JHS Dance Department

Dance I-IV and Ensemble Syllabus

Welcome to the JHS Dance Department and the new school year. I hope that through being a part of the a Dance I-IV class or JHS Charisma Dance Ensemble and the Dance Ensemble Class, you will learn to appreciate the art of dance, explore dance as art and become acquainted with yourself as a dancer or find a deeper passion for the art of dance and find your voice as an dance artist. So now it’s time to DANCE ON!!

Instructor Information

Mrs. Christa Crawford

304-725-8491 Ext. 6017

Conference Period 1:05-1:50 Duty Period 1:55-2:45

About Mrs. Crawford: I am entering my 8th year of teaching dance at Jefferson High School. I have a BA in Elementary Education K-8th with an endorsement in Social Studies 5th-8th and I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Shepherd University. I started dancing in high school and took dance courses in college at WVU and Shepherd, as well as, performeding with the WVU Cultural Dance Ensemble. I have continued taking dance classes locally, at festivals and through dance education workshops at WVU and through the NDEO (National Dance Education Organization). I’m involved in dance on the state level as a founding board member, NDEO Liaison and Publicity Coordinator/Webmaster of the WVDEO and have served for the past four years on the WVDE Arts Alive Planning Team. I am currently doing research to find a Masters program in dance education, arts integration or dance therapy. I hope to start working on my Masters the summer of 2018. This summer I completed a class with a certificate with the DEL (Dance Education Laboratory) from NYC at WVU.

My favorite dance genre is modern and I love improvisation. However, I will try just about any style of dance or movement. I am married and have five sons ranging in age from eleven to twenty seven. On my down time, I like to read, journal, choreograph, listen to music, boat, jetski and bike. My favorite place on earth is the beach.

Philosophy: All students have the capability to dance and learn given an environment that is safe, creative, open and addresses the student as a unique and valuable individual.

Mission: The mission of the JHS Dance Department is to create an environment in which students can experience, create and perform dance as art. These experiences and processes will give them the tools to appreciate dance and become creative thinkers, problem solvers, innovators and responsible citizens in their classes and school which translates to students who can be successful outside the classroom wherever their future takes them.

Vision: It is my intention to build a quality dance program founded in the richness of the art of dance, creativity and the individuality of each student which will be the pride of Jefferson High School and the surrounding community.

Goals: JHS Dance classes will be a place where students who have no experience and background in dance can discover the richness of the art of dance and develop basic technical skills and those students who have a background in dance can be encouraged to go deeper into the art of dance, challenge their technical skills and develop choreography and composition competency. It is my hope that dance students will work to perfect skills and performance levels which may enable them to take what they learn into future endeavors (i.e., members of professional dance groups, scholarship recipients, instructors, coaches, and future dance educators etc.) . I hope to give each student an opportunity to discover multiple styles of dance, become familiar with famous choreographers, and discover themselves as a mover, dancer and artist.

Course Overview

Dance I class is an introduction to dance class which explores dance forms, dance genres, dance history, basic technique in many genres such as ballet, modern, jazz, tap, hip hop and cultural dance, elements of dance, choreographic principles/structures and the creative process in dance. Students are expected to participate in daily movement in class, as well as, performances. Students who take and complete this course may with permission of instructor continue on to Dance II.

Dance II class is a dance class which explores dance forms, dance genres, dance history, basic/intermediate technique in many genres such as ballet, modern, jazz, tap, hip hop and cultural dance. Students will use the elements of dance, choreographic principles/structures, inspiration and the creative process in dance to create group dance works. Students are expected to participate in daily movement in class, as well as, performances. Prerequisite: Dance I and permission of instructor or permission of instructor/class audition. Students who take and complete this course may with permission of instructor continue on to Dance III.

Dance III class is an upper level dance class which explores dance forms, dance genres, dance history, basic/intermediate technique in many genres such as ballet, modern, jazz, tap, hip hop and cultural dance. Students will use the elements of dance, choreographic principles/structures, inspiration and the creative process in dance to create group and small group and duet dance works. Students are expected to participate in daily movement in class, as well as, performances. Prerequisite: Dance I, II and permission of instructor or permission of instructor/class audition. Students who take and complete this course may with permission of instructor to continue on to Dance IV.

Dance IV class is an upper level dance class which explores dance forms, dance genres, dance history, intermediate technique in many genres such as ballet, modern, jazz, tap, hip hop and cultural dance. Students will use the elements of dance, choreographic principles/structures, inspiration and the creative process in dance to create solo/duet or small group dance works. Students are expected to participate in daily movement in class, as well as, performances. Prerequisite: Dance I, II, III and permission of instructor or permission of instructor/class audition.

Dance Ensemble class is an upper level dance class of auditioned technically trained and naturally skilled dancers that create and perform for school, community, regional and state events. In the Dance Ensemble class, students will explore a wide range of dance forms, dance genres, practice and refine intermediate and advanced technical skills in many genres such as ballet, modern, jazz, tap, hip hop and cultural dance, as well as, use the elements of dance, choreographic principles/structures, inspiration and the creative process in dance to complete dances which are performed for an outside audience. Students are expected to dress and participate in daily movement in class, as well as, performances. The JHS Charisma Dance Ensemble is co-curricular which means it is a class with grades, as well as, extracurricular . All performances and events are a grade. Prerequisite: JHS Charisma Dance Ensemble Audition Selection

A large part of your success in dance class will depend on your ability to work in groups, complete tasks, and put forth effort to learn.

Course Objectives

1.  To learn self discipline, self confidence, and dedication through dance using the body as an expressive instrument.

2.  To explore different dance genres and techniques through various exercises in movement.

3.  To develop knowledge of factors that influence dance, including history, culture and media.

4.  To develop a dance vocabulary, various choreographic skills, and a kinesthetic awareness.

5.  To respond to essential questions in dance using critical thinking skills

6.  To solve dance study and real world problems creatively and innovatively

7.  To collaborate, compromise and come to a consensus with others in a group setting

WV Content Standard Objectives

1.  Students will use dance as a way to create and communicate meaning.

2.  Students will develop and practice movement elements in performing dance.

3.  Students will relate dance to physical health.

4.  Students will examine and demonstrate dance from various cultures and historical periods

5.  Students will employ critical and creative thinking skills in dance

6.  Students will understand and apply choreographic principles, processes and structures.

Class Guidelines

All students will:

Be RESPECTFUL…Of Authority…Of Others…Of Property…Of Yourself

Be RESPONSIBLE…With Assignments…With Tasks…With Attitude

Be HONEST…About Themselves…To Others


Together with the students, we will discuss and create specific guidelines during the first week of class. We will also follow all school and county established rules, regulations and policies.

JHS Dance Department Discipline Plan

When a student fails to follow class rules, guidelines or policies the following discipline plan will be used:

1st offense Warning-Teacher will give the student a verbal warning discretely in class or speak to the student one on one during or after class. (Documented on individual student’s class discipline information card or attendance roster)

2nd offense Conference with Student/Re-teaching- Teacher will meet after class or during Cougar Hour Intervention with the student to discuss the issue, reasons for the issue and possible solutions to correct issue. Teacher may use this time to reteach. (Documented on individual student’s class discipline information card or attendance roster

3rd offense Parent Contact-Teacher will contact parent or guardian via a telephone call, written note, Livegrades communication, e-mail or combination of these. (Documented on individual student class discipline information card or attendance roster)

4th offense Referral to Administration/Guidance-Teacher may submit a referral to the administration if no change is made in the issue being addressed. (Documented on individual student class discipline information card or attendance roster)

Severe Interruption Immediate removal from class/referral to administration

JHS Dance Department Incentive Plan

·  Recognition from Teacher

·  Goals and Rewards such as Zumba Days, So You Think You Can Dance Days and Line Dance Days and Pick a Genre Day

·  Individual or Class Lunch with Crawf

·  Permission to bring a snack to class (Student will eat at a high top table in the hallway with permission.)

·  Students will brainstorm other incentives/rewards for individual classes at the beginning of the year.

JHS Dance Grading Policy and Procedures

Class Grade Categories

20 Points Per Day Daily Grade- Daily Dress, Participation and Completion of Warm Up, Class Activities and In Class Assignments

10-100 Points Per Assignment Written Assignments/Projects (Online Submission-Points Dependent on Length of Written Assignment or Project)

10 Points Per Assignment Homework (Online Submission-Homework Is Rarely Assigned in Dance Classes)

50-100 Points Per Test/Performance Tests (Written and Performance Based), Online Portfolio and Performances

There will be one cumulative assessment (Semester Exam) valued at 1/7 of the semester average. This cumulative assessment will be administered during or near the end of the semester and will include performance/participation in the Fall Showcase and Spring Dance Concert.

Grades will be updated weekly and can be viewed through the Livegrades.

Daily Grade (20 Points Per Day)

Students will receive 20 points per day. Students receive 10 points per day for dressing for class and 10 points per day for full participation in daily warm up, in-class activities and in-class assignments. Students must dress because of safety and movement issues with inappropriate clothing.

Daily Dress Points

Each person starts out with 10 Daily Dress Points per day.

Points can be deducted for the following reasons:

Did not dress at all. Did not change any item of clothing. -10

Did not change pants -5

Did not change shirt -4

Did not change into plain black pants -3

Did not change into plain black shirt -3

Did not wear JHS Dance Department shirt -2

Did not bring or wear appropriate shoes to class or appropriate shoe or style of shoe/plain black socks in class -2

Did not remove oversized jewelry -2

If a student does not dress for dance class, the student will not receive any dress points for that day and parents will be contacted after this occurs five times per nine weeks then guidance and administration will become involved and the student may not be given permission of instructor to sign up for future dance classes.

Daily Participation Points

Each person starts out with 10 Daily Participation Points per day.

Non-participation in class is NEVER an option (Exception: Students will not be allowed to participate in clothing that is not appropriate due to modesty and will lose dress and participation points for the day.)

Engaging in these actions detracts from full participation and will be reflected in your grade.

Points can be deducted for the following reasons:

Not fully participating in warm up

Not fully participating in class activity or completing in class assignment

Distracting classmates by talking

Disrupting instruction

Not listening to directions

Taking too long for transitions

Points for each instance or those not covered above will be up to teacher’s discretion per infraction.

If a student does not participate in class, the student will not receive any participation points for that day and parents will be contacted after this occurs five times per nine weeks then guidance and administration will become involved and the student may not be given permission of instructor to sign up for future dance classes.

Written Assignments and Projects Grade (10-100 Points Per Assignment:

Students may have written assignments such as journals and critique essays, as well as, projects. These assignments are to be submitted online and due on the specified due dates. They will not be accepted after that time without a deduction in grade, 10% off for each day late. Any work more than 5 school days late will not be accepted and be given a “0”.

Homework Grade (10 Points Per Assignment):

Students may have occasional homework or the continuation of work from class. However, homework assignments in a dance class are rare. Homework may include short written work, response to a discussion thread, small projects and any small assignments which will be submitted online.

Tests, Online Portfolio and Performances (50-100 Points Per Test/Performance):

Students may be given written tests, as well as, performance skills test. Students may be keeping a portfolio of all work online. This portfolio will demonstrate the progress students have made throughout this class and will be kept online for those students continuing in dance classes each year to document progress throughout the four years. Students will also be required to perform in class for classmates, as well as, for the public for JHS Dance Department events such as the Fall Showcase and the Spring Dance Concert. The JHS Charisma Dance Ensemble will also perform for many school, community, regional and state events which are all graded for participation and sometimes a connected skills test. Any missed performance or event requires a Performance/Rehearsal Absence Request Form or School Event Absence Request Form (for absences due to other JHS school activity) turned in two weeks prior to absence approved by director and a 5-paragraph essay written assignment from a dance writing prompt to make up for the grade for the missed performance.