DATE: 9/29/15 at 6:00pm

LOCATION: Virtua Center for Learning

PRESIDING: Lisa Cossaboon

RECORDING: Lisa Cossaboon

ATTENDANCE: Barnes, Cindi; Campana, Terry; Chamberlain, Barbara;Daugherty, Laurie; DiChiara, Cyndi; Delaney, Samantha; Durning, Kathy; Foran-Lee, Leslie; Foran, Cathy; Gibson, Janice; Haigh, Karen; Hoyer, Tania; Malloy, Dot; Murphy, Bernadette; Nichols, Patricia; Palatnik, Anne Marie; Paschal, Deb; Politsky, Sue; Pope, BarbaraReddy, Debbie; Rizzo, Cindy; Rodgers, Holly; Tack, Clare Marie

ON PHONE: Curry, Cherie;Marsh, Kelly; Rodgers, Holly;Shaffer, Rose;Strauss, Robin

Topic / Discussion / Action
1. Call to order / Meeting called to order by Lisa Cossaboon / September 8th Meeting minutes approved
3. Trends Planning Update
  1. Volunteer and Registration (Tania, Karen, Janice)
/ Total registrants to date; 450 total registered including mail-ins (goal is 500);total includes 22 volunteers and 22 speakers.
To date: $103,000 registration deposited
On-site registration will need the help; Credit cards only.
Cancellation/Refund; no concerns: forms created for both.
Volunteer Grid sent out and no issues at this point.
Daily Sign in sheet for daily volunteers will be in staff lounge / Meeting at Tania’sSaturday Oct 3rd @11am for badge printing and cross checking and to look at mailed in registrants, etc.
Tania’s address; 325 upper Holland Road, Richboro, PA 18954– Anyone who can help it would be appreciated; should only take a couple hours.
Lisa to create sign-in sheet(done)
  1. Speaker Committee
  2. (Sue & Rose)
/ One speaker cancelled (going to magnet conference) and 1 request to change – some areas are limited to certain amount of users - Speaker person and librarian.
Last minute speaker requested Room set up and that was completed.
Speaker paperwork: everything has been received with exception of a few Bios;
Few sponsors and exhibitors needing to provide paperwork.
Folders with session number #s with intro’s and moderators for are complete. 1/5/10 min signs printed; -inserted into folders at the meeting
Survey & Evaluation is done; tested & approved and is set up as chapters for CNE’s.
Tracking sheet is created for separating for category for type of CNE’s / Sue / Leslie have notified those people for the outstanding paperwork.
Attendees will have to have the written one and the printed one to show which category.
  1. Sponsorship and Exhibits
  2. (Leslie & Donna)
/ 29Exhibitors to date; St. Luke’s isdoing the bags and the order is complete. Several sponsors: Abington and Jefferson; Geissinger paid $2000 dollars for back cover; Ann Marie stated that she doesn’tsee a back or inside cover
7 total Posters accepted for presentation; Poster sessions begin Thursday @0915 in exhibit hall and closes at 1pm.(Exhibit hall closes at this time also)
SePA is supporting the ice cream social unless a sponsor volunteers
Still need some ads put into program book
Bag sponsor update
Exhibit hall setup- no concerns / Leslie will look into this and discuss with Laurie for the program book printing.
  1. Program (April & Laurie)
/ Program book – website proof is avail. and Laurie will send out.
Laurie can get it up tomorrow once approval; It was noted that we need sponsor info for the books.
Committee agreed to order 600 books (once approved). Laurie to look at the website tonight to check proof; will send to Lisa, Tricia and Kelly to look at for approval. be sent to Mary Kate for room change of the certification luncheon; Presidents Town Meeting is in Parkview.
Program Book arrival date; Monday is arrival time if we approve by tomorrow (9/30) –
Sue to send to Laurie the information regarding editing the verbiage for APN and CEU’s in the book since they have to have specific # of contact hours.
  1. Venue Committee (Deneen & Kathy)
/ Tax exempt status form to be signed by Cindy B.
For the BEO totals – re: staff luncheon, staff, speakers and AV people can be counted so that we can adjust the # for the staff lounge;
Still time for attendees to register for dinner lecture and certification luncheon. To date: 53 sold for the luncheon and 60 sold for the dinner lecture.
Need 50% deposit for the AV sound; Original company went out of business and the new business is working with us. Re: 4 days charging for only 3; subtotal is $27,610.50 (need 50% deposit);
complimentary Wi-Fi in Radisson; - rate includes 20 free users (with code) throughout the venue
Whiteboards and radio; Need 1 in staff lounge and 1 out by registration area; who will be point person for changes in the morning meetings?
1 Radio for Registration desk and 1 each Project. Managers? Could also and off radios prn.
Printing of the signs and the directional signs: VFCC will print 5; we have some; they will do 5 more free; GES did not do them in the past; they print on foam board; 28 20 x 30 foam signs with Velcro and smaller ones with TRENDS name and room name on them;
There are also boards that are thick foam arrows; VFCC will print comp drink tix; for the dinner Venue will provide two side by side bars with 2 bar tenders;
VFCC will print boxed lunch tix ($16.00); They will be sold by registration and count will need to be provided by 1030. Tix will be sold daily; (not a week at a time);
Need to print the options of the boxed lunches; decided to sell at SePA desk to attract them to the desk;
SePA notes and research info pages to be copied and put at the SePA desk;
Monitor slideshow done by Holly and Lisa; changes to session and color coded and each day’s slides and additions; one continuous run over the 4 days with the dates of specific lectures, with highlights of“did you know?” SePA information, ice cream social, exhibit hall, thank you to sponsors, audio CD purchase information, etc. Slideshow put on for the committee to view while tying up loose ends.
Staff lunches will have go-to containers for those needing to going moderate a lecture. The charges are per person with a 25 person minimum or there is an extra charge- should be able to cover this with speakers, AV personnel and Wayne F.
Expo ed. has 125 seats; should be sufficient
VFCC given the information re: changing the billing address to Virtual Center for Learning…
Monday October 5th @4pm. Staffpre-conference meeting inSouth Ballroom (off Radisson lobby) for last minute items and to meet VFCC staff/see faces for contact information; 10 vol. so far attending.
Room block # as of 9/22 was 301 room nights;as of 9/25 332; Kathy/Lisa reviewed length of stayregistrations and distance traveled and showed many attendees should be staying; cross-referencing with min. stay – WE should make the room block ~408;(needed at least 360 room nights to make the block)
Volunteer Buttons – 25 ordered and Kathy shared with the committee; need to turn in at the end of the day at the registration desk / Kathy to discuss with Cindi Barnes and obtain signatures.
Kathy will be contact person for changes for morning meetings
Kathy will notify the company of need for 2 whiteboards and check pricing on radios, etc.
Kathy to email Monika about who did signage, etc.
Rose to go to KinkosStaples to compare price; 50-80 copies; will get printed at best price and be reimbursed.
Misc. / Candy at desk; prize giveaways for plenary sessions and exhibit hall / Ann Marie will take care of this.
  1. October meeting - Canceled
/ No meeting for Education Committee or Board for October / **Meeting with the Radisson /Valley Forge on South Ballroom Monday October 5th @4pm for those members who can attend for last minute wrap up
8. Next meeting / November 10th, 2015
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa L. Cossaboon RN MSN CCRN