared a personal interest as a member of the Community Hall Committee)
The Clerk advised that the Town Council leased the building from ELDC and sub let it to the Community Hall Committee. ELDC charged the Town Council for rent, grounds & maintenance which were directly re-charged to the Committee. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: To look at what ELDC were charging for and to look to negotiating a formal lease between the Town Council and the Community Hall Committee.
It was also proposed, seconded and
Resolved: To look at the leases for the Boatshed and Meridale Hall.
(iv) Allotments – Trusthorpe:
The current rental situation was noted and the issue of flooding on some plots, which meant they could not be let, was also discussed. It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: That the rental structure remain and the Council look at the lease again to clarify whether waterlogged plots could be taken out of cultivation and what could be done to ease the situation.
(v) Allotments – Sutton on Sea:
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: That rents for the Sutton-on-Sea plots remain at £11 with the next review being in 2013.
(vi) Burial Fees:
It was proposed, seconded and
Resolved: That the fees for Trusthorpe Cemetery be increased by approximately 3%, rounded to the nearest 50p, and fees be charged for scattering of ashes and search of records.
The Chairman read out a letter of thanks from the Trusthorpe Project Management Group for the grant for the village sign.
The Chairman also read a questionnaire on Independent Living at Home, which was completed by a show of hands.
The meeting closed at 8.50 p.m.