5 / Location: / Offley Place, Kings Walden Road, Offley, Hitchin, SG5 3DS
Applicant: / Offley Place Ltd
Proposal: / Internal and external alterations to facilitate conversion and extension of stable building and attached cottage to provide 4 function rooms and 30 bedroom suites with ancillary service facilities
Ref.No: / 10/01508/ 1LB
Officer: / John Chapman
Date of expiry of statutory period : 30 August 2010
Reason for Delay (if applicable)
Reason for Referral to Committee (if applicable)
Concurrent listed building application subject of previous report.1.0 Relevant History
1.1 / Listed building consent granted in 2005 for internal and external alterations to facilitate conversion and extension of stable building and attached cottage to provide 4 function rooms and 30 bedroom suites with ancillary service facilities.2.0 Policies
2.1 / Government Policy AdvicePPS 5 - Planning for the Historic Environment.
3.0 Representations
3.1 / Offley Parish Council - no comments received.4.0 Planning Considerations
4.1 Site & Surroundings / Offley Place consists of a group of listed buildings which are situated on the north western side of Kings Walden Road, the buildings being set in expansive grounds which extend to a total of approximately 14 hectares in area.
The main building which is set back over 100m from Kings Walden Road is three storey in height. To the north west of the main building are single storey buildings and car parking areas, which form a courtyard area at the vehicular entrance to the car park. To the rear of these buildings the site has a parkland appearance, although a wooden building extends development beyond the main building and the stable/cottage building. To the north west of the stable/cottage building is a car park for approximately 75 vehicles with a further 35 spaces being located to the front of the main building and close to the vehicular entrance to the car park.
4.2 Proposal
4.2.1 / This application is the concurrent listed building application seeking consent for internal and external alterations to facilitate the conversion and extension of the stable building and attached cottage, as described in more detail in paragraph 4.2.1 of the previous report.4.3 Key Issues / The key issue to the determination of this application is whether the change in Government policy relating to Listed Buildings since the last consent was granted for this development in 2005 (previously set out in PPG 15 and subsequently amended by PPS 5), provides any reason for reaching a different decision to that previously made, given that this application is identical to that which was granted consent at that time.
In this respect consultation with the Principal Conservation Officer have led her to conclude that the changes made to Government Policy, by the introduction and advice set out in PPS 5, do not provide any reason to object to the proposed development in listed building terms. On this basis I consider that listed building consent should be granted to this application.
4.4 Conclusion
4.4.1 / The proposed development and works would not harm the character or appearance of the listed building and therefore consent should be granted.5.0 Legal Implications
5.1 / In making decisions on applications submitted under the Town and Country Planning legislation, the Council is required to have regard to the provisions of the development plan and to any other material considerations. The decision must be in accordance with the plan unless the material considerations indicate otherwise. Where the decision is to refuse or restrictive conditions are attached, the applicant has a right of appeal against the decision.6.0 Recommendation
6.1 That Listed Building Consent be GRANTED:
1. / The work to which this consent relates shall be begun by not later than the expiration of the period of 3 years from the date of this notice.Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
. / Reason for Decision
The development and works, hereby granted consent, would respect the character and appearance of the listed building and as such, complies with the provisions of Section 16 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and Government policy advice set out in PPS5: Planning for the Historic Environment.