Dane M. Farnworth
6150 Fossil Drive
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918
(719) 264 – 6702
EDUCATION:University of St. Augustine. Master of Physical Therapy. 1998. GPA 3.54
United States Military Academy. B.S. General Engineering Curriculum. 1991. GPA 3.03
University of Nevada at Reno. 1986 – 1987. GPA 3.73.
FEB 00 –Clinical Director, PT Works Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic
PresentResponsible for the day to day operations of an outpatient clinic that includes another physical therapist, 2 physical therapist assistants and a massage therapist. Also perform duties as a physical therapist.
OCT 98 -Licensed Physical Therapist
FEB 00 Responsible for evaluating patients, implementing treatment programs, documenting progress and billing for services. Patient load consists of orthopedic and neurological patients.
Military Work Experience
SEP 95Training and Operations Officer
SEP 96Responsible for coordinating the use of training areas on Fort Carson for 67 reserve units totaling over 10,000 soldiers. Project officer for over $735,000 worth of improvements at Fort Carson.
- Developed and implemented a new tracking and budgeting system that was projected to save at least $250,000 during the next fiscal year.
- Served in a position authorized for a Major and managed over $1 million in training funds.
JUN 95Commander
SEP 95Command and control of a Mechanized Infantry Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company. Responsible for the training, welfare, discipline and morale of 339 soldiers. Responsible for the maintenance and combat readiness of over $60 million of equipment to include 72 wheeled and tracked vehicles.
- Completed over $60 million worth of property transactions
- Ensured that all soldiers were up to standard in soldier skills, weapons qualification and physical training before they were transferred to gaining units during the Battalion’s inactivation process.
MAY 94Company Executive Officer
MAY 95Managed and serviced the long range planning , training preparation and execution, supply functions logistical support and combat readiness of 339 soldiers.
- Helped save the Battalion $500,000 in repair parts expenditures
- Supervised a maintenance program that maintained 72 wheeled and 32 tracked vehicles above a 90% operational readiness rate.
- Maintained a 100% pass rate for inspections of commodity areas under my supervision.
- Deployed 186 soldiers for Operational Sea Signal in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and two movements to Pinon Canyon training area.
JUL 92Platoon Leader
May 94Supervised 34 soldiers and the long range planning, training preparation and execution , moral , welfare,
individual career development and the overall performance of the platoon.
- Devised a training program that resulted in training National Guard mortar platoons to a trained status in 17 of 18 required tasks.
- Revised and updated all of the platoon SOP’s resulting in winning the Brigade Mortar Exercise.
- Superior rating and second highest tactical score in the Battalion at platoon gunnery qualification.