The most comprehensive reference manuals and learning guides on all topographical, therapeutic phenomena regarding Reflexology, Acupressure, & Acupuncture.
Jade Therapy [JT] has been widely used in Europe, North and South America, the Caribbean and Korea since the 1980's. Originating by the work of Dr. Charles, it has been highly effective in treating a variety of health conditions, especially that of chronic pain. JT now encompasses a system of medical massage and electrotherapy. Initially, Jade Therapy involved electronically assisted massage over meridian tracts, muscle tracts from origin to insertion (tendino-muscular meridians), acupuncture points, scars and myofascial tissues to relieve pain in the body, improve skin tone, eliminate wrinkles in the face and neck, reduce swelling and edema, etc. Special techniques of JT includes electrical microcurrent, high frequency therapy, infrared (thermotherapy), electrophoresis of therapeutic balms, creams and essential oils. Jade Therapy as a comprehensive healing system is still virtually unknown to most practitioners like chiropractors, physical therapists, etc. but has developed a following of spiritually orientated therapists. Six theories are used to explain the dramatic effects Jade therapy’s electronically assisted massage can have on illness or pain.The study of reflexes is an important part of clinical medicine. Here is the physiologic definition of a reflex: An involuntary reaction in response to a stimulus applied to the periphery and transmitted to the nervous centers in the brain or spinal cord. Most of the deep reflex's used in the neurological exam are stretch or myotatic reflex's, elicited by striking a tendon or bone, caused by stretching, even slight, of the muscle which then contracts as a result of the stimulus applied to its proprioceptors in muscles, tendons, and joint capsules. However, a symptom as an occurrence of any sort, whether ordinary or extraordinary, in relation to a disease is also a reflex. Many reflexes are pathognomonic signs of disease and disorders. Abnormal reflexes are very valuable sign of disease. The trigger point is a specific point or area where, if stimulated by touch, pain, or pressure, a painful response will be induced. Counter-irritation is the principle basis of most all touch therapies but most importantly acupuncture, acupressure and reflexology. How nicely do these ideas fit and thus amplify our means of producing modification of acute or chronic processes, promote relief and hasten cure. This Volume provides a most worthwhile study of what we do!
The pelvis is the foundation of the structural core of posture. When centered, it creates a base for the spine and transfers weight from the body to the legs. The feet receive weight evenly, only when the pelvic girdle is in gravitational relationship. If the pelvis is balanced, the psoas muscle if free to move as a muscular pendulum through the abdominal core. Correct posture involves the positioning of the joints to provide minimum stress on the joints of the body. Conversely, faulty posture increases stress on the joints. This increased stress can be compensated for by strong muscles, but if they are weak or the joints lack mobility or are too mobile joint wear and modification can occur. As well, damage and changes to the surrounding tissues can occur. Servicing the body can be done best with the help of an assessment of posture, muscle lengths and movement patterns. Patients should be given a prescription of exercises that address shortened, lengthened, overused or underused muscles. There are many more specific clinical problems that will be addressed with suggestions for treatment in this Manual. For now, consider some muscles that likely need to be stretched by exercise and massage; or strengthened by therapeutic exercise in general.
Pressure Point Healing™ is a palpation assessment method of finding cutaneous painful points as representative areas of internal organ disturbance. When an internal organ is in a state of irritation or inflammation, certain cutaneous points of the vital nerve centers become correspondingly painful to palpation. These contact and release centers, and the acupuncture points themselves, represent areas of tissue congestion with lesser electrical resistance (or greater conductance) in relation to surrounding skin tissue.
In Pressure Point Healing you palpate a series of points and determine the amount of pain which equates to the amount of dysfunction and toxicity present in the patron. By applying therapeutic pressure as a compelling force, you begin to nullify the body’s inimical and toxic neurocircuits. Thus, this form of healing uses irritation itself therapeutically.
By and large, most patrons visit the body therapist for the treatment of aches and pains. But as a measure more important, we offer a way to foster rejuvenation by direct detoxification to remove facial wrinkles, sagging jowls, swollen girths, water logged tissues, and toxic deposition of fatty materials in unwanted and inimical spaces. This method of direct detoxification can be a painful experience but brings salvation and faster clinical results. If you are finding nutritional supplements and herbal capsules being relatively slow measures for therapeutics, Pressure Point Healing will rapidly bring you clinical rewards.
Volume IV: Part 2. Dr. Weihe, had, by a systematically meticulous examination of its patients, found a constant correlation between certain symptoms, of which evoked a remedy homoeopathic, and the appearance of a spontaneous painful points, in certain very precise points of the skin. By extensive, those palpation points relate to food allergies, toxic metals (heavy metal poisoning), and vitamin/mineral (cell salts) deficiencies. The topographical painful points are thus expressions of specific toxicities and well as the body crying for nutrients to survive. The author has performed an exhaustive study of the Materia Medicas (beyond Weihe) to convey these important aspects to the body therapy and homeopathic community. You need not spend hundreds of dollars on allergy and hair analysis tests as the knowledge is already before us. Pain does have its own language, we need but only learn to listen.
The body is run by electrical signals sent from and to the brain and spinal cord via the nervous system, which is a wiring system. All organs and tissues are ultimately controlled by the brain and nervous system. The controlling function of the brain is directed by the software information implanted since the moment of conception. The brain directs hormonal secretions through neuropeptides and innervation. All of the hundreds of muscles are also controlled by and connected to the nervous system. We can use this fact to use the body itself to test for a wide variety of concerns, including the various body systems and the body's reaction to foods and substances in the environment.
Muscle testing is the most direct, fastest, least expensive, noninvasive and no side-effects method to quickly and accurately determine what is causing certain problems in the energy system. If something interferes with the transmission of these electrical impulses, disease (lack of ease of energy flow) eventually occurs. It is like a dimmer switch on a light fixture. If the electricity is lessened, the bulb becomes dimmer or completely dark. Likewise, if the electric signals running your body that travel from brain to body part or muscle are interfered with, either mechanically by misaligned vertebrae or tight muscles; or chemically by foods, toxins or other substances, your organ function can be adversely affected, and your muscles will weaken! We can use this physiological fact to directly test the body’s electrical system.
The skin is one of the largest organs of the body and can easily be looked upon as a BIOLOGICAL SCREEN. The epidermis of ectodermal origin represents a screen at a level where enviromental stimuli are received and transmitted by somatic nervous pathways of the cerebral cortex. The dermis represents a screen at which there are areas of autonomic concentration having spatial projection with internal organs. Kellner of France found quantative differences of the richness of nerve endings at the site of acuquncture points: at these acupuncture sites the skin surface innervated by a receptor is 2.8 sq. mm. as compared to 12.8 sq. mm. of neutral areas. Taking these findings into account, the acupuncture points may be considered as the projection upon the dermis of certain autonomic structures a few millimeters in depth.
The points of Weihe are the skin painful points related to the symptomatology homéopathic and their diagnostic or therapeutic usages.
This document, POINTS 2009, is the most complete desktop reference in the world available on known acupuncture points both Oriental and Occidental. It includes the traditional 365 points of the principal meridians, hundreds of strange, new and ‘curious’ points, many ‘secret points,’ many surgical anesthesia (pain control) points, as well as newly discovered palpation points to date. Also included are Chapman’s neurolymphatic reflex points, the author’s Pressure Point Healers, First Aid points, and scores of tips, curios, and golden nuggets, on the vast wealth of knowledge of topographic points both Oriental and Occidental. The last Chapter hosts therapeutic combinations uniquely. This pdf document serves as a voluminous reference for any disorder when using Adobe’s rapid search function. ~ 900 pages.
FOR MORE DETAILS: http://privyinfo.org/reformation.html
No one can halt the inevitable aging process that affects us all. But now we can reduce and improve the visible signs of aging, such as lines and wrinkles or unflattering folds and creases, using the latest techniques and technology. In this book, the original researcher for the now famous Jade Facial, presents his case studies and methods developed over twenty years.
Removing facial lines and wrinkles is not just a beauty method. It relates to the emotional health of the individual. The scientific viewpoint of beauty deals with facial symmetry. If we are wishing to return symmetry and beauty to the face, then it is necessary to seek out methods to assist in whole brain integration. When both sides of the brain are working at harmonious levels, the person is generally more successful, happy, healthier, and optimistic. People who pray, meditate, or who are quite content with their lives have both halves of their brains working in harmony. They have brain synchronization. This is one of the chief aims of Jade Therapy, making the person “whole” again.
Popular medicine, that focused on chemistry and drugs, has long ignored the properties of electricity as a healing agent. Doctors as students, are routinely poorly trained in physics and thus have little perspective of the dynamic vital aspect of life called electricity.
In view of all this it seems itself a curious fact that there has never been any systematic gathering of all the facets of medical electricity, both ancient and modern, which is why this book was written. It would have been most natural that numerous encyclopedias should spring into existence in response to such a persistently dominant interest. This volume appears to be the first thorough attempt to classify and epitomize the literature of this subject. It has been my purpose to briefly summarize and to arrange in order the records of the most curious and typical forms of medical electricity that are found in medical literature of all ages.
Electrotherapy has a well established role in the management of a wide range of musculoskeletal, neurological, digestive, glandular, and even psychological problems. Used in conjunction with other therapeutic interventions, it can make a positive contribution to patient care. The means by which a range of different energy forms (electrical, magnetic, thermal) can influence the physiological state of the target tissue is well documented.This forgotten therapy is making a return.
10 hours total
After 15 years of Jade Therapies at the Nevis Clinic, the professor releases the results of his new findings, and the benefits of jade therapies over and above massage and acupuncture practices.
These video classes will serve as a guide for use of the voluminous Manuals as part of this package.
Jade Adv part 01. The Neurology of Acupuncture, principles of the nerves as hardwiring.