JULY 27, 2011



Chairman Harry Williams called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm.

Roll call was taken and members in attendance were: Andrea Dalessio, Ward Donigian, Peggy Hansen, Allison Jackson, Rich Maneri and Harry Williams.

The flag salute was followed by the Sunshine Law announcement. On a motion by Andrea Dalessio, seconded by Peggy Hansen, the meeting minutes of May 25, 2011 were approved. All in favor, motion carried.

Old Business

Paddle Day: Everything went well. There was a good turnout, but not too crowded. Many asked for more than 1 paddle day next year. We would like to have 2 paddle days with 2 rain dates. Rich will check with Ramsey Outdoor, but they have stated that it is a lot of work for them to staff and supply the event.

Senior Picnic: Great job and everything went especially smooth this year. Next year we should consider having 2 rows coming up for food so the lines will go quicker. Also we should have more tents and tables. We should purchase less hotdogs, but more beans and tomatoes. Set-up next year can start at 10:00.

Movie Night: Due to rain, the new Movie Night will be on Wednesday, August 10 at 8:30. Joanne will re-advertise in the newspapers, cable tv, email blast and FaceBook.

Soccer: Everything is running well. Nic is planning a soccer dinner at the MB & G. Joanne will prepare the purchase order.

Softball: Is running well. Andy is planning a softball dinner at the Mason Jar on August 11. Joanne will prepare the purchase order.

Beautification Report: Harry and Andrea spoke with the Beautification Committee and volunteered our services. They checked out CSP with Lisa DiGiulio and John Spiech, and spoke with Dawn and Ed Sinclair. We will need to make a plan of what can be done. We will meet with a landscaper to see what improvements can be done and kept up easily. Then we will meet with the Girl Scouts and volunteers that will help with the work. This is in addition to the DPW’s upkeep of the park.

Olympic Day: We could not hold the event due to low turnout. Only 18 kids signed up. Maybe we can think of another event, perhaps a parent/child event.

New Business

Basketball/Volleyball: Harry will write up the ads and Joanne will advertise.

Mahwah Day: Ward and Rich will be parade coordinators. Dawn will need to know who is available to help out and what times. We will discuss at next month’s meeting.

On a motion by Rich Maneri, seconded by Peggy Hansen, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at 7:30 pm.